(Closed) Kitchenaid Mixer Giveaway

in Giveaways

Raspberry Ice Kitchenaid Mixer

We look for any excuse to celebrate. Little things, big things – we treat them all the same. Usually with a margarita. Or a bottle of port. Last night, we celebrated some fun blogging milestones by finishing some new distressed wood props… and a bottle of our ’07 port 🙂 Tonight, we celebrate with the prettiest mixer that I’ll never own.

The color is beautiful. And the glass bowl wouldn’t last 30 seconds in our house. I’d like to be able to blame the kiddo but let’s be honest here, I’d drop it. And then I’d probably cry. And then I’d get really, really angry. At Kitchenaid. Because they made a glass bowl. But that’s enough of that…

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post and tell us: What are you most looking forward to now that the weather is warm?

The fine print:
– One comment per person.
– (Optional) You can earn two extra entries by:

    – Leaving an additional comment saying that you’ve liked us on Facebook
    – Leaving an additional comment saying that you’ve followed us on Twitter

– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm (Texas time!) on Friday the 13th (dun dun dun).
– Winner will be selected by one of those cold, soulless, unfeeling random number generator thingies and announced back here on Sunday.
– If hot pink isn’t your thing, a mixer of equal value may be chosen.
– Due to freight limitations, prize can only be shipped within North America.

Good luck!

Comments on this entry are closed.

  • Ashley

    I’m looking forward to my wedding! After a VERY long engagement, we are finally getting married in July! 🙂

  • Ashley

    I have liked you on Facebook too.

  • jill

    Gorgeous machine

  • Lauren S

    I am looking forward to going to my cottage and relaxing by the lake

  • FeeDee Langrehr

    Now that the weather is warmer I’m looking forward to more cookouts with our awesome neighbors!

  • Lauren S

    I like you on facebook!

  • jill

    I LIKE you on facebook

  • FeeDee Langrehr

    I have liked you on Facebook for a long time also!

  • Samantha Fennig

    I’ve wanted a kitchaid mixer for OH SO very very long! Make my baking dreams come true! I DID like you on Facebook and thats how I found out about your BRILLIANT giveaway! You are oh so awesome….

  • Denise Hines

    I am looking forward to more outside cooking with my kids and friends. We love to have people over and just having a great time together.

  • Denise Hines

    I have been following you on twitter for a while…. Love it!!!

  • Sarah

    What an awesome mixer! I’m looking forward to baking some yummy bread this summer. And lots of beach time!!

  • Danielle

    I am most looking forward to not looking so pale…

  • I’m looking forward to summer festivals, family barbeques, and trips to the beach!

  • Erika S.

    I am looking forward to just being outside and soaking up the sunshine!

  • I look forward to all the citrus! Making key lime pie, orange scones, the possibilities are ENDLESS~

  • Sarah

    I liked you on Facebook too! thanks for the chance to win….

  • Denise Hines

    I have liked you on facebook for about a month or so now and read your blog daily and have made several of your items!!

  • And I like you on Facebook.

  • Ronda

    I am looking forward to planting flowers, planting the garden, and camping!

  • Oh Wow! I am deeply in love with that hot pink mixer! With warm weather coming, I’m looking forward to lots of hiking and summer tomatoes.

  • Jen

    I’m looking forward to relaxing in the sun and driving around with my windows wide open!

  • Tessa

    Looking forward to spending long days with my kids and cookouts with family and friends.

  • Katie

    I would love to win one of these, I love cooking and baking for my boys and this would make it sooooo much faster, more time then I could spend with the family 🙂

  • Kelly B.

    I can’t wait to go to the beach!!! We live only 20 min from Lake Michigan and cruise over in our convertible often…I can’t wait!

  • Ronda

    I have liked you on facebook!

  • Danielle

    I liked you on facebook!

  • Jen

    I’ve also liked you on Facebook. 🙂

  • I’m looking forward to getting outside and playing with my daughter! Trips to the zoo, to the park, sprinkler fun 🙂

  • I liked you on facebook, too!

    Ps. I’m so jealous of your garden!!!

  • Kim

    Spending more time outdoors with my daughter.

  • Lindsey Alford

    I am looking forward to my marine husband to come home from Afghanistan! My daughter and I have missed him so much!! Come on August!!!

  • I’m looking forward to eating outside on our patio.

  • I’ve liked you on Facebook.

  • I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and friends… oh and BAKING. And swapping recipes long distance with my fine fellow foodie Danielle in TX.

  • Now that the weather is warmer, I am looking forward to grilling and eating outside in our gazebo!

  • I’m following you on Twitter!

  • I’m following you on Facebook.

  • Katie

    Like on Facebook

  • Molly

    I’m looking forward to dog walks, tomato pie, and more summer recipes to drool over!

  • Thanks for your wonderful website, I have really enjoyed exploring through. Can’t wait to see the rest…..Thanks Again! Bob (BTW, I “liked” you on FB as well!)

  • I “like” you on Facebook!

  • Kim

    Liked on FB

  • I’m looking forward to wearing flip flops and my new shorts! I can’t believe there is actually a hot pink kitchen aid mixer…I am beyond happy right now, I am in heaven!

  • I follow you on Twitter!

  • Right now I’m looking forward to late May early June and hoping that it brings with it a lower Mississippi river so we don’t flood!

  • Schib02

    I can’t WAIT for corn on the cob with some herbed butter!!!!

  • Schib02

    I have “liked” you on FB for a while

  • You guys are LIKED on my Facebook!

  • Schib02

    AND I follow you on Twitter. LOVE your blog.

  • Following you on Twitter!

  • OMG I love the hot pink! I am most looking forward to grilling out. Man I miss grilled food…

  • I like you on FB

  • And of course I’m following you on Twitter.

  • Now that the weather is warmer, I’m looking forward to yummy summer recipes filled with fresh produce. YUM.

  • Sheila Denise

    I’m soooooo looking forward to al fresco dining.

  • I like you on Facebook!

  • Staci

    I’m looking forward to spending more time outside with my puppy. I can’t wait to take him swimming!

  • I follow you on Twitter! (@thenerdswife)

  • Jodie

    I’m looking forward to outdoor concerts and running along the lake!

  • Sheila Denise

    I’m a Facebook fan!

  • charlotte lunsford

    I am looking forward to citrus.

  • charlotte lunsford

    I have liked you on FB

  • FeeDee Langrehr

    And I follow you on twitter!

  • I “liked” you on FB as well!


    Now that the weather is warm, I am looking forward to… well, being outdoors, BBQing and making homemade ice cream! Yes, it is the best cookies and cream ice cream I’ve ever had!

  • Heather Way

    I am looking forward to making my first wedding cake this July! Also hitting the pool and beach every chance we get, the kids are already going crazy wanting the pool to open 🙂 Awesome giveaway!

  • I already “Like” you on FB and follow you on Twitter. Why wouldn’t I; this blog is AWESOME!

  • I am following you on Twitter!

  • ana

    now that the weather is getting warmer I am looking forward to baking with my garden fresh goodies and sharing with those less fortunate.

  • Shelly

    I have waited impatiently all winter for the days to get warmer so we can build our new outdoor cooking and dining area. And I can’t wait to plant the garden where I will get my fresh veggies and herbs and have a lovely place to enjoy our meals outside with lots of family and friends.

  • Heather Way

    I “like” you on FB 🙂

  • Cat walks!

    I live in the parries of Canada and I just look forward to the winter being over! We have had so much snow this winter I thought I wouldn’t make it. As a student with little cash flow it is nearly impossible to leave the house in the winter but now that it is nice out I can just walk and walk and walk. This year I discovered a little something I refer to as cat walks.

    8 months of the year, Canadian cats are indoor cats so they are very excited to get out as soon as the weather is nice. I like to take a little jar of cat treats and shake them as I walk around the residencial neighbourhoods treating any little friends that come out to say hello!

    To make things slightly crazier I also keep track with my iPhone of which areas are “cat hot spots” or post to facebook when I find a particularly interesting kitteh!

    I’ve got a boyfriend, I swear! These winter’s just make people a little crazy!

  • Sheila Denise

    I’m a Twitter follower!

  • Sharon

    I’m looking forward to enjoying my brother’s new pool! Thanks so much for the great giveaway.

  • and I follow you on facebook!

  • Shelly

    I’m a Facebook follower also 🙂 And I shared the link.

  • Sharon

    I like you on facebook.
    (Sharon O.)

  • Sharon

    I follow you on twitter @sharonjo2

  • Lin C.

    I’m looking forward to be able to actually spend time outside this summer. Field work, working on my reading list, chilling by the lake, spending way too much money at the farmers market, not being stuck in a lab with one window for most of the summer. It’s going to be a good one 🙂

  • Terri Dolin

    I am a kitchen gadget addict!! I have always wanted a Kitchen aid but it has never been in my budget:( I have also LIKED you on Face Book

  • Malerie C

    I can’t wait for my first lazy summer Saturday at the pool!

  • Malerie C

    I like you on FB 🙂

  • ana

    I like you also on facebook.

  • charlotte lunsford

    following you on twitter

  • Christy Dean

    I would love this!!

  • Malerie C

    I just started following on Twitter.

  • Becky H

    Margaritas and al fresco dining! And sunshine! Sprinklers! Bubbles! Growing food in my back yard! (I know, I listed way more than one thing).

  • Meagan

    I’m looking forward to swimming and spending time with my husband doing projects outdoors!

  • Malerie C

    Thanks for this great giveaway in that awesome color!!!

  • Becky H

    Oh, and I “like” you on Facebook. (That sounds like a cheesy come on from junior high- sorry bout that). 🙂

  • Christy Dean

    I “like” you all on FB.

  • I’m looking forward to more walks by the lake, have my garden full of flowers and enjoy most of the day outdoors.

  • follow you on twitter @gringarl

  • like you on Facebook

  • Meagan

    I’ve followed you on facebook too 🙂

  • Vanessa

    I am really looking forward to restarting my nightly walks with my husband and cooking out with friends and family.

  • I’m looking forward to patio time! My patio with its hammock, other patios with drinks, I don’t care. I love them all.

  • Im looking forward to eating refreshing things like ice cream, smoothies, slushies and things like that 🙂 , i just cant waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait !!! haha, and im looking forward to going to the beach and feeling the fresh air 🙂
    im a big fan of your blog keep the good things coming,
    cheers from mexico 😀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Following on FB!

  • Annnnd following on Twitter!

  • Rochelle

    The birds singing in the morning when I get up. I love that with the smell of early morning.

  • Grace

    I looking forward to running a half marathon!

  • Chris Atkins

    I’m looking forward to my first summer in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, complete with trips to the coast and bicycling around Portland!

  • Katie M

    I’m looking foward to doing everything outside. We had snow just last week, so it’s a blessing that it’s finally warm out.

  • Molly H.

    I can not wait for my sister’s wedding and my family beach vacations!

  • Kristee

    I’m looking forward to outdoor picnics now that the weather is getting warmer!

  • Kristee

    Like you on Facebook!

  • Kristee

    Following you on twitter as well!

  • Rachael

    Warm weather = time at the pool! Not only do I get to watch my little boy have a blast, but I get to soak up a little sunshine (and hopefully get rid of my current albino-like appearance)!

  • Rachael

    I am also a follower on Facebook 🙂

  • Terri Buratczuk

    I’m looking forward to warm weather and NO MORE SNOW!!!!

  • Renae

    Looking forward to all the things I can make with my new mixer! HeHeHe!!

  • Renae

    I still “like” you on fb!

  • Pamela

    Watermelon mojitos, strawberry lemonade, and peach creme fraiche pie 🙂 Ahh, summer!!

  • Pamela

    And I like you on Facebook!

  • Amy

    Oh, I LOVE this mixer, it is beautiful AND my favourite colour. But I can’t enter the contest b/c I’d drop the glass bowl and break it too. 🙂

  • With the rain still falling in Portland, I found myself wearing an oversized sweater and a raincoat today. Still using the woodstove for extra warmth at night. BUT, the sun is near! I can feel it. I am looking forward to Portland’s magnificent summers, including: bike rides, street fairs, patio seating, movies in the park, long hikes, etc.!

  • Ariel

    I’m looking forward to family barbecues at the beach 🙂

  • Also, I like you on Facebook.

  • Jeanne in Toledo

    Now that it’s warm – my grandson and I can go for walks and be outside, instead of him trashing my whole house!

  • Jeanne in Toledo

    And I like you – not JUST on Facebook though there too!

  • Also, I follow you on twitter.

  • Mandy

    I’m looking forward to some time off of school which is translated to extra time to try new recipes! I’m ready to cook and bake my socks off!

  • Jessica

    I live in Australia and were going into winter , its freezing over here ! So im enjoying soups , stews , loads of baked goodies all whilst sipping hot chocolate 😉 Seriously im drinking a hot chocolate in really thick socks ,sitting on the lounge with a throw blanket watching 5 Ingredient Fix. But if it was hot i would be enjoying barbecues with the families and tropical sorbets at our beach house * sigh * sounds good right?

  • Holly

    I’m looking forward to going on vacation! I could definitely use a break!

  • Ice cream and pool time! Yay!!

  • Holly

    I also like you on facebook.

  • Mandy

    I’m looking forward to a couple of school-free months! Finally some time to do what I love best: being in the kitchen!! Fresh berries and cold cocktails!!

  • Jessica

    Btw I like you Facebook and follow you on Twitter :D……. love your blog

  • watermelon. hands down, juicy, delicious watermelon in season.

  • Kristina

    Going on family walks in the evening.

  • Mandy

    I’m a fan on facebook! Didn’t mean to comment twice, guess this iPad thing is trickier than I thought, lol… Oh boy.

  • also *liked* you on facebook:)

  • Lindsay

    I am looking forward to warmer weather, BBQ’s, sitting on the deck and just relaxing (I’m a teacher so I get the summers off work!)

  • Tim M

    Drinking beers on my friend’s boat!

  • Jennifer

    I am looking forward to finishing my backyard landscaping!

  • Kristina

    I like you on Facebook.

  • Tim M

    I like you on FB

  • Tim M

    I follow you on twitter

  • flip flops! although I’ve started wearing it already since there were a few sunny days.

  • fenella


  • i follow you on twitter!

  • jan

    talking a long walk around my neighborhood and visiting with all my amazing neighbors!

  • i follow you on facebook via my page

  • Andrea B.

    The pool~

  • Maddie

    That mixer is amazing!!! Looking forward to graduating, having free time to be outside in the gorgeous summer weather, sipping on margaritas, reading, having time to bake againnnnn!

  • kim k

    grilling outside!

  • Jennifer G

    I’m looking forward to a corona with lime on the back porch. 🙂

  • Melissa Hoffman

    I am looking forward to my first born’s 1st birthday party! I would love to make some cupcakes with that beauty!

  • Maddie

    …Also, liked you on facebook!

  • Jennifer G

    I like you on FB. 🙂

  • Jennifer G

    And I follow you on twitter as well 😉

  • Fei-fei

    Movies on the lawn, since it will be my first summer in DC.

  • Camila

    eating outside!

  • Julie

    I am so looking forward to seeing the garden grow!
    PS I made your Best ever Strawberry cake tonight – yummy!

  • Julie

    I’m a FB fan also!

  • I’m looking forward to summer nights spent with family outside on the deck…its the best time to bond with family while enjoying the warm weather! 🙂

  • I’m most looking forward to our trip to Italy and eating gelato. Yum!

  • I like you on Facebook!

  • Annie C

    I am looking forward to spending as much time outside as possible! From outdoor adventures to leisurely reading a book, I just want to be outside in the sunshine!

  • AND I follow you on Twitter 🙂

  • Danielle Fan

    I am looking forward to outdoor sports!

  • Anna

    Warm sandy beach!

  • Looking forward to grilling delicious meals with a glass of wine in hand and the sun shining on my happy face!

  • I’ve liked you on facebook for awhile now. Thank you!

  • Thao

    I am looking forward to being out in the sun and finally being able to get a tan! I am pasty!

  • Danielle Fan

    I followed you on Twitter!

  • I’m a fan on facebook!

  • Anna

    I like you on facebook!

  • Kristina

    Love your recipes! And what a wonderful giveaway!

  • I’m looking forward to not bundling up all the kids every time we head outside!!

  • Danielle Fan

    I followed you on Facebook!

  • My upcoming surgery. That’s probably a strange thing to look forward to, considering it’s going to be very painful and leave me with a 6-week recovery period in bed, but I’m so ready to just have it over and done with and hopefully live with a little less pain everyday after I’m all recovered!

  • Grace Hahn

    the beaaaccchhh <3

  • Thao

    i’ve liked you on facebook!

  • Kristina

    And of course, I liked you on Facebook…..and would follow you on Twitter, but forgot my password 😉

  • Looking forward to evening walks and staying outside late on the patio chatting with my husband after the kids go to bed!

  • And… I now follow you on Twitter!

  • Liked you on facebook too 🙂

  • Being outside!

  • Summer BBQs with my family is what I’m looking forward to.

  • Dorre

    Flip flops , pedis and great bbq 🙂 Following you on twitter and facebook too.

  • Erica

    Im looking forward to cookouts with friends and family.

  • Lexi

    Honestly, I hate the warm weather so I’m looking forward to fall and the weather cooling down again. 😉

  • Lori Marie

    I look forward to just BEING outside as much as possible with my sweet hubby, including the beach. Also–ICE CREAM! 🙂

  • Lexi

    I’ve followed you on Twitter.

  • Erica

    I like you on facebook!

  • Lexi

    I’ve liked you on Facebook.

  • Lori Marie

    I like you on FB too! 🙂

  • Courtney

    I’m looking forward to swimming in the lake all summer!

  • Courtney

    I like you on facebook!

  • Courtney

    I’m also a twitter follower

  • nicole p

    AHHHHHHHHH my boyfriends family and i were just talking about this mixer the other day!!! the color is soooo pretty

  • I’m looking forward to the pool and sandy beaches now that the weather is warm.

  • RenB

    Just had our third baby boy and am looking forward to just getting out of the house! The warm weather is a welcome bonus. 🙂

  • Lin C.

    I also like you on facebook!

  • Hayley

    Spending my first summer in Southern California…beach bonfires, surfing and burger shacks are at the top of my list!

  • dana

    I’m most looking forward to cooking things of summer — honey lime chicken, margaritas, etc! Mostly anything with citrus!

  • Warm weather=School’s out. I can’t wait to read a book outside, without any homework to worry about. Hooray!

  • Hayley

    I follow you on Twitter

  • dana

    I “liked” you on FB!!

  • Hayley

    I liked you on facebook

  • dana

    Followed you on Twitter!!

  • Cynthia Soll

    I’m really looking forward to lounging by the pool with a cool drink!!

  • Amy

    I am looking forward to a break from my Ph.d work!!!

  • Sibyl

    I am looking forward to camping and bike rides and star gazing with a glass of wine.

  • Amy

    I liked you on Facebook

  • Sibyl

    I follow you on facebook.

  • Amy

    I follow on twitter!

  • Sibyl

    I follow you on twitter.

  • Penny

    Looking forward to having my husband cook dinner, i.e. grill, every night so there’s no clean up for me to do afterward! 🙂

  • Beth

    I am looking forward to my kids playing outside! Too long with everyone cooped up in the house and we all get a little nuts.

  • Beth

    I like you on facebook!

  • Patty


  • Esther K

    Beautiful! Is this the mixer from Williams-Sonoma?

    I am most looking forward to STRAWBERRIES! They are my favourite fruit and I am looking forward to making many baked goodies with them! Which would be so much easier with this mixer in my possession 😉

    And, of course, I need to buy a slice of Marie Callendar’s strawberry pie once that goes on sale 🙂

  • Dawn

    Letting my kids run freeee!! They are cooped up in the house ALL THE TIME. Idaho weather is too cold 9 months out of the year!

  • Erica

    I’m looking forward to reading outside on our deck and soaking in the sun.

  • Kaelin

    I’m looking forward to picnics!

  • Erin

    Bike rides through Central Park!

  • Erica

    I also follow you on fb! 🙂

  • Ciara Cotey

    I liked you on Facebook…

  • Ciara Cotey

    …and I’m following you on Twitter…

  • Kaelin

    i’ve liked you on facebook

  • Kaelin

    i’ve liked you on twitter

  • Ciara Cotey

    …and the thing I’m most looking forward to this summer is the guilt-free consumption of ice cream and smoothies, as well as having no school!!!!

  • I’m looking forward to having some family picnics while its warm! Can’t wait to make some homemade ice cream and other goodies and head out to the park with the babies!

  • I LIKE you on Facebook!

  • Chelsea

    going to the beach!!

  • I look forward to sitting outside enjoying a refreshment, watching the sun set.

  • Catherine Bartnik

    I’m looking forward to homemade ice cream and BBQs with my family!

  • Chelsea

    i follow you on twitter! @truleechelsea

  • Chelsea

    i like you on facebook!!

  • Catherine Bartnik

    I’m following you on twitter as well!

  • Yvonne V.

    Berries and sun!

  • Anjali

    I’m looking forward to enjoying time with my husband!!! Last summer was spent planning our wedding, so I can’t wait to enjoy all things that are normal life 🙂

  • Melissa

    I’m looking forward to evenings on the deck grilling burgers and enjoying the sunset.

  • Melissa

    …and I liked you on Facebook! 🙂

  • Lindsay @ Peace, Love and French Fries

    I’m looking forward to everything about summer – winter are too long here in Colorado – I’m ready for camping, grilling, gardening, and beautiful weather!

  • Lindsay @ Peace, Love and French Fries

    oh, and I like you on FB 🙂

  • Karyn

    I can tell you what I’m *not* really looking forward to – waxing my legs again.

    As for what I WILL enjoy, that would be a bottomless jug of iced tea in the fridge, warm sunshine and summer shoes (sandals, wedges, open-toed cute things)!

    I’ve also liked you on FB and followed on Twitter (@karynarden)!

  • I’m looking forward to no classes, a new apartment, and my sister’s wedding! If I win this mixer, it’d be for her.

  • I like you on facebook!

  • I follow you on twitter!

  • Jessica

    I’m looking forward to cookouts.

  • I am looking forward to the many summer festivals in Atlanta!

  • I am most looking forward to taking both of my children to the beach when it gets warmer. First summer with two!

  • like you guys on Facebook!

  • following you guys on twitter! @jessicarae

  • Karyn

    Liked you on FB!

  • I follow on FB!

  • Meredith

    Wearing flip flops. And tomato season!

  • I follow on twitter @simmworksfamily

  • Karyn

    And followed on Twitter!

  • Allyson

    That’s a pretty mixer!!! The thing I am mostly looking forward to is camping. Oh, and the beach! Can’t forget barbecues and margaritas!

  • Cheryl Newton

    Now that it’s warmer, and summer vacation is right around the corner, I look forward to making a decent lunch for my two boys. I always wonder what they’re actually eating at school. But in the summer, I know. I can try out some of the “lunchier” recipes I have. And that mixer — gorgeous!

  • I’m looking forward to it finally being green outside!! And planting some flowers!

  • Allyson

    I’m following you on Facebook.

  • Andg @ And Me, Mommy

    I am so looking forward to going camping with our little guy this summer. Last year I was too pregnant to even think about camping so this year we’re going to make up for it! – Andg

  • Allyson

    I’m following you on twitter

  • Tammy

    I’m looking forward to going to Chicago to the Dave Matthews Caravan Tour with the love of my life and also making lifetime memories with him. This will be our first summer together.

  • Tammy

    I liked you on Facebook!

  • Callie

    That energetic feeling the sun gives me.. as well as the delicious produce! Hooray!

  • Cathy

    I’m looking forward to getting tan and going swimming!

  • Definitely the fact that a lot of yummy fruit/veggies are in season! 🙂 Oh, and NOLA style snowballs don’t hurt either.

  • I also like you on FB!

  • And I follow you on Twitter!

  • Sarah

    I look forward to sitting on the porch watching my kiddos play while the newest one learns to crawl.

  • Sarah

    i can’t wait for BASEBALL!

  • Stephanie Phelps

    I am looking forward to taking the kids to the lake to swim and sleeping in.

  • Looking forward to some time off work!

  • Stephanie Phelps

    I like you on Facebook.(Stephanie Phelps)

  • Stephanie Phelps

    I Follow you on twitter @my4boysand1

  • Liked you on facebook!

  • Kirsten Floyd

    I am looking forward to having my kids home during the day and getting to stay in our pjs until noon!!!

  • Catherine Bartnik

    and now i like you on facebook!

  • Kirsten Floyd

    And I liked you on Facebook !

  • Callie

    I so like you on facebook 🙂

  • Katherine Hernandez

    More recipes with fresh fruits and veggies!!!

  • Katherine Hernandez

    I LIKE YOU on FB!!!! 🙂

  • jenn

    i am most looking forward to moving into my own house; and barbeques and house parties and having summer fun!

    • Tracy

      The zoo!

  • sam

    I’m looking forward to going back home to Montana for a couple family weddings and of course taking my kiddos to the park and zoo more often.

  • Jane

    I am looking forward to wearing summer dresses and flip flops!

  • sam

    U have been liked on FB!

  • Brianne

    I’m looking forward to riding my bike to work, and hopefully some camping trips.

  • Alana

    I’m looking forward to summer vacation ~ Europe here I come!

  • Sarah

    I also “liked” you on facebook!

  • Gosh, I’m also in Texas and am not looking forward to it getting even warmer than it’s been! That said, I’d still rather be hot than cold.. 🙂

  • Also, I follow you on the twitters. @bakemeaway

  • I’m looking forward to some time with my hubby as soon as school ends and lots of homemade ice cream shared in the sun!

  • Eating ice cream outside!

  • Scarllet

    I am looking forward to bike rides along Newport Coast followed by crisp salads made of farmer’s market finds!

  • Linda

    I love to work in my flower garden and relax sitting outside bird watching after a hard day at work.

  • I love your blog but now I also ‘like’ you on Facebook too! 🙂

  • Sarah

    Looking forward to having a little bit more free time! And the warm weather certainly won’t hurt…

  • Linda

    I really like your website.

  • Stephanie

    I’m looking forward to going on walks with my baby girl!

  • Andrea

    I’m looking forward to watching my baby play outside in the backyard!

  • MartiC

    I live in Tucson, AZ so it has been warm here for awhile and we are getting ready to move past warm weather and into ohhhhh it’s so hot weather. So I am looking forward to getting away from the heat for some cooling off in the mountains this summer.

  • MartiC

    I also follow you on Twitter.

  • Allison L.

    I’m looking forward to more warm weather and more ice cream!

  • Kristen B.

    Going to the beach!!

  • Kristen B.

    I “LIKE” you on Fb!

  • Gwyn

    I am looking forward to getting my home renovations done and moved in!!

  • cameryn l.

    I look forward to drinking some tart lemonade by the pool!

  • Mandy

    I look forward to making more delicious breads/rolls and desserts with the warm weather coming up. Also, looking forward to my graduation trip next week with my Aunty. Friday the 13th is my graduation day! I did “like” you on Facebook and following on Twitter.

  • Mandy

    I am looking forward to more hiking adventures with my friends!

  • I liked you on FB!!

  • I love doing anything outside…but especially going for walks or runs! 🙂

  • Lillian

    bbqs! pool partys! and pimms!

  • jolie

    I am looking forward to going to the beach and not having school 🙂

  • jolie

    I have liked you on facebook!

  • jolie

    I am following you on twitter! 🙂

  • Natalie W

    I live in southern California, so I can’t wait for it to be warm enough to be outside, but not so warm that I feel hot…

  • Kendra


  • I am looking forward to going to the beach each Friday afternoon for a picnic dinner.

  • I already liked you on Facebook.

  • I am following you on Twitter.

  • Elizabeth

    I will be looking forward to a happy and healthy summer with my BF! Even though he can’t go out much (cause of his sickness) I’m looking forward to cooking and baking more for him! ^_^

  • Allison

    I’m looking forward to graduating and having time to cook and bake delicious things.

  • Allison

    Also, I’ve liked you on Facebook!

  • amy marantino

    i look forward to working out in the yard

  • Margaret

    Ultimate frisbee! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  • Jasmine

    Reading while lounging in a hammock

  • Ashley J. Ward

    I’m very much looking forward to lazy Saturdays spent lounging by the pool with friends.

    Of course, if I win that mixer I’d look forward to the amazing baking I could do for those friends.

  • Filza

    I’ve liked you on facebook. 🙂

  • Barbeque parties!! I love grilling out in the backyard, with friends, having cocktails, and playing Norwegian golf!!

  • I like you on the Facebook!

  • I follow you on Twitter!

  • Megan

    I cannot wait to go swimming! I swear I’m part fish.

  • Nass

    Picnics in the garden everyday with fresh home-grown tomatoes and basil!

  • Eileen

    bbqs and ice cold beer!

  • Kelsey

    I’m looking forward to my college graduation next week and moving from NYC to Los Angeles- especially so I can enjoy all the wonderful local produce there (like avocados, my favorite)!

  • da pool! da pool! da pool! I can’t wait to go to the pool!

  • I follow on Facebook

  • Maria

    Mojitos, peaches, and good tomatoes!

  • I’m looking forward to BLT’s and taking my pups to splash in the creek!

  • Christine

    I’m looking forward to being reconnected with my husband in June after being apart for so long….

  • I follow you on Twitter!

  • aaand I like you on facebook. 🙂

  • Wearing shorts and flip flops everyday!

  • Rebecca

    The thing I am looking forward to most is going on more bikes and walks and working in my flower beds and garden.

  • I’m looking forward to seeing my grandchildren this summer.

  • I like you on facebook too!

  • Rebecca

    I’ve liked you on facebook

  • Rebecca

    I’m following you on twitter.

  • Trudy

    I’m looking forward to camping out this summer!

  • Trudy

    And I liked you on facebook….

  • Trudy

    and I followed you on twitter.

  • Alice

    i like u on facebook 😀

  • Kika

    looking forward to more beach days!

  • Kika

    I have also liked you on Facebook 🙂

  • Kika

    aaaaaaan now I’m also following you on twitter!

  • Saylem


  • Michelle

    Picnics with my husband and my mom. He has never gone on any and she misses them, so I plan on several with both of them.

  • Michelle

    And I’ve liked you on Facebook 🙂

  • Mikki

    I’m most looking forward to summery salads and summer produce 🙂 (and citrus for desserts!)

  • Mikki

    I follow Confections of a Foodie Bride on Facebook 🙂 great giveaway and great colour!!

  • carmen

    wow, that color is gorgeous!

  • I’m looking forward to being outside in general and going to the beach!

  • I follow you on Twitter

  • Lindsay

    I’m looking forward to long sunny walks with my dog….it was a long winter!

  • Lynn

    Long bike rides! My husband gave me a road bike last summer, but I never expected to love biking as much as I do.

  • Lindsay

    I liked you on facebook!

  • anne

    Exploring Chicago – I just moved here last week.

  • Jessica

    I’m looking forward to wearing my pretty sandals!

  • Alex

    I’m looking forward to bike riding

  • Sara D.

    I’m looking forward to spending more time outside.

  • Sara D.

    I like you on facebook!

  • Sara D.

    and I follow you on twitter!

  • I’m currently studying for a study-intensive professional exam on June 4th. As such, I’m missing all the nice weather by spending my weekends studying. I’m also missing out on perfect lighting that could be turned into perfect food pictures because I don’t have time to cook as much as I’d like. SO, I’m looking forward to this test being over so I can finally go outside. 🙂

  • Kate

    I’m looking forward to enjoying eating outside. I love picnics!

  • Annie

    Now that weather is getting warmer….most excited bout beach trips, cook outs, laying by the pool, getting a tan, having a flip flop tan line and having any excuse to be OUTSIDE!!!

  • Um, wow, I can’t believe how many comments there are on this thing already. And I’ll just have to throw my hat in the ring. Ive been secretly waiting for this giveaway since I saw the pic on facebook. I follow you on facebook!

  • Kris

    I’m most looking forward to cooking veggies from my own garden, bonfires and beach parties. Can’t wait!

  • jen

    I’m looking forward to taking my son out for walks, starting my garden and drinking beer in a beer garden!

  • I am most excited about convincing my husband to go swimming in our lake this summer since the weather is warming up.

  • Carina

    I am anxiously awaiting a day warm enough to go to the beach. I can’t wait.

  • Lindsey

    AAA baseball! It is finally getting nice enough that we can go out tot the local stadium and watch games.

  • And, finally, I follow you on twitter. And I hope I win. I promise I’ll donate my current mixer to a good cause.

  • Margo


  • Lindsey

    I like you on FB 🙂

  • Lianna

    Now that the weather is FINALLY warmer, I’m looking forward to wearing summer dresses and lounging outside on the beach with a frozen drink or cocktail!

  • I’m looking forward to grilling outside and relaxing by the pool.

  • Samantha

    I’m really looking forward to travelling home and having cook outs with our familiy 🙂

  • Samantha

    I also “liked” you on facebook.

  • Samantha

    As well as now following you on twitter 🙂

  • Jennifer

    Cook-outs, pool side drinks, time on the lake!

    I need my vacation to be here now, thanks! 😉

  • Jennifer

    I follow you on twitter. 🙂

  • Jennifer

    And I follow you on facebook! 😉

  • Rebecca

    I’m looking forward to evening walks with my family!

  • Emily

    I’m looking forward to spending some time out on the boat!

  • Christina

    Now that the weather is warm I am most looking forward to eating on the patio and after dinner walks with my husband and daughters 🙂

  • Christina

    I also “like” you on Facebook!

  • Christina

    I also follow you on Twitter 🙂

  • Emily

    Eating dinner outside!

  • Sarah

    Flip flops!

  • Emily

    I’m a fan of yours on FB

  • Maria Malaveci

    Playing outside with my kids! They are thrilled, as am I, that it finally is nice outside!


  • Maria Malaveci

    I like Confections of a Foodie Bride on Facebook!


  • Maria Malaveci

    I follow you guys on Twitter too!


  • i LOVE hearing wood thrushes in the summer evenings!

  • i follow you on twitter!

  • Jamie

    I’m looking forward to days spent at the beach!

  • Jamie

    I like you on facebook!

  • Grilling more often ~

  • Karen

    Just revelling in all the shades of green! Looking forward to gardening!

  • Karen

    Liked on Facebook

  • Mandy

    Looking forward to biking more (and having the kids in the bike trailer).

  • Mandy

    Like you on Fabo.

  • Heather

    Exploring nature with the kiddos.

  • Jeanne ODonnell


  • Jeanne ODonnell

    I like you on facebook!

  • Kris

    I am looking forward to two months of freedom and relaxation (I’m a teacher). I plan to do a lot of baking, cooking, hanging out at the beach and reading. Summer is ME TIME!!!!!

  • erin

    summer in chicago. can’t beat it.

  • ashley

    Going to the lake and grilling on the boat!!

  • Kris

    I liked you on Facebook!!!!

  • I’m looking forward to beach days!

  • Margaret Barry

    Beach ti,e with the mister and the girls.

  • Margaret Barry

    I like you on FB.

  • jennifer

    I am looking forward to the birth of my new baby girl! 🙂

  • Shelly Parker

    I’m looking forward to grilling out this summer! Along with all the fresh produce available at the Farmer’s Market

  • Shelly Parker

    I follow you on twitter

  • Sunshine and flipflops!

  • jennifer

    like you in FB

    Im looking forward to a vacation w. my family 🙂

  • Shelly Parker

    We are friends on Facebook

  • Susteph

    i am looking forward to my favorite summer breakfast: a freshly-picked cherokee purple tomato sliced on an english muffin with goat cheese!

  • Susteph

    also, too, i have “liked” you on facebook.

  • Susteph

    and also have followed you on twitter.

  • Awesome mixer, the perfect addition to our new kitchen! Can’t wait to plant some flowers for our front porch now that the weather is feeling like Spring

  • Jill

    I am looking forward to getting some sun on my pale pale skin!

  • Stacey

    Now that the weather is warm I am looking forward to trying new grilling recipes!

  • Katie W.

    I’m looking forward to using the grill more and eating outside on the deck!

  • Madeline

    Warm weather has me looking forward to cooking with all the herbs and vegetables I just planted!

  • Megan

    I am looking forward to fresh vegetables from my garden.

  • The beach. period.

  • Anne

    I am so excited to head to the beach. Need some of that salt air

  • Anne

    I follow you on twitter

  • Anne

    Also like you on facebook

  • Michelle R

    I’m looking forward to playing tennis outside!

  • annah Lee

    Fresh vegetables from my garden!

  • Jessa

    Thanks for the great give away! I’m looking forward to swimming!

  • Becky S

    I think it’s a tie between our garden and the garage sales this summer

  • Becky S

    I just liked you on FB! 🙂

  • I am looking forward to spending more time outdoors and finally getting some color!

  • Kristin

    I am most looking forward to grilling out with friends and family!

  • Jackie M.

    Summer vacation!! 8 glorious days away!!

  • I have become a fan of Confections of a Foodie Bride on Facebook.

  • Jackie M.

    I do like you on Facebook too!! 😉

  • SuzyQ

    Looking forward to sitting on our deck, sipping a cool beverage and having absolutely nothing else to do!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  • Noelle Frye

    I am looking forward to be able to spend more time with my daughter…and our trip to England and Italy in August!

  • Ohhh nice mixer! What I’m looking forward to most this summer is my 1 year anniversary with my husband. I’m really excited about it. I also look forward to all the warm summer nights, grilling outside while drinking a nice glass of wine!

  • I’m also now following you on twitter!

  • Amanda W

    I am looking forward to all of the fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Megan

    Fabulous food on the porch with fun, fruity, drinks!!!

  • Here I am again! I’ve also “liked” you on Facebook!

  • Amanda W

    Follow on twitter @amandawk

  • I am looking forward to summer vacation in Vegas!

  • I cannot WAIT to sit outside at my favorite coffee shop, drinking a frozen coffee and reading a completely pointless novel…

  • Having cookouts and going swimming!

  • Megan

    I’ve liked you on fbk too! 🙂

  • I follow on FB.

  • I follow you on twitter!

  • I follow on Twitter.

  • “Like” you on facebook 🙂

  • Alicia

    I am looking forward to nice weather and reading outside with a nice tall glass of iced tea 🙂

  • Megan B.

    Corn on the cob!! and anything from the grill.

  • Linda K

    I’m most looking forward to eating out on the patio.

  • My porch! I love enjoying the warm weather and a breeze with a cold drink on the porch. 🙂

  • Deena

    I most looking forward to grilling again. I miss it so in our cold Ohio winters.
    I love that mixer. So pretty!

  • Liesel

    The pool!!! And a Vegas vacation!

  • I’m looking forward to making mountain pies made in our fire pit. It is so much fun with the kids 🙂

  • Erin b

    I am most looking forward to a beach trip with my family!

  • Erin b

    I definitely like you on Facebook!

  • I love all the summer fruits that we’re starting to get now! It’s my favorite thing about summer.

  • Megan B.

    …and I like you on facebook!

  • I like you on Facebook!

  • I follow you on Twitter!

  • Alondra

    I am looking forward to more outside cooking with friends and family. We love having people over and just lazy around the house.

  • Wendy W.

    I’m looking forward to hot weather, the cool water of the lake, iced tea, and lots & lots of barbecue 🙂

  • Tanya A

    Looking forward to beach vacations and family cookouts.

  • I am looking forward to riding my bike everywhere!

  • Tanya A

    I just liked you on Facebook!!!!!

  • I liked you on FB!

  • Abby

    I am looking forward to dresses, chilled drinks on the deck, and getting some color to my ghostly legs again!

  • Debbi

    Eating dinner “al fresco” (on the back porch)

  • Susan Smith

    I’m thankful for warmer weather!

  • Tanya A

    Looking forward to family barbeques and beach vacations.

  • Meagan T

    I can’t wait to start taking my daughter out more – Western NY weather is COLD and this is our first summer with a little one. I am looking forward to seeing things through her eyes, like it was our first time too.

  • Jason

    The promise of tomatoes that are actually ripe!

  • Laying in the sun and reading a book. Pretty much the best thing ever.

  • Debbi

    I’m following you on Twitter! 🙂

  • Jessa

    Also, I have liked you on Facebook 🙂

  • Flip flops, for sure! 🙂

  • homemade avocado ice cream!!! (we just got a ice-cream maker)

  • I like you on FB! 🙂

  • Rachael

    This summer I’m most looking forward to growing the vegetable garden with my dad and eating what we grow as a family out in our backyard!

  • Rachael

    Also, I like you on Facebook! I don’t use twitter…sorry 🙁

    Thanks for the chance at an awesome giveaway!

  • Sherry

    That is an amazing colour, it would look fantastic in my kitchen!

  • Tiffany

    Looking forward to being out in the sun!

  • Tania

    Riding my bike outside.

  • Sarah

    Taking my boys swimming!

  • Shorts! and Tank Tops! Oh, how I hate to have to bundle up in the winter, I’m always so cold. I’m looking forward to being able to spend nearly every day out in the yard with my kids, romping around, growing flowers and veggies, playing in the sandbox and eating ice cream.

  • I am looking forward to spending time with my hubby on the beach!

  • Jessica

    I’m looking forward to cute open-toed shoes, sun dresses, bbqs on the fire escape, and lots of freshly squeezed lemonade!

  • Jennifer R.

    I’m excited to be out in my garden.

  • and i liked.. LOVED you on facebook!

  • Ginny


  • Janelle

    I am looking forward to my vacation to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.

  • Omg, it’s totally cute, perfect for me… 🙂

  • Working in the dirt to grow some food and some flowers!!

  • tiff

    I love that mixer! I am most looking forward to hanging out in our garden with our kitties.

  • Katie B

    I’m looking forward to flip-flops! I’ve had enough of boots this winter.

  • Katie B

    I like you on FB!

  • I’m looking forward to being able to run in the mornings before work 🙂

  • and I follow you on twitter (@whatmegansmakng)

  • Jennifer Myers

    I am most looking forward to fresh vegetables from the garden that I can share with my family.

  • Jessica

    I liked your page on Facebook.

  • LaDonna

    I am looking forward to my Husband grilling dinner almost every night! Of course enjoying a glass of wine or a nice margarita while while I watch him cook!

  • Maxine R.

    I live in the suburbs of Chicago and I’m looking forward to getting in the car without a bulky coat to wrestle while I’m putting on my seatbelt. Plus the warm weather makes my muscles and bones feel toasty.

  • Wendy J

    I am looking forward to working in my garden

  • Wendy J

    I like you on Facebook

  • Emma

    I’m looking forward to baking with fresh berries!

  • Dawn

    I am looking forward to finally coming out of hibernation! Heading to the farmer’s market, grilling yummy food, driving with the windows down! Oh how I love spring and summer!

  • Jen

    BBQing!!!! And lots of outdoor workouts!!

  • Dawn

    I “liked” you on Facebook!

  • Dawn

    Following you on Twitter as well! (And ty for not asking us all to tweet your contest as an entry. I hate spamming my friends.)

  • Danya

    I’m definitely looking forward to using our new BBQ to grill up the veggies from our little garden! And to sneak in a few naps on the hammock outside (:

  • Annette Miller

    I am looking forward to sitting out on our deck in the evening with a glass of wine in hand! I am so happy warm weather is finally here!

  • Danya

    I followed you on twitter!

  • Megan Hull

    I’m looking forward to finishing my thesis and the arrival of my first daugher! Also…long hot days when walking to the pool down the street is the only thing you can bring yourself to do..

  • Danya

    I liked you on twitter!

  • Annette Miller

    I also follow you on Twitter!

  • Julie

    I’m looking forward to grilled hotdogs after softball games… something about the grill marks on the dog smothered with yellow mustard that just shouts summer to me! 🙂

  • Sarah

    Bike rides!

  • Denise M Templeton

    I’m looking forward to afternoons in my giant hammock!

  • Maria

    I’m looking forward to THE POOL being open!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Denise M Templeton

    And I liked you on facebook!

  • Sarah

    Looking forward to laying by the pool and hitting the farmer’s market!

  • I look forward to swimming! The best thing to do in Texas heat, besides being inside and whipping something up with a certain pink mixer : )

  • E Coleman

    Warm weather = long weekends at the lake!!

  • Jill

    I am most looking forward to bringing the boys to the beach and the pool. Dylan loves the water, and hopefully Braylon will too!

  • Jill

    I’ve liked you on facebook.

  • Julia

    Enjoying the SUNSHINE in any way possible- biking, swimming, paddling, etc.

  • Jill

    And I’m following you on Twitter.

  • Anne

    Fresh fruits and veggies!! And, oh yeah, I’m due with my first kidlet soon, I’m pretty psyched about that! lol.

  • Holly

    Now that it’s finally warmer I can’t wait to grill! We just got our grill at the very end of last summer so we barely got to try it before winter hit.

  • Marie-Pier Labrecque

    From Québec City, I like you on Facebook !! 🙂

  • Katie

    Grilling definitely! But also cold desserts… key lime pie, strawberry shortcake, etc! Yay summer!!!!

  • Traci

    Finally! Warm weather! I can’t wait to lay in my hammock and read a good, thick book… Oh and sip on a margarita… 🙂

  • Elizabeth

    I am looking forward to grilling and eating on the deck, and letting the kids run around the yard and swingset while the adults enjoy a real conversation (instead of the stressful dinners inside).

  • Amy C.

    I am looking forward to long hikes and picnics!

  • I am looking forward to going to the beach!

  • Amy C.

    I’m following you on Twitter!

  • Jordan

    Farmers markets and the beach!

  • Jessica

    I’m following you on Twitter.

  • I am looking forward to gardening and canning!

  • Jessica Smith

    Planting my garden and having the windows open!

  • I like you on facebook!

  • Chloe

    I’m looking forward to going sailing again!

  • I’m following you on twitter!

  • sarah

    just enjoying the outside with my kids!

  • Jaimee

    I can’t wait to wear spring dresses and drive my Jeep around with the top down and doors off.

  • Chloe

    I’m following you on Twitter!

  • Oh my god, that color is gorgeous! Until our little guy is born I’m looking forward to being able to open the windows everywhere I go. After he’s here I just want an ice cold Sam Adams Summer Ale!

  • Chloe

    And I liked you on Facebook!

  • amanda

    Long walks in the sun!

  • Melissa

    Farmer’s and flea markets!

  • Laying on the banks of the river in a bikini!

  • Cara

    Ooh pretty! I am just looking forward to eating tasty dinners outside and enjoying the warm breezes!

  • Aileen

    I can’t wait for wine and cheese nights on the patio with my girlfriends!

  • Vanessa

    It’s been warm here in Florida for a few months now 🙂 And as soon as it warms up, it means we pack out stuff and drive out to the beach OR to the great water parks we have here. Definitely the best part of the warm weather.

  • Christine

    I’m looking forward to wearing sundresses and summer cookouts with great friends and family!

  • Vanessa

    I “like” you on FB!

  • LeAnne

    Now that it’s warm, I’m looking forward to kickball games and BBQs!

  • Christine

    And I am following you on twitter 🙂

  • I”m most looking forward to inviting friends over for a backyard BBQ. It’s so nice to be able to hang out outside after another long winter in upstate NY.

  • Cindy D

    Laying in the pool on my raft catching some rays!

  • I am most looking forward to watermelon season!! I have purchased two already this week. It’s a shame they cost so much, but they do get eaten in our household! 🙂

  • Leslie K.

    Working in the garden, flower and vegetable.

  • Julie

    I’m looking forward to camping with friends!

  • Julie

    I’ve liked you on facebook too 🙂

  • Meena


  • Vanessa

    I follow you on Twitter! @VanessitaS

  • Marilyn

    Walking over my new neighborhood!

  • Erica

    I’m most looking forward to laying out by the pool and taking long walks with my puppy!

  • Heather E

    What a beautiful mixer! I’m looking forward to the high electric bills from running my air conditioning and the killer mosquitoes here in Texas…just kidding. I’m looking forward to no school!

  • Jennie

    Hot pink! I had no idea they made this color, but it looks fabulous.

  • Ebony

    I am looking forward to seeing my family at the reunion.

  • Maggie Vogel

    Hey there Hi there Ho there,
    I’m so excited to have discovered your blog through a fabulous network of others. Oh man all ya’ll blogging gals make some scandalously tasty food and take even more scandalous pin-ups of em and I thank the food gods every morning as I sit at my cube with my jo and zone out into the land of marscapone, fennel, and meringues (oh my)
    Thanks for being you and hope you have a wonderful week, I know I will with each post 😀

  • grilling, I love grilling

  • Jennie

    I have liked you on facebook!

  • Erin

    BBQ’s! So excited 🙂

  • OMG! It’s hello kitty pink!!! I love it and it will match the hello kitty toaster 🙂

  • thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

  • Sylvia

    Love to wear shoes that show off my pedicures — so tired of socks!

  • PomJob

    In the words of someecards.com – I’m looking forward to being outdoorsy. I’m outdoorsy in that I like to get drunk on patios.

  • melissa

    THE BEACH. always and forever!

  • Sylvia

    Love you on Facebook, too!

  • Now that it’s warm, I’m looking forward to being outside as much as possible – taking my dog to the park, going swimming, working in the yard, dinner al fresco! Anything!

  • Peep toes!

  • I’m looking forward to spending time in the pool, grilling out more and a much needed summer vacation!

  • Jamie

    I’m looking forward to picnics in the park.

  • wow, that’s beautiful!

    I’m ready for evening bbq’s with my friends!

  • Laurelin

    Sitting on the patio drinking margaritas and enjoying the summer weather!

  • Ebony

    I like you on Facebook

  • Teresa

    Looking forward to going biking.

  • I’m looking forward to summer berries and fruit.

  • Allison Williams

    I’m looking forward to going to the beach!

  • Ashley

    Drinking of the patio 🙂

  • St.Ar

    I am most looking forward to letting the cooped-up toddler girl PLAY OUTSIDE. I don’t care if I’ll be mega-pregnant with baby girl #2. I want to be able to have those warm sleepy summer nights where toddler is so worn out from playing outside. *happy sigh*

  • Catie

    Lazy summer nights of eating on the back porch.

  • Rosie

    I am looking forward to exercising outside and taking my kids to the park!

  • LOVE that pink mixer! Would LOVE to win!!

    • and am looking foraward to many lake weekend with my husband!!!!

  • I am looking forward to so very many things this summer! Taking my little man to the park to swing, going swimming in the kiddie pools with him, churning homemade ice cream, and spending loads of family time outside in the sunshine! Oh, and, of course, making some delicious treats with that gorgeous new mixer!! 🙂

  • liked on FB!

  • Oooh girl, hot pink is my color!!!!!!! I am looking forward to getting in the lake this summer.

  • Jimmy

    Being a fellow Texan… I look forward to many hot sunny days with many Margaritas =)

  • Following on Twitter as well.

  • Liked you on facebook!

  • Cookie

    I am looking forward to going camping!!

  • Jimmy

    I also “Like”d you on Facebook

  • Cindy McMichael

    Looking forward to eating out of the garden!!

  • Cindy McMichael

    Oops – and I Like you on FB!

  • Anne-Marie

    Gardening and adequately exercised children. 🙂

  • Francesca

    Now that the weather is warm, I’d love to go have a picnic by the lake with My Love!* :o)

  • Holly

    I’m most looking forward to laying on the beach and swimming!

  • Elaine

    Unusual and gorgeous color and I would love the glass bowl however impractical! 🙂

  • Nikki Lib

    I am looking forward to seeing my friends who are also home from college and to my trip to Cancun!

  • Lissa

    Just being outside with the kids – playing, swimming and BBQ’ing!

  • Tara

    ICE CREAM! I got an ice cream maker during the winter, and I’ve been stockpiling recipes, waiting to finally make some!

  • April Marie

    I’m looking forward to the BBQs this summer and all the new recipes I get to try!

  • Tara

    I’ve liked you on Facebook – can’t believe I put that off until now, either 🙂

  • Tara

    I’m also following you on Twitter!

  • Jill

    I am looking forward to planting my garden and family vacation

  • Melissa Jackson

    I am looking forward to running and getting out on my bike more…time to get back in shape!

  • Kristen

    getting to go the national parks to go hiking and roasting s’mores! :0)

  • Jill

    I also like u on facebook!!!!

  • Sivajini

    This is my first time commenting. I love your blog and I have to say your pictures just keep getting better and better.

    as for the question itself- I’m looking forward lots of outdoor events such as picnics and celebrations! By the way good to know you have a facebook page, going to go join that right now.

  • I am looking forward to my mini garden planted outside my apartment door! My fingers are crossed that something survives!!!

  • Meredith

    I am looknig forward to cooking on the grill and spending time outside!

  • Carla

    I always look forward to grilling either some fish, chicken or ribs and having my daughters go out to our garden and pick some nice veggies to go with our meal. After our meal, we usually play in the pool. Love it!!

  • Jillian

    I’m looking forward to sitting in the sun with a cold margarita!

  • Jillian

    I follow you on Twitter!

  • Jillian

    I’m a fan on Facebook!

  • Julie

    I’m looking forward to the birth of my 2nd child (due June 15th). To help my 2 year old try to understand how long it would take for baby brother to be born we told him that his brother would be born after it got warm out again.

  • Amanda

    A tan!

  • Rebecca

    I’m ready to get working out in my garden.

  • Carol

    Spending some quality time on the newly completed deck at the parental’s lake house – soaking up the sun, reading a good book and listening to the sounds of the water on the dock.

  • I love it when it gets warm enough to sit outside on the deck for dinner. When we eat on the deck our dinner time lasts longer, we linger longer, and our family talks can go on till the sun sets. I just love love LOVE that!

  • David

    Keeping my yard looking good. My veggies are growing up strong now.

  • Kyle

    Being in Florida, I’m looking forward to using my pool.

  • Leigh


  • Lara

    I’m looking forward to grilling and eating outside…and spending more time playing with my dog!

  • Kendall

    I’m looking forward to eating summer produce and grilling with friends and family. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Kyle

    I like you on Facebook too.

  • I just went and “Liked” you on facebook. Looking forward to following along!!

  • Leigh

    Like you on facebook 🙂

  • Lara

    Also…you’ve been “liked” on FB!

  • Deanna D.

    I am looking forward to seeing my little one explore the outdoors!

  • Deanna D.

    And I already like you on facebook!

  • Chelsea

    Sipping frozen concoctions, while floating in the pool!

  • Deanna D.

    And follow you on Twitter 🙂

  • Chelsea

    I’m also a facebook follower.

  • Carol

    I “Fanned” on Facebook for another entry.

  • Cassie

    Looking forward to enjoying our backyard in our new house!

  • Morgan

    I’m looking forward to eating Corn on the Cob and Watermelon multiple times a week! And of course, being tan. I am over being pale!! bring on summer!

  • Carol

    I Followed and Tweeted for another entry!

  • Kelly O'Brien

    Hoping I’m the lucky one 🙂

    I spent my first Mother’s day in the garden with my little guy planting vegetables for his first foods. There is a sweet aroma in the air that lifts your spirits and puts a smile on your face. I just love this time of year!

  • Sierra

    I’m looking forward to fresh fruit and not freezing my buns off when I let the dog outside to relieve herself! lol

  • Andrea Burke

    Now that the weather is warm I am looking forward to sleeping with the windows open, and ice cream for dinner every once in a while.

  • Jennifer

    Most of all, I am looking forward to days by the pool with a frosty beverage and grilling out! Although, living in Houston we can pretty much grill out whenever we want. 🙂

  • Cassie

    I like you on facebook 🙂

  • Sierra

    I’ve liked you on Facebook and I’m following you on Twitter!

  • Rachel

    I cannot wait to stick my toes in the sand this summer! I love the beach 🙂

  • Rachel

    I “like” you on FB.

  • I can hardly wait for summer BBQ’s!!!

  • I like you on FB!!

  • and i follow you on twitter 🙂

  • Rachel

    and I follow you on twitter

  • Karen

    I’m looking forward to soaking up some much-needed vitamin D!

  • Looking forward to tending my garden.

  • Pauline

    Going camping!

  • And I “liked” you on facebook!

  • Sarah S

    I am looking forward to finally getting to plant my garden.

  • Can’t wait to spend some more time outside grilling with friends and family!

  • plus I now follow you on Twitter under my alter ego of ohyoucook.

  • Camping!

  • I’m most looking forward to fresh seasonal fruit from the farmer’s market! (It’s finally getting nice in Ithaca 🙂

  • Liked you on facebook

  • Like you on Facebook!

  • Kate H.

    To hang out on my back patio with my friends 🙂

  • penandra

    I am looking forward to digging in the dirt and growing my own veggies for salads, sandwiches, and sauces this summer!

  • Annegirl

    I’m looking forward to my best friend’s wedding this coming Saturday. And spending the entire summer with friends.

  • Erin B

    Barbecues and baseball games!

  • Jackie

    I’m looking forward to sipping margaritas by the pool!!! 🙂

  • Jackie

    I have “Liked” you on Facebook!

  • Jess

    I’m most looking forward to picnics at the beach! Fun sandwiches, salads of every type, cookies, pitchers of margaritas or sangria…Mmm!!

    And, umm, that is the most fabulous mixer I have ever seen! I didn’t know that color existed in the KA world! Gorgeous!

  • Stephanie

    Dinners outside every night!

  • Anna M

    Taking the dog out in the morning without having to bundle up!

  • Jessica Lee

    I look forward to camping all over Texas! Getting married in June and we registered for camping gear and despite it not being “normal” wedding gifts – people have given us our gear! Can’t wait!

  • Stephanie

    Liked you on Facebook!

  • Moving from Texas to North Carolina and finding a job (so I can sit inside all week long, HA!). On the weekends, using local fruit in light desserts.



  • Stephanie

    Followed you on Twitter 🙂

  • I am looking forward to the days where it’s sunny until about 9:00 pm.

  • …And I “like” you on FB. 🙂

  • 1. Being able to get INTO the water at the beach (it’s been warm here, but the water is finally getting nice enough to get into – it takes a while to heat up!)

    2. Making homemade ICE CREAM!!! I cannot even wait to mix up my favorite David Lebovitz recipes!! YUM 🙂

  • We are expecting our 2nd boy this June and I am so looking forward to getting in a lot of swimming hours before his arrival!

  • I already like you on Facebook & follow you on Twitter 😉

  • I’m all about enjoying a cold beer on the patio the second it gets warm outside. And in Houston that comes down to about 50 out of 52 weeks.

  • Tiffany Rogers

    I am looking forward to getting to be able to walk my doggies more 🙂 and also to put new windows and siding on our house!!! 🙂

  • Tiffany Rogers

    I liked you on facebook!

  • Jessica Lee

    I “liked” you on the book of face 😀

  • I would love this mixer!

  • I just moved to San Antonio and it feels to me like summer is already here! I love to make homemade popsicles in the summer and I’ve been told there is a lake near me that has great swimming.

  • Carolyn Elmore

    The weather is warm? Oregon missed this memo… but someday I hope to read a book on the porch

  • Katelyn

    I look forward to barbecuing and working outside!!

  • You have a new twitter follower.

  • Also, I “like” you on facebook!

  • Katelyn

    I liked you on facebook!

  • Heather Herring

    I love summer with the LONG days of sunlight….!
    This is the first time I have commented on your BLOG but I have to say, I made your vanilla bean cake and it was WONDERFUL!

  • Jill Thomas

    BBQs! I’m so excited for grilling outside. 🙂

  • Jacki N.

    Looking forward to laying out by the pool and family barbecues!

  • Aubrey

    Taking my baby to the park everyday!

  • I’m looking forward to no more goosebumps!

  • Stefanie

    I am SO looking forward to the free concerts at the beach! That means great picnics. .. I love picnics!

  • Lindsay

    I love the pink mixer! Thanks for the chance to win it. Now that the weather is finally getting nice, I’m looking forward to being able to take my one year old daughter to the beach. She loves the water and looks oh so cute in a swimsuit.

  • Melissa Jackson

    I liked you on Facebook!

  • I’m looking forward to being able to do my favorite thing ever after work:

    Come home; drop stuff; hop on bike; ride to lake; swim; lounge in the sun until dry; back on bike; ride home.

    Cannot wait for that.

  • And I followed you on Twitter.

  • Warm weather equals beach weather for us! We love it!

  • Nikki

    Family picnics by the beach!!!

  • Rebeca

    I run a summer camp so that’s what’s in the forefront of my mind most every day…Good thing it’s a blast!

  • I’m looking forward to my law school graduation this Saturday (May 14th) and to taking (and being done with!) the Bar Exam at the end of July! 🙂

  • Also… I liked you on Facebook! 🙂

  • Lexi

    Fresh corn and heirloom tomatoes!

  • Jan

    Farmers markets and fruit stands! 🙂 (Thanks for sharing a little corner of your world with all of us)!

  • Debbie Lerew

    Hopefully lots of sunshine, bbq’s on the deck, time with friends and family.


  • Hannah Bates

    I am looking forward to running outside and starting my first vegetable garden!

  • Mellybrown

    We’ve only had two days above 60 here in NW Washington. So looking forward to more light and more warmth. I can’t stand to wear long pants another day! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

  • Rebecca

    Love it!! Looking forward to beach time. It’s my first summer living in Charleston!

  • Stacey

    cleaning my blinds. pathetic, I know. I’m a little OCD.

  • Lanea E.

    I’m looking forward to spending time at the lakes 🙂

  • Tiffany

    That is the BEST kitchenaid mixer I’ve ever seen… LOVE the pink!!

  • Tiffany

    I liked you on facebook!

  • I’m so excited to start an herb garden now that the weather is much warmer!

  • Elissa

    I am looking forward to taking my girls to the pool!

  • Tiffany

    Warm weather means moving to Canada for the summer!!

  • Picnics in the park!

  • Genevieve

    I’m looking forward to lounging in my backyard, chasing the sun with a good book and drink in hand!

  • Lovey

    This summer I’m most looking forward to long lazy days in the garden and more time for meal prep and eating. Yay for summer!

  • Liz

    I’m looking forward to the beach, boating, and baseball games!

  • Kayla Kottkamp

    I can’t wait to ride my bike more!

  • Annette Lee

    After a long cold upstate NY winter, I’m looking forward to SUNSHINE and tan lines!

  • rachel

    I’m most looking forward to driving with the windows down and the sunroof wide open!

  • Lesli M

    Shade and lemonade. That’s what I’m looking forward to. Shade and lemonade just don’t seem like a reward unless it’s 90+ and sunny.

  • rachel

    Liked you on the Facebook!

  • Leah

    Corn and getting that needed Vitamin D in the sun!

  • rachel

    I’ve also followed you on Twitter! 🙂

  • Emily Baggett

    I am looking forward to trying my hand at beer can chicken on the grill!

  • Cheryl

    The beach…baking with my new kitchenaid mixer:)…time with my fiance… and house projects!!

  • Kirsten

    Laying out by the pool! I can’t wait until the water is warm enough to get in without cringing

  • Hannah E

    Looking forward to playing outside and hopefully getting a sandbox for my little guys!

  • Emily Baggett

    I follow you on Twitter!

  • WARM WEATHER??? HA!!! We’ve been lucky to hit 60 here in Oregon. This has got to be one of the coldest and wettest Springs I can remember. But assuming warmer weather does appear, I’m looking forward to the strawberries…

  • Emily Baggett

    I like you on Facebook!

  • Hannah E

    I like you on fb!

  • Not that I really know what I’m doing, but I’ve been following you on Twitter (MSGostava). :-))

  • Ashley

    I’m going to finally be able to sit outside enjoying the warmth from my outdoor firepit and watch the sunset.

  • Megan

    Best. Mixer. Ever.

  • Eva

    I’m looking forward to walking around the many lakes we have here in Minneapolis!

  • Sitting outside after work with my Husband and puppy, relaxing!

  • Cheryl

    A tan! (and school to be out)

  • Carissa

    I am looking forward to summer break, and getting some stuff done around the house!

  • Megan

    Followed you on twitter, but was actually already following on FB 🙂 and looking forward to outdoor movies around the city.

  • I am looking forward to sitting on the screened in porch and watching the dog play in the yard.

  • I like you on FB.

  • whoaaa, i love the color of that kitchenaid! i’d be so happy if I won it! my friend send me the link to the giveaway cause she can’t wait for me to get one!

  • I follow you on twitter(@redheadrunswild)

  • Carissa

    I like you on Facebook and follow you on Twitter. 🙂

  • leeanna

    When the weather warms up here in Raleigh, I look forward to planting flowers and heading to the coast for a little rest and relaxation!

  • Erica

    I am looking forward to the warm weather so i can plant my garden and relax on the beach!

  • i can’t wait to lay out in the warm sunshine all summer long!!!! AND enjoy some good ol fashioned bbq

  • Elizabeth

    I am looking forward to spending time outside, working in my garden and entertaining on our porch.

  • So pretty! I am very much looking forward to being outdoors and for my local farmer’s market to return! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  • Brandi

    looking forward to grilling by the pool and outside (before it gets too hot and/or the mosquitos eat us) 🙂

  • Jessica F

    Taking our 8 month old puppy on even longer walks!

  • Brandi

    I follow you on Facebook!

  • Katie

    I am looking forward to going to the lake and getting some sun!

  • Mirre

    That it’s almost summer vacation, which means school is over soon and I can actually enjoy the weather… Outside! Eating icecream and having fun, instead sitting inside reading statistics….
    And I LOVE hot pink… :p

  • Mirre J.

    And now I’ve liked you on facebook too!

  • Sara

    School is out and I can finally relax and spend time at the beach!

  • Rachel S

    I can’t wait to go out to the lake with the family! It is definitely my favorite warm weather activity! 🙂

  • Rachel S

    Already friends on facebook! 🙂

  • Amy

    I’m most looking forward to spending time running around or just lounging around the local lakes!

  • Nicole B.

    Pick me! Pick me! This mixer is gorgeous!

  • Amy

    I liked you on facebook!

  • Amy

    And followed you on Twitter!

  • Stephanie

    I look forward to bbqs, running outside and fresh fruits!

  • Amy

    I am most looking forward to taking kitchen treats out to the deck to be enjoyed with delicious grill treats!

    I think that mixer is too cute. I love your blog. Thank you for the great ideas and entertaining me at work!

  • Jessica

    I am looking forward to the beach!

  • Jen

    I’m looking forward to spending time relaxing on my deck in the sun reading a good book…..

  • I’m looking forward to the warmer weather so the my kids and I can hit the outdoors, my daughter starts kindergaten in sept. so I’m looking forward to making this summer memorable for all of us. Even though it will be warm we will still do tons of baking

  • Amanda L

    I am looking forward to fresh foods, cookouts with friends and the summer concerts 🙂

  • I liked you on facebook

  • Amanda L

    I LIKE you are Facebook as well!!

  • Michelle U

    I am looking forward to more time with family and friends, enjoying the wonderful weather and good fresh food that is becoming more plentiful.

  • I also follow you on twitter

  • Grilling – which means my husband does the cooking 🙂

  • So pretty! I’m most looking forward to 4th of July weekend and lots of grilling on our back porch:)

  • Rebecca

    I’m most looking forward to getting to run outside in the sun!

  • Caitlin

    I look forward to grilling and eating bbq on the deck every single night until September with a nice cold one!

  • Michelle

    How beautiful.

  • I look forward to fresh lemonade and iced tea. There is something about summer that makes them taste sooooo much better!

  • Melissa

    I am looking forward to the beach!

  • Melissa

    I like you all on facebook!

  • Melissa

    I also follow you on twitter!!! 🙂

  • Maria B

    Oh my God, what a wonderfully glorious colour. Please, please let me have it 🙂

  • It is so beautiful!

  • GORGEOUS color!

    I’m looking forward to eating outside all the time!!

  • LIKE on FB!

  • Erin Lee

    I am most excited about meeting my grandson for the first time, just as soon as the flood waters go down in KY. Then opening the house airing it out send out the old and let in the new, just like every Spring!

  • I am looking forward to time spent outdoors with family, cooking outdoors and cooling off in the lake.

  • Erin Lee

    I have liked you on Facebook

  • Sarah

    I’m looking forward to grilling dinner out! Easy prep, no long hours in the kitchen, hubby does the actual cooking and it’s delicious! Win, win, win, win!

  • Erin Lee

    I’ve followed us on Twitter

  • JoLaine Lehan

    I am most looking forward this summer to spending time working in my yard and garden.

  • Erin Lee

    I likes you on facebook

  • My husband and I have vowed to go hiking more. We love the outdoors (and hate the cold)! And also, my local farmers market starts up again! I love going early in the morning and seeing what the local farmers have to offer:)

  • Katy

    I’m excited to play outside with my little girl who’s ALMOST walking!!

  • I’m looking forward to fishing and more boat days! 🙂

  • Celenia

    I’m looking forward to picnic lunches at the park.

  • Like you on FB!

  • Celenia

    I liked you on facebook

  • Mary Moynihan

    I’m looking forward to getting my vegetable garden and flower garden planted.

  • Celenia

    I follow you on twitter

  • Eating outside!

  • I follow you on Twitter! @kitchenmisfit

  • Andrea

    I’m excited to bike again! My bike isn’t made for the snowy/icy Canadian winter so it will be nice to get it out and dust it off! As well as I’m really looking forward to getting my gardening started 🙂

  • I like you on Facebook!

  • Abbey

    I’m really excited about drinking a cold beer in the hot sun and boating on the lake.

  • Abbey

    i follow you on twitter

  • Stacy C.

    I’m looking forward to working in the garden.

  • Tracy

    I liked you on Facebook.

  • Tracy

    I follow you on Twitter.

  • Schmidty

    I am looking forward to time on the deck and in the yard, playing with my cane begonia collection. 🙂 The blooms are so beautiful, all summer.

  • seedless grape

    I’m looking forward to canning! There are all kinds of things I want to try this year!

  • Schmidty

    I am one of your facebook fans (Rust Hawk).

  • Schmidty

    I am one of your twitter followers @rusthawk. Thank you so much for the entries!

  • Kerry

    Well, I live in South Florida, so it’s pretty much hot year round. But I am looking forward to summer bbq’s and pool playdates with our family and friends!

  • Franny

    I’m looking forward to FINALLY having my very own kitchen.

  • Colette

    I sure am looking forward to evenings with dessert on a patio.

  • Allan

    Looking forward to visits to the beach.

  • Beka

    I’m definitely looking forward to lying out in the sun and changing my pasty complexion into a golden tan!

  • Starheim

    Can’t wait for the fresh fruits and veggies. Yum!

  • I definitely look forward to spending time with my friends and family in the backyard with barbecue, drinks and laughs.

  • carolyn

    I am looking forward to the Farmer’s Markets

  • Colette

    Also like you on facebook.

  • I like you on Facebook 🙂

  • Kelly J

    Shaved ice!

  • Allison

    Warm weather means finally being able to study OUTSIDE of the library! Hooray 🙂

  • Allison

    p.s.-I’ve liked you on facebook!

  • Tessa

    Eating Ice Cream in the warm weather!

  • Allison

    p.p.s.-I’ve checked you out on twitter 🙂

  • Tessa

    and I just liked you on facebook also!!!

  • Stephanie

    I am simply looking foward to soaking up some sunshine and being rid of these cloudy, gray Ohio days.

  • Kerry

    I follow you on twitter

  • Tessa

    following you on twitter also!

  • Franny

    also, I follow you on twitter

  • michelle

    Love the blog. Love the contest.
    Most looking forward to evenings spent on the deck with the hubby.

  • Leah

    Looking forward to getting married outside (June 7th!).

  • michelle

    and just ‘liked’ you on facebook.

  • Kerry

    I liked you on Facebook

  • Ashley S.

    I’m looking forward to more time out outdoors with my family and friends, camping, cooking out and fresh veggies out of the garden. 🙂

  • Ashley S.

    I liked you on Facebook.

  • playing at the pool with my toddler!

  • Swimming! 🙂

  • Oh my god I had no idea KA made such a gorgeous pink color. YES, PLEASE!

    I’m looking forward to walking my dog now that’s it’s warmer (and brighter) out in the mornings and evenings, going to the amusement park, and of course swimming!

  • Eve

    This Summer, I am most looking forward to the birth of my baby girl–due July 26th! 🙂

  • Savannah S.

    I’m looking forward to eating ice cream and gelato again! i can never really enjoy it until it’s summer, even if i eat it inside!

  • I’m now following you on Twitter. Follow me back @ChrissesKitchen! Thanks for this great giveaway opportunity!

  • Valerie K.

    A Pink KitchenAid mixer would work JUST FINE 😉

    • Valerie K.

      I look forward to warm weather… opening the windows… letting the sun shine in!!

  • Eve

    I’m following Shawnda @foodiebride on twitter with @quacklynn

  • Valerie K.

    I liked you on facebook as well… go PINK!

  • jamie

    I am looking forward to the farmer’s markets. There is a Tues/Thurs market a block from my office so I sneak away for some sunshine and fresh air twice a week. Love the colorful offerings and gain inspiration.

  • I’m following you on Facebook now, too. You can find me on Facebook as Christine’s Kitchen Chronicles. Thanks!

  • Liz S

    I’m looking forward to working on my tan with a good book and a cold cocktail.

  • Maggie

    I am looking forward to renovating part of my house and moving the goslings out of my loundry room. The ladies are getting to big and messy to live inside much longer!

  • I am looking forward to my skin seeing some sun and getting some color back to it. A little tan would be nice! 🙂

  • Amanda

    I’m looking forward to wearing sandals!

  • Ashley

    I am looking forward to going to the lake and spending quality time with my loved ones!

  • I’m looking forward to getting tan…AND baking with that gorgeous mixer!!

  • looking forward to having lunch at the beach! 🙂
    (the beach is minutes away from my office)

  • additional one – followed you on twitter 🙂

  • Judy B.

    I am most looking forward to a vacation at the beach with my out of state daughter & her family and my in state daughter,sons & grandchildren. Can’t wait.

  • Lisa

    I’m looking forward to EVERYTHING! No more snow, open windows (in the house and car), BBQs, beaches, long walks, flip-flops, fresh air, carnivals & boardwalks, fresh berries!, yard sales, swinging on the back porch, funky sunglasses, the smell of sun screen. The list goes on and on. Only things I’m not looking forward to are the bugs, the gas prices getting any higher, and the pollen.

  • Erin

    I am looking forward to playing outside with my son. He’s most happy outside and it was a long winter!

  • Lisa

    I liked you on facebook

  • Kristen

    This mixer is just too pretty! Love it!

    I’m looking forward to planting my first vegetable garden this summer! Hoping to enjoy quite a few garden fresh tomatoes.

  • Erin

    I follow on facebook!

  • Robyn Beghtol

    You know what I’m looking forward to? Lemonade, damn it. On a daily basis, lemonade. That’s how I roll.
    Lemons are extra-easy to juice with Kitchenaid’s handy-dandy juicer attachment. In case you were wondering.

  • What I’m most looking forward to now that the weather is warm is summer vacation!!

  • Robyn Beghtol

    Guess what else? I just liked you on Ye Olde Facebook.

  • This summer, I’m looking forward to eating more delicious food grilled by my husband. I’m looking forward to fresh, juicy watermelon. I’m looking forward to finding our own place in this new area.

  • Tiersa McQueen

    The thing I’m looking forward to the most during the nice weather is spending more time outdoors with my kids!

  • Robyn Beghtol

    Guess what else ELSE? I am now stalking you on the Twitter.

  • Ashley

    I can’t wait for my husband to get back from deployment, only a month to go now!

  • I just liked you on Facebook.

  • Lane

    I plan on moving out (again) soon and I will no longer be able to use my boyfriend’s mother’s kitchenaid which i’ve grown ADDICTED to! I’d LOVE to win this, especially because the color is divine!!

  • I also followed you on Twitter.

  • Lane

    I also “liked” you on facebook! i don’t have a twitter or i would follow you as well 🙂

  • Eating more salads and taking my daughter to the pool and read alongside.

  • Going on a picnic and swimming!

  • I am most looking forward to sitting out on patios on warm summer nights, having a drink or chat with my boyfriend and friends. Just writing it out makes me smile. Thank you for the chance! 🙂

  • Banana

    Now that the summer is just around the corner, im most looking forward to weekend breakfasts on the patio!! There’s nothing like, that feeling of being kissed by the sun – while enjoying my morning coffee.

  • I am looking forward to all the fresh fruits and vegetables and what I could do with them if I win that GREAT MIXER!

  • Becki Sue

    I’m looking forward to the garden producing fresh veggies!!

  • Tina

    smoking some pulled pork!

  • Beth

    I am most looking forward to evening walks with my husband and my baby girl. and then maybe a glass of wine enjoyed outside after baby girl goes to bed. 🙂

  • Becki Sue

    I finally liked you on FB!!

  • Banana

    I also followed you on Twitter 🙂 p.s the colour is GORGEOUS!!

  • Tina

    I follow you on twitter

  • Emilee

    Looking forward to outdoor BBQ’s with friends/family, camping, and running without freezing me butt off! 🙂

  • Tina

    I follow you on face book

  • Britanee

    I’m looking forward to taking my pup to the park!

  • Megan

    Now that the weather is warm i can’t wait to picnic! Even the most delicious foods taste better when eaten outdoors in the sunshine 🙂 (Especially when accompanied by the love of my life)

  • quynh

    I’m looking foward to going to the beach!

  • Kimiko

    I’m most looking forward to 4th of July! I live in a beach community, and 4th of July is a huge celebration here! We always entertain at our house, with food and lots of icy beverages! …I can’t wait to try some of the new summery recipes I’ve been bookmarking.

  • It’s my first spring/summer in Texas, and I would say it’s REALLY warm already! I’m still looking foward to pool parties and camping though 🙂

  • Amy Johnson

    I’m very much looking forward to a fun summer on the lake! And summer hours at work 🙂

  • I’m looking forward to cookouts and homemade ice cream!

  • This summer I plan to learn how to freeze time so I can fit all the fun stuff into a crazy work schedule. The lake, camping trips, hiking, a little road trip and of course many many hours with great friends and delicious BBQ, maybe a few adult beverages even.

  • I’m a facebook and real life fan!!

  • Ashlee

    I’m looking forward to laying out at the lake and all the fresh fruits and vegetables!

  • It gets too warm here in the summer. But I am looking forward to escaping to Maine for August when it’s gorgeous there and unbearable here!

  • Anastasia

    I’m looking forward to working at a summer science enrichment program for high school students (which is such a fun experience), spending days at the beach with my Italian boyfriend who brings lovely italian treats (like focaccia, stromboli, and chilled calamari in olive oil and lemon juice yum!) for us to enjoy ocean-side! Oh and celebrating our first anniversary in August 🙂

    I truly love that color on that mixer!

  • Rhi


  • Anastasia

    I’ve added you on twitter 🙂

  • Robyn

    I am definately looking forward to camping! I love the outdoors and all the activities (and food!) that goes with it.

  • I’m ready for the pool to get warm enough to take a dip! That’s all we do in the summer!

  • Anastasia

    and liked you on facebook 🙂

  • Chris M.

    Shorts and sandals!

  • Melody

    I’m looking forward to cookouts with my family!!

  • Ashley


  • Ashley

    …and I’ve just liked you on Facebook…

  • Ashley

    ….and was already following you on Twitter!

  • Carrie

    I am looking forward to cooking on the grill, then sitting outside sipping drinks with friends.

  • Audrey F.

    I’m looking forward to spending time at the beach with my family!

  • Tamika

    I am looking forward to the nice drinks of the summer, margaritas, mojitos and other yummy summery drinks that burst with flavor. Also, just the nice sound of summer that comes from the birds and beautiful cicadas. 🙂

  • Sarah Mc

    I am looking forward to relaxing bu my POOL!

  • nikki

    I am looking forward to taking my soon-to-be one year old daughter outside to play and swim!

  • Pastrychef23

    I am soooo looking forward to sitting outside late into the evening, sipping one (or more) adult beverages!
    I try to do this most evenings anyway, but it’s much more glamorous not bundled up!

  • melissa

    I am looking forward to relaxing in the pool when school lets out for the summer…..

  • ArcyEm

    Gardening! Gardening, gardening and more gardening. 🙂

  • ArcyEm

    Followed you on Twitter

  • ArcyEm

    Liked you on Facebook.

  • Jessica

    I am looking forward to the warm weather so that I can be outside with friends and family enjoying the sun and some good food of course!

  • Jessica

    I have liked you on facebook

  • Jessica

    I am following you on twitter!

  • leana

    Seeing the kids play outside and bbq in the evening.

  • leana

    Liked you on Facebook 🙂

  • Mia

    I’m looking forward to Horseback Riding everyday!

  • Brittney

    I look forward to having this beautiful little mixer help me make some homemade hot dog buns for a family bbq!

  • Jessica Odom Bolt

    Now that the weather is getting warm, I am looking forward to all of my teacher friends getting out of school so we can spend an inordinate amount of time together drinking cold drinks and laying in the sun!

  • Jessica Odom Bolt

    I follow you on Facebook!

  • jennifer w

    Sipping mojitos out by the pool!

  • Cindy

    “What are you most looking forward to now that the weather is warm?”

    I’m looking forward to the feeling of Sand in between my toes, an ice cold drink in my hand, while the food on the bbq infuses the entire neighborhood with it’s delicious smokey meats and grilled veggies.

  • Cindy

    I “liked” you on facebook

  • I am looking forward to grilling everything this summer! Aaaand hot pink totally is my thing 🙂

  • Jennifer

    I’m looking forward to flip flops and lots of vacations!

  • Cindy

    and i’m now following you on twitter muahahaha

  • Catherine

    Oh my gosh! So many things….flip flops, a glass of wine on the deck, Chinese Chicken Salad, sleeping with the windows wide open, crickets chirping, and now that I’ve discovered your blog: making margarita cupcakes! Happy Spring everyone!!

  • Kristen

    I am looking forward to spending weekends at the lake and vacationing at the beach.

  • Jessica

    I’m looking forward to taking my dog on long walks!

  • Laura

    I am looking forward to a lot of great meals on the grill and eating in the backyard

  • I am looking forward to BBQ’s! Also just liked you on Facebook!

  • Andrea

    I’m looking forward to being outside more and getting to explore!

  • Hilary

    I’m looking forward to spending the summer outside and my husbands grilling skills

  • Lexi

    Sitting in the cool grass at night

  • Hilary

    Liked you on Facebook

  • Amanda Lagarde

    I am looking forward to playing in my new garden and getting some sun by the pool!

  • Sharon Long

    What a gorgeous color for a mixer!

  • Sharon Long

    I liked you on facebook!

  • Nichole Tobin

    Frozen Drinks and Backyard BBQs!!

  • Nichole Tobin

    I like you on Facebook! 🙂

  • Jessica W.

    I’m looking forward to the cookouts…and ice cold frozen drinks. Yum!

  • Sharon Long

    I also following on twitter now as well.

  • Linda K

    I’m looking forward to grilling.

  • annie

    Just looking forward to some fresh and local fruits and veggies, and of course, some barbecue!
    Thank you.

  • Wendy

    I’ve been looking forward to grilling and hanging out by the pool! That mixer is SO pretty!

  • Wendy

    I like you on FB! 🙂

  • Kat

    BEAUTIFUL!!! I just saw this at Willams-Sonoma and was drooling over it! I am looking forward to LOTS of cookouts!! 🙂

  • Kat

    I am a follower on Facebook too! 🙂

  • Melissa J

    My best friend visiting once her kids are out of school.

  • Susan

    I’m in Texas, too….I suppose I’m looking forward to….throwing the A/C way down? 🙂

  • Amanda

    I am just looking forward to sitting out on the deck and enjoying the warmth! also bonfires with friends and hitting the beach! ahh summertime 🙂

  • Susan

    Also, I follow you on Facebook!

  • Jaclyn

    I am looking forward to soaking up some sun at the beach!!

  • Brittney Simmons

    I can’t wait for bbq-ing and watermelon mojitios!

  • Heather

    Since I live in central FL, it’s been warm for a little while now 😉 I am looking forward to summer for a couple beach trips!!

  • Laurie

    I am most looking forward to swimming!

  • Kim S.

    Letting my husband cook meat on the grill for supper, which =’s less clean-up for me and more time for mindless television! Wahoo!

  • Heather

    and I also follow you on Twitter!!

  • Hannah Lupa

    This makes me think of the many cupcake recipes that I’ve made with my hand mixer…So pretty!

  • Alex

    Eating delicious local peaches and starting up my garden!

  • Blaire

    Going to cedar point and wearing shorts!!!

  • Blaire

    also i like you on fb!

  • Vee

    Wearing sandals!

  • kate lau

    Going to the park with my boys 🙂

  • Jeremy

    Now that it’s warm I am looking forward to tanning because I feel pale.

  • Sarah

    Whenever the weather starts to warm up, I look forward to wearing cute sandals and all the pretty colors I’m going to pain my toes!

  • Patricia

    I’m looking forward to spending more time outside with my garden and planting flowers.

  • Sarah

    Just liked your page on Facebook!

  • Jordan

    I am looking forward to shorts and tank tops!

  • I’m looking forward to grilling!!!

  • I follow you on FB!

  • Jordan

    Liked on facebook!

  • LaDonna

    I am a total cold weather girl! There is nothing that I enjoy doing in summer!

  • Sarah S

    It’s not quite warm enough here yet, but I’m looking forward to taking the kids to the park as much as possible. They get stir crazy during the winter when we have to be inside a lot.

  • I can’t wait for margaritas on my roof deck and my constantly painted toe nails!!


  • Kellyn

    I’m most looking forward to taking my puppy to the park and the lake near us! Love, love, love this weather!!

  • Kellyn

    PS. I already follow you on twitter!

  • I also like you on Facebook. AND if I win the mixer I will most definitely be sending you a batch of my first creation : )


  • Kellyn

    PPS. I already like you on facebook too!

  • I am looking forward to a much needed two week vacation with my husband:) YAY!

  • Erin

    Yess….having warm weather makes it easier to walk from building to building on my sprawling campus!

  • I “liked” you on Facebook:)

  • Holly B

    I’m looking forward to going for walks with my husband!

  • Holly B

    I follow on twitter! @prismperfect

  • Kristin Kirkland

    Time at the Park with my 2 year old!

  • Leslie

    I so want this kitchen aid 🙂 ok, what I am most looking forward to now that the weather is warming up….is letting my coped up kids run wild outside! And of course being able to exercise outside and enjoying the lighter mornings while I workout!

  • Leslie

    I just liked you on facebook 🙂

  • I am following you on twitter as @mrsgalvan

  • Jocelyn

    It’s been a long stint of colder weather here on the East Coast, and this native Arizona college girl can’t wait for the chance to go back home to see her family of 6 in July. It’ll have been 7 months since I’ve seen them! It will also be a shock to return to 115 degree heat after over a year! In the mean time, I’m looking to spend every warm Rhode Island day outside.

    P.S. That mixer is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

  • Jocelyn

    I also follow you on Twitter!

  • Jocelyn

    I liked you on facebook a while back, too 🙂

  • I’m looking forward to having picnics in the park.

  • I like you on facebook.

  • I follow you on twitter. @brideonbudget

  • Kristina

    I’m so excited to have some outside fun with my son during his first spring and summer.

  • Allison K.

    I’m looking forward to cooking responsibilities shifting to the husband and his grill AND trying all the yummy vegetables currently growing in our garden 🙂

  • Anna

    So pretty!

    I’m looking forward to flip flops and pedis!

  • Anna

    Signed up to follow you on twitter!

  • Ann King

    I am looking forward to improving on my grilling techniques and experimenting with recipes with my family as guinea pigs!

  • Jenn

    I’m looking forward to barefoot nights on grassy lawns.

  • Rebecca H

    Love the pink mixer 🙂 I’m looking forward to summer nights at the pool!

  • Natalie M

    Riding my bike and eating all the ice cream my heart desires!

  • I am so looking forward to ditching all of the heavy winter clothing! And baking lovely summer inspired sugar cookies!

  • Allison C

    I’m looking forward to walking the dog and actually enjoying the walk myself. Typically I’m miserable and he is not even phased by the weather.

  • Jen O

    I am really looking forward to going to the beach. I miss the beach!

  • Paige

    Swimming and grilling!

  • Monica Bruno

    I live in Florida, but I totally love spending my weekends by the pool/beach!

  • Farmers’ Market…and long walks with my dog. 🙂

  • Monica Bruno

    I have added you on Facebook!

  • I like you on Facebook. 😉

  • I also follow you on Twitter. Which makes me feel like I am stalking you. 🙂

  • margaret hixson

    now that the weather is warm i’m dying to plant my garden. i wait paitently for the weather to warm up so that i can plant my tomatoes, and they i wait patiently for them to grow so that i can make wonderful things with them.

  • Corwin

    Oh! Mixer! I need on of those before I move out.
    Warm weather brings more sun and better moods.

  • Jennifer Perry

    OMG hot pink – how absolutely fantastic. Well, now that the weather is warming up, I can’t wait to start taking longer walks outside on the weekends and firing up the BBQ!

  • Daniela

    Variety of fresh ingredients, finally!

  • What am I looking forward to about the warm weather? Being able to go for a bike ride and not freezing to death! And walks in the park… I love watching the little goslings grow up throughout the summer. 🙂

  • Corwin

    I like you on facebook.
    Not a twitter person.

  • I also liked you on Facebook…

  • I am looking forward to getting out and enjoying the weather with people I love! :)) Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  • …and I just followed you on Twitter. 🙂

  • Jen O

    I liked you on facebook!

  • Alicia Boarts

    I am looking forward to not bundling up the kids to go to the sitters in the morning :o). And spending time outside with my kids soaking up what seem like never ending evenings.

  • Shakieta Kennebrew

    This summer I look forward to moving into my house and jump start my baking back up again. The pink lemonade cupcakes led me here! 🙂

  • Jenn Hovis

    Our garden and being outside with my kids (-:

  • Sharon in FL

    Looking forward to the sand between my toes, a book in my hands, and the ocean waves putting me to sleep! The (college) semester is over and I don’t have any summer classes for the first time in 2 years. I plan to enjoy it!!

  • Antje

    I would get so much use out of this fabulous mixer!

  • Sandra

    I look forward to warmer weather for many reasons: Working on the house, Fresh veges from the garden, and babies on the farm.

  • Sharon in FL

    I “liked” you on Facebook!

  • Jen O

    I follow you on twitter!

  • Sharon in FL

    I’m now following you on Twitter! And looking forward to cooking out a LOT more…

  • Jodie

    I like you on Facebook

  • Antje

    I like you on facebook!

  • Antje

    I follow you on twitter.

  • Amanda

    What a great giveaway! I’m really looking forward to spending more time outside with my husband – grilling and hiking are definitely in our near future!

  • Filippa

    I look forward to learning how to grill and adding to my wine cellar.

  • Yasmine

    I’m looking forward to walking around in my flip flops ALL the time!

  • I’m looking forward to farmers markets, and fresh veggies! mmmm No coats and less rain!

  • liking you on facebook

  • Julia

    I’m looking forward to doing lots of hiking and playing lots of golf!

  • I’m looking forward to the hubby firing up the grill while I sit on the patio drinking sangria!

  • Sarah

    Late night bonfires with s’mores and wine with my girlfriends : )

  • paige c

    my home grown vegetables – tomatoes especially!

  • In the warm weather im most looking forward to tending to my new garden!

  • Shelly P

    Hiking!! I always start to get antsy when the weather warms up because I can’t wait to hike and explore all of thr local trails! Oh, and the mass amounts of fruit available to make fruit salads!

  • Brenda

    i love to make summer deserts. lemon bars are my fav. also love planting flowers and watching them grow.

  • Liz N

    I’m looking forward to swimming with my daughter and camping!

  • Shelly P

    I just like the blog on facebook.

  • Looking forward the better weather for hiking/camping! 🙂

  • followed you on twitter!

  • like you on facebook! 🙂

  • Liz N

    I liked on Facebook!

  • Brenda

    i liked you on face book…thanks for the chance top win

  • I also liked you on Facebook!

  • Brenda

    i followed you on twitter

  • Ok and I just followed on twitter I really hope to win!

  • Whitney clements

    I am looking forward to the fun of slip n slide:)

  • I’m looking forward to grilling and also getting off my butt and running again!

  • I like you on Facebook!

  • I’m following you on Twitter!

  • Angela

    I’m looking forward to flip flops and pedicures!

  • Cassandra Maria

    I’m looking forward to cook outs and outdoor parties!

  • Cassandra Maria

    I also liked you on facebook 🙂

  • Angela

    I’ve liked you on facebook too!

  • Amy

    I’m looking forward to more bike rides! And more iced coffee… mmmm 🙂

  • Angela

    I’m following you on twitter.

  • Christine W

    Grilling on the deck of our new house and kicking it in our pool. 🙂

  • Tiffany L

    Being able to go outside with my puppies to star gaze.

  • Christine W

    And I like ya on facebook.

  • Rachel Plemmons

    I am just looking forward to being outside more, and more walks with my little ones. (going to the beach too.)

  • Rachel Plemmons

    I’ve already liked you on facebook too!

  • Rachel Plemmons

    I follow you on Twitter as well!

  • Gjesso

    Along with warm weather brings summer vacation and visiting family. That is what I look forward to most.

  • Gjesso

    I follow you on Facebook.

  • Gjesso

    I follow you on twitter

  • I liked u on fb 🙂

  • …..and I would love to enjoy the super duper pool we have in our gym with the kids 🙂

  • Maria

    My husband and I are going to plant our first vegetable garden together

  • Margie

    I’m looking forward to back yard bbq, cold margaritas and good friends!

  • Laura Richardson

    Love it! Thanks for having this competition.

  • Jennifer Taylor

    I’m looking forward to our vacation at the beach!

  • Debbie H

    Wow. I love pink!

  • Michelle

    Now that it’s getting warmer, that means school is getting ready to get out for summer and that means my first year as a teacher will have officially come to an end! Can’t believe I made it!! Also, beach time and yummy margaritas.. still need to try that Blood Orange Margarita cupcake! 🙂

  • Michelle

    liked you on Facebook!

  • Michelle

    following you on twitter… can’t you tell I really want this KitchenAid! 🙂

  • Maggie M

    I’m looking forward to putting away the rainboots, and bringing out the flip flops!

  • I am looking forward to swimming!! Though, the weather over here still needs to get warmer.

  • Maggie M

    I’m also a twitter follower!

  • Julie

    I’m looking forward to visiting farmer’s markets now that the weather is warmer!

  • Popsicles!

  • Fran

    flip flops!

  • laura

    I am most looking forward to being done with grad school which will allow me to spend more time enjoying time with friends and family and reclaiming my life. I can’t wait to spend some more time creating in the kitchen!

  • I am looking forward to the warmer weather for grilling again. Nothing says summer like grilled food!

  • Bao

    I’m looking forward to mosquito bites NOT! I’m hopefully looking forward to getting some color!

  • Bao

    and I have also liked the Facebook page.

  • Alana

    I’m looking forward to wearing summer dresses (:
    And eating watermelon everyday! <3

  • Judy

    I am looking forward to my first cruise trip~

  • Alana

    & I’ve also liked your Facebook page

  • Oooh its soo pretty!!

    I like you on facebook too! 🙂

  • Kelly

    Apparently you don’t live in the Northwest! WHEN the weather turns warmer, I’m looking forward to morning walks without my gloves on!

  • Stephanie Veit

    I would love love LOVE to have one of these!

  • Stephanie Veit

    I’m a follower of you on twitter.

  • Stephanie Veit

    I liked you on Facebook!

  • Lisa

    I’m looking forward to camping

  • Lisa

    I already follow you on facebook

  • Lisa

    I already follow you on twitter

  • Jessica

    I’m looking forward to spending time on my deck!

  • Jessica

    And I just followed you on Facebook. (p.s. I love the margarita cupcake recipe. Can’t wait to try it!)

  • I am looking forward to making gorgeous wedding cakes now that it is becoming wedding season. 🙂

  • I have liked you on facebook!

  • Kara

    When the weather warms up, I am most looking forward to lazy afternoons spent out in the garden and grilling as often as possible!

  • I am following you on twitter!

  • Marie

    I am looking forward to mojitos on the deck!

  • Megan

    now that the weather is warm i’m looking forward to planting veggies in the garden

  • Angela S.

    I’m looking forward to just that – warmer weather! After 5 months of winter in Buffalo I’m absolutely dying for sun and warmth. Besides that, I’m standing up as my brother’s Best “Man” in his wedding in two weeks 🙂

  • Rachel

    Taking my 2 year old to the pool! She’s already started asking to go and “swimming” in the bathtub is just not as much fun!

  • Angela S.

    I already follow you on twitter!

  • Angela S.

    And I like you on the facebook 🙂

  • Stacie Irwin

    I am looking forward to the great harvest of fresh fruits and fresh veggies for canning.

  • Alexandra Cosgrove

    I’m most looking forward to corn on the cob!

  • Alyssa

    I’m looking forward to not having to wear a bulky coat that covers my cute outfit.

  • Alyssa

    and I like you on facebook

  • April Flyberg

    Looking forward to GOLFING!!!!! 🙂

  • cassie

    I am looking forward to taking my puppy on walks at that the lake!

  • cassie

    I liked you on facebook!

  • Grilling! We still do it when it’s colder, but I love having grilled food in the summer!

  • Kari

    I can’t wait for Saturdays where we can head to the farmer’s market in the morning and then watch my toddler son splash around in the kiddy pool!

  • Dana T

    I’m looking foward to beach dates with my boyfriend and watermelon sorbet!

  • Dana T

    I’m a follower on Facebook 🙂

  • cindy oh

    looking forward to some beautiful summer harvest! 😀

  • cassie

    I followed you on twitter!

  • Karla

    I am most looking forward to getting in some pool time!

  • Elizabeth W

    Eating dinner outside. Food just tastes better when you eat it outside!

  • Dana T

    Can’t get enough… following you on Twitter too!

  • Laura N

    I am looking forward to seeing my little baby swim…he’s 7 months and LOVES it!

  • Laura N

    And I like you on facebook 🙂

  • Sitting by the pool eating fresh veggies and fruit…. and maybe a drink or two. 🙂

  • Laura N

    And I am following you on twitter!!

  • And I just liked you on Facebook!

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  • Melisa

    Fresh fruits and veggies!

  • Melisa

    I just liked you on Facebook.

  • Leah

    I’m looking forward to spending afternoons in the park with my adorble nephew.

  • Natashia

    Cooking with veggies from the garden

  • Natashia

    I liked you on Facebook too 🙂

  • Elaina

    I am looking forward to grilling with all our friends & drinking margaritas on the patio. It is always a good time & no matter how stressful your day was it is washed away.

  • Sara

    The beach!

  • Sara

    follow on twitter saramama

  • Emily Brown

    Going out on our boat! It is all ready to go just waiting for it to warm up a little more, can’t wait!

  • Rachel

    Grilling, fresh veggies (nothing beats a blt suggest fresh tomatoes), and camping

  • Lauren

    Entertaining with warm weather inspired food! Strawberries….Watermelon…..!

  • Love the color! i can’t wait to go to the beach…or eat tons of ice cream!

  • lazy days at the lake

  • Anne Koulouras

    Looking forward to driving around int he convertible….without my parka!

  • Anne Koulouras

    And I’m following you on facebook

  • Anne Koulouras

    And twitter too!

  • Playing outdoors more, especially at the beach!

  • And I like you on Facebook!

  • Tracy

    BBQing, green grass and flowers!

  • Michelle

    Margaritas on a patio!

  • Julia D.

    I am looking forward to planting flowers with my dad. 🙂

  • Julia D.

    I like you on facebook! 🙂

  • mike

    ready for the beach!

  • Beth S

    I am looking forward to taking walks outside!

  • Christina

    warm weather = grilling!!!! 😀

  • Rachel

    I follow you on Facebook, too.

  • Jen

    Soaking up vitamin D! Really! I just like to sit on the porch and watch cars drive by and feel the warmth of the sun on my head and back.

  • Shannon

    I’m looking forward to the snow FINALLY all leaving our yard (no joke, it snowed here Friday) and my wedding in June 🙂

  • Amy

    I am looking forward to being able to BBQ this summer.

  • Lindsay

    I am looking forward to my husband coming home from deployment this summer!

  • Amy

    I also liked you on Facebook. 🙂

  • Lindsay

    I like you on FB.

  • jp

    blueberry everything!

  • Beth S

    I am a facebook fan!

  • Terry

    I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and relatives during a BBQ on my birthday! Lots of good food to eat and memories to be made. 😀

  • Mary

    I can’t wait to sit by the pool!
    A PBS by the way…that is the cutesy mixer I’ve ever seen!

  • Nicole B.

    I like you on FB!!!

  • Anna P.

    Many evenings on the deck eating yummy food from the grill and sipping even better drinks while the kids splash around in the pool!

  • I’m looking forward to making gazpacho!

  • miranda

    Im looking forward to plainting my garden!

  • miranda

    I likyou on facebook!!

  • Kristen

    Ohhh… the beach. I miss warm beach days!

  • Kristen

    Oh and I like you on FB 🙂

  • Taylor

    I am looking forward to reading a good book in a hammock!

  • Kendra Atkins

    Now that the weather is warm I’ve got the opportunity to finish crossing things off my Mission 101 list like kayaking in the ocean, fire breathing, sailing…

    I also “like” you on Facebook!

  • Krissy

    I’m looking forward to playing outside with my kids 🙂 they love playing outdoors!

  • Sharon Robertson

    Sunshine and gardening.

  • Tiffany

    I can’t wait to use the fruit and vegetables from our garden. I get so much satisfaction from cooking but even more from cooking with things I have grown.

  • Shine

    I am looking forward to us being able to entertain and throw BBQ parties in the backyard 🙂

  • Shaina

    I am looking forward to drinks at sidewalk cafes, and jogs late in the evening as the sun is starting to set!

  • Shawndra

    grilling, grilling, and more grilling!

  • Tiffany

    I follow you on twitter. 😀

  • Shaina

    I totally ‘like’ you on FB (and off too..) 😉

  • Erin R.

    I’m looking forward to no school for the summer! 🙂

  • Erin R.

    I have you liked on facebook!

  • Erin R.