It’s the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! On the 5th day of Christmas, there was a gift card for 100 Amazon Bucks to get whatever you want. A new game for your kids’ Wii, that expensive lip gloss that your husband doesn’t understand how it’s different from the 97-cent tube of Chapstick (IT JUST IS, OKAY?!), or a year’s supply of toilet paper.
I don’t judge.
To enter the giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments below: What is your least favorite Christmas song?
Update: The random generator thingy has spoken: Elisabeth with comment #1494 is the winner! Please check your email for instructions on claiming your prize. The elves are waiting!
I completely despise Last Christmas. It’s like a song about a 1-night stand or something and the only reason they play it at Christmas is because it has the word Christmas in the lyrics. They couldn’t make it be less about Christmas if they tried. And it doesn’t matter who sings it, I will never be able hit NEXT fast enough when it comes on. Ever.
[deep breath] Okay, rant over.
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The fine print:
– Maximum of five (5) entries per person.
– Giveaway ends at 12:01am (Texas time!) on December 13th.
– Winner will be selected by one of those cold, soulless, unfeeling random number generator thingies and announced on this post after selected.
– Winners will receive an Amazon Gift Card (e-card if available, maximum retail value of prize = $100).
– Prize must be claimed within 7 days or it will be forfeited.
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– Prize can only be shipped to a US address.
– All prizes are provided by Confections of a Foodie Bride, unless stated otherwise.
– Official giveaway rules can be found here.
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Least favorite Christmas song? Baby, It’s Cold Outside. It has just always creeped me out a little. It is always playing in cold months.
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I really don’t like the song Feliz Navidad! 😀
Paul McCartney’s Wonderful Christmas Time
Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
For me it’s “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.”, but by the time January comes around I can’t stand any Christmas song.
I know it’s probably a lot of people’s favorite song, but “Dominic the Donkey” drives me up a wall when it’s on the radio.
I’m really not all that fond of Frosty the Snowman. He sorta creeps me out.
Grandma got ran over by a Reindeer! Hate even typing that b/c now it’s in my head and will be there for DAYS.
I don’t like the song the Little Drummer Boy.
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Baby It’s Cold Outside has always bugged me. I even remember having an awkward conversation with my mom when I was a kid and asked why he wouldn’t let the girl go home. I saw a pretty good parody online the other day, trying to make it less date rapey. It really brought out the ridiculousness.
yes! we call it the “christmas date rape song.” especially with the line “hey, what’s in this drink?”
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I detest Santa Baby, by anyone!
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I love all Christmas songs, but can only listen to “Wonderful Christmastime” a few times before losing it!
Xmas song or Xmas carol? Is there a difference? Anyway, I will sound like the most horrible person on earth but I really cannot stand “Silent Night”. There, I said it. luv ur blog! 🙂
Wonderful Christmastime….ugh
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I’d have to say Silver Bells is my least favorite-it sounds kind of dreary to me!
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When I was little I couldn’t stand to hear Blue Christmas.. the background singers.. like fingernails going across the end of a paper towel roll to me… Lol
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Wonderful Christmas time! I don’t hate this song per se, but by the end of December, I just can’t hear it anymore- drives me crazy and sticks in my head- it really becomes an earworm for days!
Happy Holidays!
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I can’t listen to the 12 Days of CHristmas. Drives me insane.
Feliz Navidad. I hear it once and it’s stuck in my head for a week!
There’s this song that they play around where I live called “It’s Christmas Eve in Washington” and I can’t stand it – I don’t care if it is local!
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Oh my gosh, Last Christmas – I agree, it’s so awful!
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The Christmas Shoes song.
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I think it’s Feliz Navidad, followed closely by the Chipmunks Christmas song and Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.
impossible to answer – they all rock!
The Christmas Shoes song is my least favorite Christmas song.
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Feliz Navidad, hands down
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Anything sung by Charlotte Church. It’s too much!
It’s a toss up between Grandma got run over by a reindeer and I want a hippopotamus for Christmas.
Silver Bells. Ugh.
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My least favorite song is the Alvin and the Chipmunks song. Bleh!
Christmas Shoes, followed closely by Feliz Navidad.
I don’t particularly like “deck the halls”
Little Drummer Boy….too slow for me!
Blue Christmas – yuck!! I have to turn the radio off for that song.
Let’s see, least favorite? I’d say “Good King Wenceclas” – which I probably spelled wrong, because I dislike it so much haha 🙂
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas – even typing it I know the tune is goin.g to get stuck in my head
“I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause” has always annoyed me. I don’t know why.
Leave favorite Christmas song is “All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth”.
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Santa baby. Creepy inappropriate Christmas song.
I do not like any rendition of Santa Baby!
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hmmm least favorite is probably the hawaiian christmas song UGH haha
Jingle Bells. Ugh.
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I can’t think of the name of it…. the one by BAM!
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Definitely Santa, baby
Santa baby and Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
I agree with you and others about Last Christmas and Baby, It’s Cold Outside. Both completely inappropriate.
This is probably terrible to say but my least favorite song is the one about the red Christmas shoes!
Silver Bells…..not upbeat enough
Hmmm that’s a toughie. I don’t think I hate any Christmas songs 😛
Dominic the Donkey is my least favorite Christmas song
I hate to be a scrudge. . . but, all of them. I don’t like christmas music, but I will listen to it if others want to.
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Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
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Alvin and the Chipmunks “Christmas Don’t Be Late” – the high pitched whine of entitlement and greed. I cannot stand it.
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12 Days of Christmas!
I dont like baby its cold outside
I dislike Santa Baby.
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That Christmas Shoes song, ugh!
I can’t stand Jingle Bells!
I really hate “All I Want for Christmas is You”.
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I want a hippopotamus for Christmas is definitely not my favorite!
let’s be naughty and save santa the trip! It’s not cute, and it’s just gross!
Grandma got runover by a reindeer
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ugh…Santa Baby! I don’t want to think about Santa in any other way but a jolly old fellow.
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In our area of Tennessee “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer” is a frequent flyer..I hate it!
Feliz Navidad. Just never sounded very Christmassy to me.
Grandma got run over by a reindeer!
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I really don’t like Blue Christmas by Elvis…don’t know why, I just do not like it at all!
My least favorite christmas song is anything that sounds like it was made about 60 years ago. Cheesy!
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I was going to say Christmas Shoes but a comment above reminded me of the Chipmunks’ Christmas song – yes! That is the worst.
I am NOT a fan of Little Drummer Boy. I also hate any Christmas songs that have very little to do with Christmas or holidays, save for some jingle bells in the background. I know you didn’t ask but my most FAVORITE Christmas song is It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – because IT IS!
“Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.” It used to be funny but I’ve heard it a few thousand too many times!
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“All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth”….haha.
I dislike all Christmas music, not sure why but I have no desire to hear any of it. Makes going into any store this time of year really annoying.
Those poor dogs barking Jingle Bells – I can’t STAND that song.
That silly “man with the bag” song. It seems like department stores start playing it EVERY time I walk in- gag!
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I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus is my least favorite, but Santa Baby is up there too. What a fun giveaway question! It’s fun to read everyone’s answers.
Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney. I immediately change the station when I hear it. It makes me crazy!
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Santa Baby…
Hands down. Worst Christmas song is Christmas Shoes.
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I dislike the 12 days of Christmas
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feliz navidad! (i kind of like last christmas, but definitely not as a christmas song — it’s glee’s fault!)
I don’t care for I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus? Where is Daddy in this whole charade?!? Why is he not stopping the madness?!?
Daddy IS Santa Claus in that song!
ermahgerd: Christmas Shoes.
I saw mommy kissing Santa is not my favorite..
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Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer. Great. Now that song is in my head.
My least favorite Christmas song is “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”. I support the cause of the song and the money it raised and have the utmost respect for all the artists that participated, but I just can’t get over the lyrics.
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I pretty much hate anything written after 1970 – if I didn’t hear it in a claymation movie or in White Christmas, I don’t want to hear it at all.
That said, Last Christmas is a pretty good choice.
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The Christmas Shoe song is terrible…
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Christmas Shoes – too depressing!
Least favorite, hmmmmm, Silver Bells? I prefer more upbeat, excited Christmas songs.
My least favorite Christmas song is the “Grumpy 12 days of Christmas” or whatever it’s called – where they complain about the lines at the store and the Christmas lights not working and blah blah blah. No Thank You!
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You are so right! Such an awful song, I’d add The Christmas Shoes and Baby It’s Cold Outside to my list. Top Three Worst Christmas Songs EVER!!!
I don´t think there isn´t a Christmas song I don´t enjoy. I love Christmas
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There is a song that comes on the local radio station, but during Christmas music “season”, they don’t have DJ’s announcing the songs, so I don’t know the name, I just know it drives me INSANE!!! There’s a background singer that mirrors everything the lead singer says in this nasal-y, awful voice and then it’s stuck in my head for days because I sing along to it to mock them (in my car, by myself…don’t judge) 🙂
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I cannot stand Santa Baby! Worst Christmas song ever!
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. It’s over played. ALOT!!
I completely agree with you!! After hearing that song for the fourth or fifth time yesterday I just switched the station because I couldn’t take it anymore!! So many good ones, why that?!
I hate Grandma got run over by a reindeer. It is just a bad song.
I detest Grandma got Run over by a Reindeer.
Baby It’s Cold Outside. Especially the Rod Stewart, Dolly Parton version. While I adore them individually, their duet makes my ear bleed.
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My least favorite is Wham – Last Christmas.
River as sung by Robert Downey Jr.
I don’t like Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer!!!!!!!
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My least favorite Christmas song has always been the Little Drummer Boy…don’t ask me why but every time it comes on I have to change the radio station!
Dominic the Donkey…ugh.
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Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is the worst song ever. Who thinks grandma death is fun and Christmasy. Your choice is probably my second least liked though.
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YES! Definitely Last Christmas…it’s horrible! And “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.” Yuck.
Silver Bells…it’s blah.
“Baby It’s Cold Outside” = holiday date rape anthem.
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Santa Baby, especially when sung by Michael Buble. Its just wrong.
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I don’t like the 12th Day of Christmas song.
My absolute least favorite is “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.”
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Hands down “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is the creepiest. I feel like I’m listening to the prelude to date rape. Not what I usually look for in a festive Christmas song.
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“Santa Baby.” Creepy.
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Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! It gets stuck in my head ALL THE TIME!
the 12 days of Christmas, that song is way too long.
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My least favorite Christmas song is probably Feliz Navidad.
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Least favorite would have to be Santa Baby although Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer is a very close second!
I am not a fan of the song Christmas Shoes. In all reality, it’s probably a great song. But it makes me cry and feel depressed every time I hear it.
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Wow – everyone else has about covered all the really awful ones – Last Christmas, Santa Baby, Baby it’s Cold Outside…those are tops on my bad list.
Favorite Christmas songs, just in case you want a good song in your head: O Holy Night, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Silent Night, Joy to the World…most all of the hymns are great. Love the “kids” songs too – Rudolph, Jingle Bells, Frosty. Oh, and really enjoy all of B. E. Taylor’s versions of Christmas songs and his originals.
Thanks for this giveaway!
Dominick the Donkey is pretty bad, enough so that I will change the station if it comes on.
The 12 Days of Christmas parody is my least favorite song. We get it! We put ourselves through the wringer for these winter holidays.
I love White Christmas!
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It’s gotta be The Little Drummer Boy!
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I don’t hate any Christmas song in particular, but if one is played too much, it can certainly get old.
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“all i want for Christmas is my two front teeth”, not sure if that’s the title or just a lyric but that song drives me crazy.
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The Chipmunks Christmas song!
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Dan Folgelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne” – it’s like stop drinking beers with your ex-boyfriend in your car, and get home to your husband and family on Christmas Eve. Sheesh.
George Michael’s “Last Christmas” is definitely a close second though!
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Baby its Cold Outside…what is going on there….
aah! that song about chestnuts roasting! so bad!:)
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Hmm, good question… I think Santa Baby!
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Grandma got run over by a reindeer
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My least favorite Christmas song is “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”.
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All I Want For Christmas Is You. I swear every time I’m in an Old Navy in December it gets played at least four times. Can’t stand it.
Santa Baby! For pretty much all the reasons you hate Last Christmas. It’s such a creepy song….
The hippo song! Drives me crazy!
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My least fav Christmas song is Last Christmas.
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Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer makes my skin crawl every time I hear it. UGH!!
My least favorite is definitely Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (if you can even call that a song). 🙂
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Christmas Shoes is my least favorite Christmas song.
anything alvin and the chipmunks *shudder*
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I don’t like Santa Baby
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I think it is Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time (Paul McCartney? Beatles?) REally, anything from that era.
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“Santa Baby”, I mean seriously? It’s creepy and materialistic. Yuck.
I don’t care for Santa Baby.
Grandma got runover by a reindeer… so annoying
I really don’t like I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause, or whatever the title of that one is.
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Whatever that one that has “War is Over” in the chorus. That might even be the name, but I don’t want to give it any attention by Googling it.
My least favorite Christmas song is Grandma got run over by a reindeer. UGH
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I can’t stand “Santa Baby”, it’s like nails on a chalkboard for me!
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I can’t stand the “Christmas Shoes” song. It is all about a kid and his dying Mom, and instead of being at home with her, he’s out buying her shoes that he can’t afford. Created simply to tug at the heart strings and it doesn’t even make sense!
Do they know it’s Christmas? So depressing!
Oh man, so many to hate now that I’m reading through some of the comments 🙂 I think my least favorite is Santa Baby!
I’m usually a little weirded out by songs trying to make Christmas extra sexy. “Santa Baby” is one that really seems odd to me.
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Least favorite Christmas song is that John Lennon one, “And So This Is Christmas.” Ugh. Everything about it annoys me!
Little Drummer Boy.
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Christmas Shoes is definitely one. And then that one by The Carpenters…it’s so damn depressing! Blah.
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I don’t really have a least favorite song… but I will admit I don’t like any if they’re not in December (or before Thanksgiving!).
Santa Baby, or Blue Christmas!
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The Christmas Shoes song. I can’t stand it!!
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That Paul McCartney one – Simply having a wonderful Christmas time! HATE it! They used to play it all. the. time. at the retail place I worked at in highschool. Blech.
The original Last Christmas is a close 2nd for me. Amazingly I don’t hate the Taylor Swift remake as much, but it took me a while to even consider listening to it because I really dislike the original. It was another one that was constantly played :/
I don’t like the “Christmas Shoes” song. I’m so tired of hearing it!
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Christmas Shoes!
I tend to not like remakes of classic Christmas songs, but as for original songs that I dislike, I can’t think of any that really bother me. I guess I saw mommy kissing santa was always odd to me
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HaHa – mine is actually the 12 days of Christmas.
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I don’t like Santa Baby, but it was hard to find one!
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Santa Baby, yuck!
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I’m with you, I HATE the song Last Christmas!
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Little Drummer Boy… it’s so boring! Not a fan
Crappy renditions of Mele Kalikimaka.
Hands down, Sammy the Christmas Snake!
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The dog-barking Jingle Bells.
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Blue Christmas
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Not a fan of “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.”
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Blue Christmas is depressing and Wonderful Christmastime is just annoying.
Thanks for another awesome giveaway!
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You read my mind! Last Christmas makes my skin crawl.
Grandma got ran over by a reindeer ?? what is that?
I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. Cute once, but gets old REALLY fast!
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My least favorite song is Little Drummer Boy.
It’s a toss-up between “Baby It’s Cold Outside” and “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.”
LOL you’re too funny!
Mine is Blue Christmas by Elvis. Ughhhh.. drives me mad. 🙂
Christmas Shoes is the first one that comes to mind. Although Santa Baby, Baby It’s Cold Outside and Santa Got Run Over by a Reindeer are pretty close behind it!
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I think I with you on the “Last Christmas” song, quickly followed by Grandma got run over by a raindeer
I can’t stand Santa Baby! I can’t change the song fast enough when that one comes on.
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I’m Latina yet I’m not a fan of “Feliz Navidad”. There’s just too much repetition.
I agree with Christmas Shoes!
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Joy to the World. I’ve always despised that song….that might be too strong of a word, but I intensely dislike it.
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas…ugh!
Santa Baby makes my skin crawl…I don’t care who is singing it. I hate it.
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My least fave song is blue Christmas
I can’t listen to Baby It’s Cold Outside. And Feliz Navidad will eventually get on my nerves as well!
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Dominic the Donkey is probably the worst for me. I managed to avoid listening to it all season last year!
OMG ANY of the songs on the new cee-lo album. boo.
Let me just say that I LOVE Christmas music, so finding a least favorite was difficult…but I’d say Little Drummer Boy. It’s rather boring to me and I remember singing it in a school Christmas show when I was a kid.
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Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer is awful! I can’t stand it.
I hate any of the Mannheim Steam Roller songs. I like my Christmas songs with words!
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I don’t like Jingle Bells. It isn’t terrible, its just that I can’t take it over and over and over and over!
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Last Christmas by George Michael – I will even leave a store if it is on.
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I hate the Chipmunk song. Alvin’s voice is super annoying to me.
I hate Last Christmas, it’s NOT about christmas!
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Elvis’ Blue Christmas. It’s just too… Elvis-y and not enough Christmas-y 🙂
I think Santa Baby is really dumb, and also Sunny 99.1 plays (or at least they used to play) this song about a guy who runs into an old girlfriend at the grocery store and it turns out he’s just lonely and she’s unhappily married so they drink a case of beer in her car and then she goes home and the snow turns into rain. How is that a Christmas song?!?!?!
I hope other people out there know which song I’m talking about, otherwise I’ll just sound crazy 🙂
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Least favorite? 12 Days of Christmas. How repetitive can it get???
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I’ll all for a funny song but I really don’t like Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer!
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I absolutely DESPISE “I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas”. Even now, as I type this, I can hear that shrill girl’s voice singing and I want to rip my ears off.
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grandma got run over by a reindeer…just so dumb 😉
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Little Drummer Boy
My least favorite song is Wonderful Christmastime. It’s a dreadfully obnoxious song, especially the Paul McCartney version. I cringe every time I hear it. Unfortunately though it gets stuck in my head so easily. Ugh.
The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot – NAT KING COLE
oh so depressing.
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My least favorite Christmas song is, “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”.
I think Santa baby is pretty stupid.
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The Chipmunk Christmas song. It’s just terrible.
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Baby it’s cold outside.
Mary, Did you Know? Theologically, it’s a giant DISASTER.
I cannot stand any modern artist singing Christmas songs – does that count? Give me Andy Williams, Burl Ives, etc!
This is a hilarious question! Probably I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas because I can only handle hearing the song about twice per year before I lose it.
PS – Baby It’s Cold Outside is super creepy but somehow still catchy
My husband loves REK’s Merry Christmas from the Family and it is just the worst song EVER. Seriously. Ever.
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Least favorite? That Christmas Shoes song…or Last Christmas, like you. Drive me crazy!
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Little Drummer Boy. It’s just too slow for me.
I love this question. My least favorite Christmas song is Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer. It’s just so not in the Christmas spirit.
Least favorite Christmas song: Blue Christmas :p
My least favorite christmas song is: ALL OF THEM.
I love, love, love christmas. Our house is decorated. Presents are wrapped. We turn the tree on when we awake and turn it off only when we sleep, but I despise Christmas music.
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I know I could separate these, but I never win contests so this is more just a shot in the dark. 😀
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Easy question–“The Little Drummer Boy.” I LOVE Christmas music, but that song makes we want to scratch my eyeballs out.
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Any song sang by Maria Carey 😉
Least favorite Christmas song is probably “Baby It’s Cold Outside” — I agree with others, it’s kind of a creepy song! Thanks!
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least favorite christmas song grand ma got run over by a reindeer.
I can’t stand Dominic the Donkey!
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My least favorite Christmas song is Th Little Drummer Boy! I can not stand that song!!
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For whatever reason, I can’t stand the Burl Ives version of “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas”.
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I loathe both “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” and “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.” Great question!
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I want to gouge out my ear drums every time I hear Feliz Navidad.
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Jingle Bell Rock…it plagues me for weeks after the holidays
Bruce Springsteen’s Santa Clause is Coming to Town. OMG STOP Whining!!!! Drives me bonkers, that song does.
Wonderful Christmas Time makes me want to stab my eardrums. Ridiculous!
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My least favorite song is The Christmas Shoes. It makes me cry. And I prefer Christmas songs that make me smile!
Grandma got ran over by a reindeer. Ugh
Christmas Shoes. I know everyone cries, and gets all warm inside about it, and the message is good, but I just don’t actually like the song.
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I just heard Justin Bieber’s edition of Little Drummer Boy. It was… not good. Shot right up to the top of the list with that one.
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I don’t like any Christmas song that has been ‘techno-d’. Basically, my husbands favorite Christmas music 😉
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Santa Baby gives me the heebie jeebies- yuck!
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I am not really a fan of really religious Christmas music.
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All of them!!! Oops, did I say that out loud?!
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“I’m Getting Nothing for Christmas” drives me insane.
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Anything by Kenny G.
“Grandma got run over by a reindeer”. Its a bit too morbid for me!
All I Want For Christmas is My 2 Front Teeth. I wanna hit someone every time I have to listen to it.
Ooooh think of all the cute baby things I could get for my little ones! 🙂 LOVE me some Amazon!
I hate Feliz Navidad!
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I have to go with least favorite songs – all of the ones by the Jackson 5. We went to several stores last weekend and a couple of them played nothing but – so annoying!
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Little Drummer Boy. It just goes on and on!
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Please Daddy Dont Get Drunk This Christmas by Alan Jackson…..Horrible song for Christmas!!
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Do you hear what I hear?
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Oh boy, I’m ready to get shunned, but I hate Christmas music. Like, all of it. EXCEPT Run DMC’s Christmas in Hollis. 🙂
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Definitely Grandma got run over by a reindeer . I mean, really!!
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My least favorite Christmas song is Feliz Navidad.
Least favorite is probably Baby, It’s Cold Outside. The song itself isn’t that bad but the words are kinda creepy… especially when it’s an old dude singing the duet with a teenage girl.
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dominick the christmas donkey. Die laughing. every.single.time.
love Paul McCartney, hate Wonderful Christmastime
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THE worst Christmas song of ALL time is “Christmas Shoes.”
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I think it’s a tie between Feliz Navidad and Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.
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There are many that I hate, but I’ll just say Feliz Navidad to make it simple. 🙂
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Hmm, I have a love-hate relationship with Handel’s Messiah. We used to have to sing it every year in school…but i secretly love it!
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This has been a common topic of conversation lately, so I’m prepared to list about 10 Christmas songs that make me want to rip out my hair. Number one on that list is Elvis and Blue Christmas.
“Wonderful Christmas Time” makes me cringe every time I hear it
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The Little Drummer Boy
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I don’t care for the Mr. Grinch song!
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Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer…awful.
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Oh my gosh, how much do I love you and this giveaway? What a great question to ask! Last Christmas is definitely awful, but I’ll say the dogs barking Jingle Bells just so you know I didn’t just copy you.
Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!
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I favorite singer would have to be Nat King Cole! I love all his songs.
It’s a tie between Christmas Shoes and Santa Baby. Oh, can I add “I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus”?. So annoying!
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I usually like allll Christmas music…but if I had to choose then I suppose “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer”.
That Christmas song by the Chipmunks – drives me nuts 🙂
I dislike Santa Baby – ick!
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer might win this one
I’d have to say “grandma got run over by a reindeer”
Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey
My least favorite Christmas song would most likely be “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.”
I don’t really have a least favorite Christmas song. I love most of them.
Grandma got runover by a reindeer!
Feliz Navidad is my least favorite!
Christmas Shoes, it was so overplayed the year it came out…
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Grandma got run over by a reindeer OR rudolph got run over by my Grandma, both equally painful!
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Hands down, Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer.
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Any song that contains Chipmunks.
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this one Justin Bieber song. I don’t even know what it is, but it is the worst!
Can’t stand the christmas shoes song and also the christmas song.
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White Christmas
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Carol of the Bells sounds creepy to me, so I will go with that.
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Little Drummer Boy. Ugh, it’s the worst. Either that or Away in a Manger.
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I really don’t like Feliz Navidad and Grandma got run over by a reindeer!
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Ha I love Last Christmas!!! I hate Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer though!!
There’s only one that I really hate and it’s the Drunk Lady’s 12 Days of Christmas. I hate it, every time I hear it I have to change the channel, because I feel myself getting very angry.
I think the name of the song is I saw Grandma get run over by the reindeer….ugh
Definitely the Christmas Shoes song. So depressing!
Grandma got run over by a reindeer
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Baby It’s Cold Outside…soooo annoying!
Feliz navidad. I hate it!
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I cannot stand “Dominic the Donkey.” Just typing it has it stuck in my head now.
Least favorite = Blue Christmas – all that oohweeoohing drives me nuts!
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I really dislike Santa Baby… I don’t know why, but I hate it!
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Santa Baby. I not only find it annoying, but it’s a tad creepy to me as well.
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Feliz Navidad!
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The 12 days of christmas. The repetition kills me.
I hate the song about the kid buying shoes for his mom….the WORST!
Ahhh! It would have to be Britney Spears’ ‘My Only Wish This Year”. It drives me crazy…..
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Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer.
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I can’t stand the Happy Christmas song. So overplayed.
UGH!! I don’t know the title, but there’s some cheesy country Christmas song about meeting an old lover in a grocery store. MUST. CHANGE. THE STATION every time it comes on!
“Let It Snow!”
So funny to hear people have strong opinions about bad Christmas music. I don’t hate any of them…love some more than others, but I have a chest full of Christmas CDs and it is something I indulge in from the day after Thanksgiving until just after New Year. Love it! And love it and love amazon shopping 🙂
It’s a tie between “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” and “Last Christmas” …. if you’re really unlucky, they stick in your head and play in a loop for days till you’re ready to scream…
Silent Night.
Least favorite Christmas song is “I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”
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i think there’s at least one version of every christmas song that i can tolerate…just not before thanksgiving, thankyouverymuch. 🙂
Grandma got run over by a reindeer….
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I agree with many people here – Grandma got run over, blech.
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grandma got run over by a reindeer
12 Days… or the Chipmunks Christmas song. I love Christmas music, but there is some really bad stuff out there!
every christmas song except I Won’t Be Home for Christmas…
Christmas shoes
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Favorite Christmas Song – The Christmas Song – Sinatra
“Last Christmas” is the worst!
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So many annoying Christmas songs, but the worst for me is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.
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Least favorite is Santa Baby
Little Drummer Boy.
oh my thats hard i love all christmas songs
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least favorite xmas song..hmm..i had to think about this one..i think the most annoying one to me is all i want for xmas is my two front teeth. its just so ridiculous. haha
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My least favortite song is ‘Grandma got run over by a reindeer’…its a channel changer for me!
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Go Tell it on the Mountain is my least favorite. The tune is bouncy and annoying!
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Last Christmas! I can’t stand that song!
My most-hated Christmas song is The Christmas shoes. I can’t change the channel fast enough!
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That Chipmunks Christmas song…so annoying!
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It’s a tie between Jingle Bell Rock and Santa Baby. Can’t stand either and seem to hear them being sung by terrible high school show choirs at the mall every year 🙂
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I really don’t like the 12 days of Christmas…it just goes on and on and on!!!! Sure do like your blog though!
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I am NOT a fan of Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer!
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is my least favorite.
Man, you’ve really got me thinking on this one… I’m going to go with the Christmas Shoes song. Mostly because it’s really sad and always makes me choke up. I’m all about the jolly Christmas songs, but can’t handle the super sappy ones.
Oh my goodness, I could come up with a HUGE list, however, the first one that comes to mind is that one by Paul McCartney.
I love this song, I wish you a merry Xmas and Christmas baby… Ilike you on Pinterest
The Christmas Shoes!
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I don’t really like any Christmas song, to be honest. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer does get very annoying after the first 15 times, though.
Toss up between Santa Baby and Baby It’s Cold Outside…
Any Christmas song played before thanksgiving or after Dec.31 is the one I despise the most!
Probably the 12 Days of Christmas. It’s fun in the beginning…..but then it gets old fast!
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I’d say Silver Bells because it was something I had to practice way too often for a piano recital when I was young.
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John Lennon’s Happy Christmas (War is Over). Really? Can’t stand it. And, to make matters worse, I find myself humming along when it is playing in a store. Aackk!
I despise the Santa Baby song. Although it is really annoying when the Christmas music starts before Halloween in stores. It is bizarre.
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I’m with you on Last Christmas! Definitely hit “next” as soon as it comes on!
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i hate that dominic the donkey song!
I agree with Santa Baby-ugh!
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I can’t stand that “12 days of Christmas” remake that lists all the terrible things about the holidays. Ugh!
What a great question and my least favorite song is Santa Claus is coming to Town by Bruce Springsteen. It sounds like he is choking at the end of the song because he can’t get the word Santa out.
Grandma got run over by a reindeer!
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Grandma got run over by a reindeer would make the top of my list!
I totally agree with Grandma got run over by a reindeer, so annoying!
I have never been a fan of “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”
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Feliz Navidad is my least favorite!
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I would say Charlie Brown song and rocking around the Christmas tree oh and grandma got ran over oh I know you said one ~ for the most part I love them all but these ~ my fav is Marshmallow Christmas by Dean Martin so happy and I do love those Marshmallows too!!! heee heee enjoy your day!
I love all Christmas music. I can’t think of a Christmas song that I don’t like. It all puts me in the holiday spirit. Even the “annoying” songs most people despise, I enjoy because they bring back childhood memories.
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My least favorite Xmas song is by rapper, DMX. A friend posted the video on Facebook and was totally thinking how wrong it was.
Feliz Navidad is my least favorite, because it repeats over and over again
That’s a very tough question because there are many Christmas songs to dislike. But I suppose my LEAST favorite would have to be “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.
Grandma got run over by a reindeer – that is my least favorite
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If I never hear “Carol of the Bells” again then I would be a happy camper. I know that people love it, but I’m a music teacher and I’m sick of it!! LOL
Little Drummer Boy is my least fav song!
I’m not necessarily the kind of person who gets overly excited by listening to Christmas music, but there aren’t any of them I can think of disliking. That is as long as it’s not for hours on end. Too long, and they all start to drive me crazy.
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My least favorite song is “Do you hear what I hear”
Dominick the Donkey is a horrid song for Christmas.
I really dislike SANTA BABY. I don’t have a good reason. It’s just irritating. Oddly, most of the songs mentioned above are my favorites.
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the chipmunks singing anything… especially All I want for Christmas
Can’t stand the song Santa Baby, will turn to a different station every time it comes on the radio even.
I don’t like “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer,” I’m good with silly songs, but that one just bothers me. lol
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My least favorite Christmas song would have to be Santa, Baby. Creepy!
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Hate Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
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Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer!!! So annoying! Love your site, Shawnda! 🙂
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I really don’t like the Christmas Shoes song…it just brings me down
Sweet giveaway!
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It came upon a midnight clear
Burl Ives version of 12 Days of Christmas.
Grandma got ran over by a Reindeer
Dominic the donkey
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holy crap, that song really sucks. i also hate santa baby…mostly because the women who sing it have obnoxious breathy voices.
I have to agree with everyone who chose Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
Little Drummer Boy!!
I want someone to pay me for pinterest, too!!
Christmas Shoes-it’s sooo depressing!
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Dominic the Donkey
My least favorite Christmas sing is “grandma got run over by a reindeer”. As a grandma … That’s brutal. 🙂
There is a song called Christmas Shoes…. it has got to be one of the worst songs EVER!
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christmas shoes… its too sad for me!
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I am not sure I have a least favorite Christmas song. I love all of them really. I guess because it is something different to listen to for a very short while.
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Feliz Navidad
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Grandmother got ran over by a reindeer.
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Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Hmm… I think I have to go with Christmas Shoes… was cute (SAD) when it first came out, and was just so overplayed that I can’t handle it anymore.
Christmas Shoes! Ugh. Terrible. I have to immediately change the station as soon as it’s on.
Rouldoph the Red Nose Reindeer. Sooooo annoying
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Santa Baby is my least favorite…just plain silly
Christmas Shoes! That probably makes me a horrible person, but so be it!
Santa Claus is coming to Town
The Christmas Song sung by Nat King Cole. Makes me want to cozy up by a warm fire!
Oops! I said my favorite. My least favorite is Barbara streisand’s jingle bells. So annoying!
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Liked you on Facebook! Honestly I can’t think of a song I don’t care for, sorry
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Baby, It’s Cold Outside- sooo creepy! I always cringe inside when I hear it.
Jingle Bells is my least favorite.
I HATE any Christmas song that is pop music–especially Mariah Carey!
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I pretty much love all Christmas music, but I guess Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer is one I could live without. Thanks!
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(Sharon O.)
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Finally someone said like it is about the Last Christmas song. THANK YOU! I can’t change it fast enough every time it’s on.
Feliz Navidad…I can’t stand that song!!
Cannot stand Christmas Shoes. So depressing!
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer… Boo…
grandma got run over by a reindeer…. what even is the point of that song?!
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Feliz Navidad, hands down. It plays everywhere now…
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Grandma got ran over by a reindeer.
Grandma got run over by a reindeer…. ugh! so catchy!
Believe it or not, my least favorite Xmas song is “Silent Night.” It makes me way too sad.
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Ugh little drummer boy. I also don’t understand why “my favorite things” is a Christmas song.
My least favorite song is the horrid Paul McCartney song “Simply having a wonderful Christmas time” UGH!
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At the risk of sounding like a grinch, I can only take so much of any Christmas song. I think it is a tie for my least favorite – either baby, it’s cold outside or little drummer boy!
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I hate the song “The Santa Wrap” ; it just annoys me to no end. Thanks for the chance to enter.
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grandma got run over by a reindeer
My least favorite is Grandma got ran over by a reindeer!
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“Wonderful Christmastime”. No thank you.
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I hate the 12 days of Christmas – ughhh it’s soooo long.
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The only Christmas I really can’t stand is that one Mariah Carey one, the title of which escapes me because I block it out. I just hate it that much 🙁
The Little Drummer Boy
Grandma got run over by a reindeer
It has to be Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer…..most annoying song ever
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I don’t like the 12 days of christmas.
I really don’t enjoy Grandma Got RunOver By a Reindeer or the 12 Days of Christmas
My favorite Christmas song is Happy Christmas by John Lennon
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I’m with you on Last Christmas! I hate that song and it seems like they play it all the time on the radio in the car. Can’t stand it.
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Ah, definitely “Grandma got run over by a reindeer.” Who on earth thought of such an idea for a song?
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Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
I really don’t like the song The 12 Days of Christmas because they always make commercials with it and it drags on and on!
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Chipmunk song but I detest any christmas song barked or meowed.
Little Drummer Boy
Little Drummer Boy
Definitely Christmas Shoes…I understand it is meant to highlight the giving spirit at Christmas time, but it makes me want to cry every time. Very depressing.
My least favorite Christmas song is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
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I just can’t stand the song, Mama Got Run Over By a Reindeer.
I tried to leave a song message earlier to say Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer is my least favorite. I’m not sure if it went through.
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All the songs! They grate on my nerves after about one day.
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Ugh..that “All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth!” UGH!! Especially the version with the annoying little kid singing it.
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My least favorite Christmas song is definitely Grandma got run over by a reindeer!
Grandma got run over by a reindeer – worst xmas song ever!
Feliz navidad
It’s a tie between The Christmas Shoes (holy depressing song, Batman!) and Baby, It’s Cold Outside (referred to in our house as the “Holiday Date-Rape Song”).
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I hate Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer. Drives me crazy.
Jingle Bells, it gets stuck in my head then I’m singing it all day long!
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Without a doubt, it’s “Christmas Shoes”…I know, I know, how could I possibly ever hate that song? I’m not a grinch, I swear!! I just don’t want to cry every time I turn on the dang radio!! <3
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“I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”…blah!
My least favorite Christmas song has to be “Santa got ran over by a Reindeer”.
My least favorite Christmas song is “Feliz Navidad.”
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I’d buy some fun new shoes with this!
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As much as I hate to admit it, I just don’t like the song Christmas Shoes.
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Least favorite Christmas song? Not really sure. I love Taylor Swift but I do not love her Christmas album one bit.
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause or Santa Baby.
I’m just not a fan of The little drummer boy.
I absolutely hate Little Drummer Boy…and Do You Hear What I Hear…
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12 Days of Christmas just grates my nerves.
Close second is that hippopotamus song.
when I hear that annoying immature voice start singing “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” my skin crawls. *ugh*
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I *hate* Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. Can’t stand it.
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Feliz Navidad — cannot stand that song
I am not fond of “Oh Christmas Tree.”
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Little Drummer Boy
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Is all of them too Grinchy:) the girls at work rig my computer to blast me with Merry music when I turn it on after my day off!
I kind of hate All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth…I have this thing against whistling. Weird, but true.
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The stupid hippo song! Haha
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Baby It’s Cold Outside is my least favorite, no contest. It is annoying in so many ways.
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I really don’t like “All I Want for Christmas is a Hippopotamus” or “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.”
“Last Christmas”- nothing sucks the holiday spirit right out of my soul like that song.
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Least favorite Christmas song? Has to be Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer. UGH – really don’t like it at all.
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The Christmas Shoes
It feels mean to say it but I do not like “The Little Drummer Boy.” Pa rum pa pa pum…ouch!
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Jingle Bells…..drives me crazy
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I can’t think of the official name, but it’s the song sung by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Drives me batty to hear her sing!
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I don’t like Christmas music in general. But the song I probably dislike the most is Last Christmas as well. I just can’t do it.
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12 Days of Christmas… I know it’s a classic but it drives me insane.
I’m not a big fan of Christmas songs, but Santa Baby is the most disturbing.
Grandma got run over by a reindeer! UGH Annoying!
Theres no christmas song i don’t like there all good feel songs, still hope im qualified.
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Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer..hands down
Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Blechhhhhh!!
I am NOT a fan of Feliz Navidad
Least favorite Christmas song— anything that is Justin Beiber.
I totally agree with you – Last Christmas stinks! Every time I hear it on the radio (always in December) I think . . .really? ugh!
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Blue Christmas, yuck!
I HATE “Feliz Navidad….” SO Annoying!
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Another Santa Baby hater here.
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Dominick the Donkey…once that song gets in my head, it’s there to stay! Ooph…
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Grandma Got Ran Over By a Reindeer! Or ANY song when Alvin & The Chipmunks are singing it. Unfortunately, my daughters (ages 4 & 1) love those versions. =/
Grandma Got Ran Over By a Reindeer – just can’t stand it.
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Feliz Navidad! Grr, it will ALWAYS get stuck in my head and I can’t stand it.
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Dominic the Donkey is not only the worst Christmas song, but the very worst song of any sort, OF ALL TIME.
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“Wonderful Christmas Time” by Paul McCartney makes me want to drive a pen into my cranium!
I cannot stand The Christmas Shoes. It’s ridiculous.
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‘Last Christmas’
My least favorite Christmas song is the Christmas Canon.
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Some of these answers made me laugh out loud … “Baby It’s Cold Outside” as a date rape anthem – haha – and also Buble singing “Santa Baby” – totally sketchy. But of all time, I can’t stand the “Auld Lang Syne” song where the married woman and the guy narrator meet up and drink a six-pack in the car, complaining about her architect husband, etc. Horrible messages/ideas for Christmas time!!
I really detest grandma got run over by a reindeer!
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rudolph the rednosed reindeer
I’m not a fan of Silent Night…or any really slow Christmas song for that matter. I prefer the songs that make the season seem lively, not depressing!
I can’t stand any Christmas song by Jackson 5!
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I can’t stand Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
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Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime.”
Grandma got runover by a reindeer is so annoying!
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“Little Drummer Boy” sung by Bing Crosby and David Bowie.
I think we’ve had this discussion – definitely Last Christmas!
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That Chip and Dale one! Yuck!
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Santa Baby, worst song ever
The Little Drummer Boy
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Chipmunk C’mas tunes are my fave 😛
Oh, no! I meant “aren’t” my fave!! (I do NOT love chipmunks, really!)
I’ll go with “Grandma got run over by a reindeer”, closely followed by “Santa Baby” I don’t recognize some of the other titles, but don’t like ‘sad’ songs about Christmas. I tend to play my own CDs at home and tapes in the car, because I too prefer the more traditional music.
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Grandma got ran over by a reindeer! The older I get, the more this song bothers me…and by the time Christmas is here, I can’t handle it.
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I don’t enough to have a least favorite. Feliz Navidad?
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probably grandma got run over by a reindeer.
I really dislike Santa Baby by Madonna!!!
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I don’t know if I can think of one xmas song that I despise. It’s kinda all of em when they’re played incessantly. I just can’t stand xmas music playing everywhere I go. It also infiltrates my radio stations. I’m listening to some nice music then BAM! Am I too harsh?
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Christmas Shoes…so depressing
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Walking in a Winter Wonderland…..
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Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Christmas Don’t Be Late by Alvin and the Chipmunks
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The 12 days of christmas…… hate
While I like this song, to me it is NOT a Christmas Song: My Favorite Things. You always like these things, no? Not just at Christmas?
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This has been enlightening! Most disliked Christmas song. “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”!
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I can’t think of one I hate, but not a fan of Oh Christmas Trees, lol!
I LOVE almost all Christmas songs, but can never get into “Feliz Navidad” – it has no “Christmas feeling” to it whatsoever! (And btw, “Last Christmas” is my husband’s absolute favorite – haha.)
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Grandma got run over by a reindeer….sure don’t want to teach my grandkids THAT song, haha.
Hmmm – that’s a tough one. I really dislike any of the “comedy” Christmas songs. they really zap the holiday spirit right out of me.
i didn’t think i disliked any of the Christmas songs until i read everyone’s comment. no i dislike blue Christmas and i saw mama kissing santa clause
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Awesome giveaway! There’s always things to buy at Amazon! My least favorite song is “Santa, baby” only because it has such a sexual tone and the kiddies all sing along and listen to it. It’s creepy.
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I hate the “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas!” So incredibly annoying…
Dominic the Donkey has to be my least favorite Christmas song
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I love baby it’s cold outside. Best song ever.
Christmas Shoes… depressing…
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Little Drummer Boy
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Feliz Navidad
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I don’t like Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer… it’s just mean.
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Alli want for Christmas is you by mariah carey
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My least favorite Christmas song is Feliz Navidad! I don’t know why, but it drives me nuts!
The Christmas Shoes
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My least favorite Christmas song is The Christmas Song by the Chipmunks. Nails on chalkboard.
Yesterday I heard a couple of new Christmas songs on the radio and I was not a fan. I’ve never particularly cared for “Santa Baby,” either.
That Christmas Shoes song -too sappy and makes me cry.
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For some reason I can’t stand Little Drummer Boy. Ugh.
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I dislike “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.”
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
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Don’t care for The Little Drummer Boy
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I don’t like the twelve days of christmas song. So annoying!
There are so many horrid Christmas Songs like the Donkey one, Grandma got run over by a Reindeer… I could go on all day!
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Dominic the Donkey – a fraternity at my college played that song very loudly 24/7 in December and I have never liked that song since!
Jingle Cats. Anything by the stupid pointless Jingle Cats. Or Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.
Christmas Shoes. Definitely.
The 12 Days of Christmas song is annoyinggg!
Not to but confused with your amazing 12 days of christmas giveaways!
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All of them!
Grandma got ran over my a reindeer is my least favorite
Jingle Bells
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I dislike Dominic the Donkey.
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I agree with you about the Last Christmas song, YUCK
My least favorite x-mas song is “Santa Baby.” My ex has made me hate it
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I really can’t think of one song that is my least favorite.
My least favorite Christmas song is ‘Santa, baby.’ Blech.
Dominic the Donkey is my absolute least favorite Christmas song. It’s just awful.
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Baby It’s Cold Outside is my least favorite without a doubt.
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I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause, egh.
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Jingle Bells for sure!
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Dominic the Donkey all the way
It has to be Grandma got run over by a reindeer! It’s awful!
Little Drummer Boy. Hate it, hate it, HATE IT with a fiery passion.
I actually love Christmas songs, but Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is bad. My dad referred to it “that stupid Grandma got hit with a shovel song” yesterday when I helped them get their tree, which I thought was funny.
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i like most christmas songs, like, a LOT. but most of the ‘love’ christmas songs are terrible. just like last christmas…they’re just another way for some artist to make a few bucks!
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Um, I totally wholeheartedly agree with the list of submissions you posted today. But have you heard Bieber’s take on Little Drummer Boy with Busta Rhymes?!?!? I never knew the Little Drummer Boy could be so gangsta and dirty! What’s happened to Christmas?
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Wow, I actually don’t like a quite a few Christmas songs…1) Last Christmas (so depressing for a Xmas song) 2) Grandma got ran over by a reindeer (what?! who wants to sing about grandma getting run over?) 3) I saw mommy kissing Santa (gross) 4) Baby it’s cold outside 5) Justin Bieber’s rendition of All I want for Christmas (he just murders the song).
Least favorite?! Gotta be Feliz Navidad… it’s overplayed!
Grandma got ran over by a reindeer is the absolute worst. 🙁
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Santa Baby. I know I’m supposed to like it, but I despise it. Can’t turn the radio off fast enough when it comes on.
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frosty the snowman
“Do They Know It’s Christmas.” Of course, I’m not against raising money for famine in Ethiopia (the original version did that)–and the lyrics are fine, but I really, really can’t stand the melody and the arrangement. Argh. Makes me cringe and change the station.
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Frankly? All of them!
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Last Christmas is mine too. I abhor it. And I hate how it has this way of weaseling into my head by hearing only a beat or two of the song or just thinking of the words. Ugh.
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My least favorite Christmas song is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer,
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“All I Want For Christmas is my Two Front Teeth” is annoying. Santa can’t bring you teeth. lol
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Grandma got run over by a reindeer! Ugh!
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That Christmas Shoes song. Why do they play it on the radio when they KNOW people are driving, and they should know people are going to bawl like crazy, thus causing fuzzy vision on the road. NOT COOL, RADIO! //vent//
…and yes, I know I’m crazy.
Alls I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.
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Dominick the Donkey –YEK!
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