Garden Fridays: The “Brown & Crispy” Edition


Black Beauty Eggplant

Please lower your head in a moment of silence for:
2 blueberry bushes [sob]
1 San Marzano tomato
1 Juliet tomato
16 green bean bushes
20+ strawberry plants [sob]
2 pots of basil

And may your prayers or good thoughts be sent to the grapefruit tree, you know – the one with more grapefruit (12) than leaves.

I will be winning no pro-am gardening competitions this year.

What hasn’t shriveled to a crisp in this drought? The eggplant. And the red and yellow bell peppers. And the poblano. Not coincidentally, those are also the newest items on my “I don’t care if I never see another one in my entire life again” list.

How are your gardens doing? Hopefully you have fared better than I have!