Garden Fridays: Now With Mystery Tomatoes


How are your gardens doing?

That’s most of the “overage” from the spring garden: I’m still heavy 3 tomatillos, 3 cantaloupe, 3 yellow bell peppers, and 6 mystery tomatoes that could be a:

Yellow Pear
Sweet cherry red
Red grape
San Marzano

The mystery tomatoes sprouted in the beds. And based on their locations, they could be anyone of those. At best, I could narrow each plant down to two. (Or I could, until I mixed the plants up before labeling them.) Curiosity is going to get the best of me so I’ll probably grow them all in containers just so I can get closure. (Unless you’re nearby and want a free plant or two – BUT YOU MUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM.)

The weather here has been pretty wild, even for Texas – we ran the heater the other night! And the only thing in the garden that has been happy is the kale and the strawberries (1/2-lb a day!). Everything else is as cranky about the extreme swing in temperatures as I am.

Especially the white peach tree. Every time I go outside, I find another one (or 6!) of these guys on the ground. That makes almost 3 dozen peaches inside of a week 🙁

fruit drop

We should have our first juliet tomatoes sometime next week… assuming it stays warm enough. Until then, there are plenty of strawberries!