Spring in Texas: Bluebonnets


Speaking of Wide Open Spaces

Bluebonnet Panorama

It’s that time of year! The time of year when the parents of Texas drag their babies and pets out into the middle of a ditch, the side of a dangerously busy highway overpass, or trespass on private property to take family photos and trample a perfectly good patch of bluebonnets.

We are no different.

Easter Bluebonnets

Last year, Landry couldn’t understand why we woke her from a perfectly good nap to drive 30 miles and look at weeds in a ditch. But this year?

This year was different. Someone was really excited! (Although it might have had something to do with the expectations of a candy-filled basket.) (I am *so* over candy holidays.)

Easter Bluebonnets

On our way up Highway 6 to Easter dinner in College Station, we passed a beautiful, colorful hill of paints & bluebonnets. We stopped, took pictures, and were on our way. The patch wasn’t very thick but I was happy enough. We got back in the car and on the road to lunch.

Easter Bluebonnets

Easter Bluebonnets

And then I saw it.


A person-wide break in the roadside brush had revealed a huge field of bluebonnets just off the road. We were probably the 8th or 9th family there at the time. On our way home, there were 30+ cars parked along the highway. 2 hours later, a friend mentioned that it had turned into an all-out frenzy and there were at least 100 cars there.

Easter Bluebonnets

Happy Spring!