Blackberry Cherry Cobbler

Blackberries, Cherries, Cherries & Berries, Cobblers and Crisps, Fruit

Blackberry Cherry Cobbler

It’s cobbler season! Anything you could possibly want to bake under a sweet dumpling crust is in season and super affordable right now. To celebrate, we took two perfectly ripe summer fruits, blackberries and cherries, and baked them into one magnificently bubbly, new-white-sun-dress-staining dessert.

I’m old enough to know better. Now I’m hoping that I’ve sacrificed enough over the years to the OxyClean gods to save it.

Blackberry Cherry Cobbler

Growing up, cobbler and banana pudding were the “cooked” desserts of choice. An iced-down watermelon and ice cream truck fare were the non-cooked favorites. It didn’t hurt that blackberries grew wild along our fence line and took only minutes to gather enough for cobbler when you send four kids out with four bowls.

Mom still prefers to eat her blackberry cobbler topped with a scoop of melty Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla, a move that Dad scoffs at to this day: “cobbler isn’t supposed to be cold.”

I’m less discriminating and lack the self control to turn down anything topped with a scoop of ice cream or a drizzle of cream.

Blackberry Cherry Cobbler
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