Sticky Fingers Bars

Chocolate, Cookies and Bars, Peanut Butter, Project Pastry Queen

Sticky Fingers Bars

Tara chose this week’s Project Pastry Queen challenge: Sticky Fingers Bars, an over-the-top dessert bar that we’ve come to expect from The Pastry Queen.

We’ve got a cookie base, a sweet Snickers filling, and just for good measure, a layer of peanut butter, peanuts, and chocolate on top. For real. I have no idea how I’ve managed to avoid this recipe for so long!

Since my love for chocolate + peanut butter is one of the worst kept secrets in the world, I didn’t make any real changes to the recipe this week. Knowing that I’d pretty much be baking my very own batch of kryptonite, I stuck to only making a half batch and then scaled the sugar back by 1/3.

Your sweet tooth should bring its A-game for this one. It’s rich. Sweet. Peanuty. Chocolatey. Make sure you save plenty of room for dessert!

Check out the other PPQ members’ take on Sticky Fingers Bars:
Smells Like Home
Fake Ginger

And stay tuned next week for the very best Peanut Butter Cookie in the whole wide world!

PS: For the record, Tara, I did a *big* happy dance when I saw your choice 🙂