On Beans, Bleu Cheese, and Bacon


Savory Bleu Cheese and Bacon Cake

Margarita fixins? Check!
Gallon baggie of frozen cookie dough balls? Check!
Bacon and Bleu Cheese Cake? Check (okay, almost… it will be “Check” this morning)
Corkscrew? Check!
Wine? …Believe me when I say check!
Hummus? …Hummus? DARN IT. I have to go back to the grocery store.

Disaster preparation is fun. Getting several days’ notice of an impending storm sure is nice. You have plenty of time to pick up necessities from the store, fill your gas tanks, and make sure the patio furniture is in the garage. It also makes for some entertaining TV, though I’m not yet ready to forgive the local drama queens for preempting All My Children and One Life to Live more than 48 hours before Ike is expected to make landfall. How many times can you watch normal waves run up the beach and lap at a reporters ankles?
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