It’s the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! On the 10th day of Christmas, there were Envirosax Reusable Grocery Bags.
They’re great for groceries, for packing the little one up for grandma’s for the weekend, and hauling toys up the stairs in 1 trip. And they’re way friendlier for the environment than plastic bags.
To enter the giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments below: What was your favorite gift to receive as a kid?
Update: The random generator thingy has spoken: Mell with comment #250 and Coleen with comment #71 are the winners! Please check your email for instructions on claiming your prize. The elves are waiting!
When I was 9, I got a sparkly dark blue 10-speed bike. That was also the same year my baby brother got one of those Jeep Power Wheels. He saw it, ran toward it, jumped too high, and flew over it – almost into the burning fireplace. Greatest. Christmas. Ever. (Because no one got hurt, of course.)
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– Tweet about the giveaway (it’s easy, just click here!) and leave the link to your Tweet in the comments.
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(Extra entries can only be counted if left as a separate comment – your comment # is your entry.)
Good luck!
The fine print:
– Maximum of five (5) entries per person.
– Giveaway ends at 12:01am (Texas time!) on December 13th.
– Winner will be selected by one of those cold, soulless, unfeeling random number generator thingies and announced on this post after selected.
– Two (2) winners will receive a set of Envirosax Reusable Grocery Bags in Planet Green (maximum retail value of prize = $35).
– Prize must be claimed within 7 days or it will be forfeited.
– Winning “extra entry” comments can be subject to verification.
– Prize can only be shipped to a US address.
– All prizes are provided by Confections of a Foodie Bride, unless stated otherwise.
– Official giveaway rules can be found here.
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Hmm… I think one of my favorite Christmas gifts as a kid was a pair of roller skates. I definitely got my parents’ money’s worth out of that gift!
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My favorite childhood gift was the Little House on the Prairie boxed set…I loved those books!
Definitely cabbage patch dolls!
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oh man…. tough one but I think I was most excited when I got a brand new pair of downhill skis!!
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A bicycle that had a radio on it! I loved it!
Any books or music were really exciting to get
A big Aladdin tent that I could play in doors with, with a matching sleeping bag. My brother had a batman car and my sister got a lion king one. That was pretty neat as a little kid camping in the house!
I think my favorite gift was a guitar (even though I never learned to play it very well!).
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A Barbie camper. Wow, that thing was awesome.
A piano!
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I think my favorite gift when we were really young was the year my cousins and I both got the Fisher Price 3-in-1 table – the pool/air hockey/ping pong in one table? Awesome.
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Books! I could never get enough.
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I was really into Barbies when I was a kid, so probably my Barbie Dreamhouse was my favorite gift at the time.
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My Pound Puppy stuffed animal….I got him when I was 2 and I still have him (i’m 30)!
My american girl doll 🙂 I loved that thing!!
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Easy Bake oven 🙂
A Seasame Street playhouse.
Cabbage patch dolls!
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Favorite gift was a perfume mixology kit! Loved it , but my creations gave my mother the worst headache – poor mom!
Happy holidays
Hmm. I’d have to say Samantha the American Girl Doll. I got her in kindergarten and she was pretty awesome because she had brown hair and brown eyes like I do. 🙂
Stuffed Animals!!
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My parents got my siblings and I this at home arcade system one year and we literally spent the next three or four weeks battling each other on all the games. It was so much fun!
Any good book was (and still is!) a great gift for me. My parents would force me to put them up in my room after opening them so I wouldn’t spend the rest of christmas reading the exciting new adventures instead of interacting with family.
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My favorite gift was a bike with a banana seat. It had pink daisies on the seat. My dad took me out and I was so excited riding that I fell and tore a hole in the seat 🙁
American Girl doll!
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I loved receiving Care Bears!
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The only gift I saw “always” was socks & underwear LOL
My favorite was a bike.
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baby alive doll
I know I got a lot of great Christmas gifts, but what stands out in my mind was when I was thirteen or fourteen and my mom took a long list of books I wanted to read and could never find in stores and special ordered them from Barnes and Noble. That stack of books brought many hours of happiness (and still does, I suppose – I’m sure I still have some of them!).
A little kitchenette I got from my parents 🙂
The Atari 2600 was a very big hit with me and my sister (and even the adults got into it).
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I think my favorite gift (or my most memorable one) was the year I received a new flute from my parents. It was beautiful! I was around 15 or 16 at the time, and I still have it and would love to play it again someday.
Either a set of Babysitters Club Mysteries (I read those things til they fell apart) or my American Girl Doll, Felicity. She sits on my dresser now until my daughter is old enough to play with her.
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A red schwinn bike when I was about 6 – my older brother got a matching blue one.
We were so cool!
Oh man…This is a hard one…I think I’ll have to say the classic easy bake oven! I loved that thing!
The Christmas after my dad died a friend of the family put together a big box of various little gifts and mailed it to the house along with a nice card. It was the best gift and really helped me get through that holiday season without so much sadness.
I was so excited the year I got an American girl doll!
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I think my favorite childhood gift was my very first Cabbage Patch kid when I was 6 years old!
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I was a really blessed kid and got lots of wonderful things. As a kid, I think my favorite ever was spin art:-)
My easy bake oven!
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How cute! I could really use these on my grocery runs! My favorite gift to receive as a kid was CDs from my favorite boy bands. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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My favorite gift was also a bike. A pink(1 speed 😉 ) Huffy when I was about 6 years old.
I loved receiving Barbies!
I always loved getting books to read
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My favorite gift as a kid was any sort of baby doll!
My easy bake oven and all the mixes!!! What a great start to love baking.
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Books. I loved reading as a child. I need to make more time to read now!
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I have to say that my favorite presents were books…
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Every year, my uncle would give me $20 and take me shopping at all his favorite used book stores. I could get a LOT of books with $20, it was fantastic!
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I remember getting a pair of roller skates when I was 6 or 7, and skating all around the block.
We were so spoiled, but I’d have to say my favorite was also a bike. Coming down the stairs to see the silhouette of a bike (well 2 bikes, because I had a little sister and what one gets…) in front of the tree on Christmas morning is a memory I will always cherish!
Loved the Papa Smurf doll I got and the hand made “Cabbage Patch Doll” my grandma made for me.
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i’d love to win these! My favorite gift to receive as a child was books. I loved to read back then.
We got toothbrushes every year and I still do that with my kids today
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A red ten-speed bike!
I loved getting big Lego sets.
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The year I really wanted a Swatch watch, all that was under the tree was a giant box. I was so disappointed. I opened to to find a ton of packing materials but couldn’t find the gift. I thought maybe it was the Swatch but when I shook it, I didn’t hear anything. Eventually, I carefully took all the peanuts and paper out and, low and behold, there was the watch. Taped to the bottom of the box.
I loved getting a candle making kit.
I loved Kissing Barbie!
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One of my favorite childhood gifts was a Scooby Doo watch!
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A HUGE K’nex building set that my dad and worked on for days building.
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Art supplies!
I got a spy kit one year. It was awesome, and my brother was so jealous.
I loved to get a stocking filled with individually wrapped little items
My magic 8 ball…
I loved my stereo that included a CD player in middle school. My parents also got me my first CD that Christmas: Elvis’ Greatest Hits.
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My American Girl doll, Felicity! I still have her, over 20 years later!
My favorite was an aquarium when I was a kid. LOVED it.
Purple rollerskates!
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Definitely the Barbie Dream House.
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Books! I loved (and still love) reading!
A dollhouse that my dad and grandpa built! My sister and I played with it every day!
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Probably CDs…or whatever I actually asked for. Love these bags! Perfect for grocery shopping!!
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I think my favorite present was a barbie and the rockers doll.
We could use some more reusable bags. Where we live they charge for bags.
Forgot to answer the question. Guess that previous entry won’t count. My favorite gift was probably video games.
My all time favorite was a scooter. Not the wimpy razor style scooters that are popular now, but a scooter with bicycle type tires and a fancy hand brake. My sister got a matching one and we rode the heck out of those things. I think I was 10 or 11 years old the Christmas we got them.
Polly Pockets. I love those!
I’d have to say it was a doll named Ana. I was so happy I would not put her down for even a second! Haha
Anything sports related!
One year my brother and I got boxing gloves – his were red and mine were purple. Ha.
My favorite gift to get used to be books. Even now, it is.
Books. Always. 🙂
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I’d have to say the Heart Family doll set. So corny, but oh-so-80s fabulous!
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A Barbie townhouse. 🙂
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It was my hi-fi stereo record player!
One year I received a pink satiny jacket with green stripes around the cuffs and neck – they were in way back then (early 80’s) and I thought I looked so cool.
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The year I got an American Girl Doll. She was awesome.
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One of my favorite presents as a kid was a Where’s Waldo sleeping bag LOL!
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A blue bike
A mini piano
My favorite gift was always a box of Nordstrom truffles. That was a small, almost stocking present, that I would get every year.
My first CD player!
The December notification of a little baby girl that was ours to adopt. The most precious gift ever. In May she will be graduating from college.
I got a red power wheels jeep. It was awesome! 🙂
I loved to get Nancy Drew books–I was a defninite bookworm, and eventually I read them all!
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My favorite gift to receive as a kid were the Breyer model horses. I still have so many!
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Books, stuffed animals, and candy!
I loved when I got a keyboard.
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I remember getting my GameBoy Color–my parents stood in line to get those for myself and my sister!
The first thing that comes to mind as my best childhood christmas gift was the basketball hoop I wanted when I was in elementary school. My parents gave me clues to follow around the house, and in the bath tub at the last clue, was a little toy suction cup basketball hoop and styrofoam ball. The real hoop and ball were in the garage or something, but it was just so fun to run around the house to find the clues.
My favorite gift was Zoo Tycoon, the PC game. So much fun!
Favorite gift was definitely my Molly American Girl doll.
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When I was a kid, I got a pair of Moon Shoes for Christmas. I was so excited, I think I wore them around the house all day long. 🙂
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I got a pink & purple 21 speed bike and I was over the moon excited!
I have two best gifts as a kid – The first was my first Commodore 64. (Yes, that dates me.) I went through those things though – I think I had like 4 of them as a kid.
The second best gift was the year my mother says I ruined Christmas. I won the GIANT stocking drawing at the grocery store, which was full of junkie toys, but kept me and my sister entertained for a very, very long time.
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My favorite gift that I received as a kid was an easy bake oven!
A piano when I was 16.
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One year we got a sweet little rescue puppy from the shelter. My sister and I were beyond ecstatic!
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My Cabbage Patch doll!!!
a classic sled
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I’m going to interpret the word “kid” loosely, but for three years, I received the extended editions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy (each year it came out, that is) from my parents. It was awesome.
My Barbie dolls.
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My cabbage patch doll!
I was a nerd – I loved receiving books by my favorite authors!!
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My Barbie Dream House was pretty special!
This is a really hard one! Um…perhaps my first boom box?!?
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When I was younger it was a bike. A few years later it was a Celine Dion CD. Ha ha so cheesy.
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I thought it was pretty great when we got a trampoline!
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A ballerina outfit 😀
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I think my favorite Christmas gift was the Mr. Mike toy from Toy Story. It had a cassette deck for recording, a microphone with voice changer.
I got a big wheel one year. Loved it!!!
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My favorite childhood gift was a Timex watch.
My was a mechanical puppy that walked and barked. I think it lasted a week before breaking 🙁
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I always loved getting stuff from American Girl.
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I’m showing my age here: a Dr. Kildare board game.
My favorite gift as a child was dolls and stuffed animals – any of those 🙂
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I think my favorite was the year my brother and I got sleds and were told we were going to visit my grandmother in North Carolina and go to the mountains to find snow 🙂
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Stuffed animals. I was obsessed.
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Ahhh — I’ve wanted these for so long! Love! As a kid, my favorite gifts were generally gadgets or fun clothes. 🙂
I got a Betsy Wetsy doll and thought it was the best ever. Why I wanted to change diapers on a plastic doll at a young age is beyond me!
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I remember being very excited to get my Cabbage Patch Kid doll.
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I was still in elementary school when I got my first sewing machine with a kit for making an apron. I began on it immediately.
My pink beach cruiser! My parents actually still have it…just in case I have a daughter one day who wants one 🙂
As a kid, I loved to get anything American Girl Doll-related.
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I have ALWAYS loved getting cookbooks as a gift. I still remember my first cookbook given to me by my mom when I was four…Cooking with Sesame Street!
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My first bike my mother paid for with green stamps………. she saved a lot of stamps!
I loved getting my first basketball!
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One year my dad sent my sister and I an elaborate present with dollar bills folded into tiny shapes and put inside balloons that we had to pop to get to the “prize”. It was a really cool way to get an otherwise boring present.
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My favorite Christmas gift when I was a kid was a life-size Barbie!
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I always loved to get books – we went to the library constantly, but rarely bought books.
Atari! Yes, that was a good year and even my mom got addicted. It was a family present, no big presents like that for just me or any single kid, that is for sure!
I was so excited to get an Easy Bake Oven!
A purple framed and unicorn banana seat bike with tassels!
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There was a year when all I wanted was a cabbage patch kid!
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An easy bake oven!
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Go Go My Walkin Pup had to be my most memorable gift! The robot-ness of it was rather disappointing, but taught me a very valuable lesson that things aren’t always as good as they seem on TV! haha 🙂
My favorite was the year we got the playhouse in the back yard. Not one of those plastic-made-in-china things, but an actual little house with windows that opened and electricity!! We had years of fun out there and it was everything our imaginations could come up with!!
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Easy Bake Oven!
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My favorite gift I received as a child was an Easy Bake Oven! That’s how it all started! <3
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My Babysitters club dolls.
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Well, I was technically a kid still when I got my red 1967 Mustang the Christmas of my junior year of high school. Nothing could ever top that!
rubik’s cube!
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My favorite gift was a Barbie doll house. I stillo remember walkng into the living room and seeing there. It was a gift from Santa Claus.
i loved receiving cabbage patch kids.
I loved getting books as gifts. (Still do!) The best year was the year I got four books by Louisa May Alcott, including my all time favorite Little Women.
A stereo.
Every Christmas my mom would pick out a special baby doll for me and my sisters. We loved getting a new doll every year.
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Hmm….i remember getting a stereo when i was 15/6 that was the coolest thing ever.
Mine was an American Girl doll – Kirsten! Still have it saved for my daughter 🙂
My favorite gift as a kid was a tent that went over my bed….it was My Little Pony 🙂
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My play kitchen!
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A jean jacket 🙂
Favorite gift as a kid was usually clothes but anything my mom got me was special.
My favorite gift as a child was definitely any kind of Barbie or Barbie accessory.
A tradition my family did when i was a kid was everyone in the family would get a christmas ordainment that said mom, dad, brother or sister on it, they were always different, i loved them
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Definitely Barbie outfits and accessories. My mom made most of my Barbie furniture but I would get things for the kitchen or bathroom that were super fun!
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I loved to read when I was a kid and every year, I had an aunt and uncle that always gave me a gift certificate to Borders Books. I loved wandering up and down the aisles trying to decide which ones I was going to get.
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My favorite gift ever was the very first boom box with a double tape deck and CD player I owned. My mix tapes were amazing after that.
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It was the year I got my Barbie Dream House for Christmas. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Best Christmas ever!
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A peppermint-scented hula hoop
I got a Juicy sweatshirt when they were just coming in… I was the coolest girl around!
Fave Christmas gift as a child was a gorgeous, intricate, handmade dollhouse that was reminiscent of our house. It’s still in my parents attic and I can’t wait ’til I have a little girl and can pass it along to her!
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I remember being so excited about a Boo-Boo (or Boo-Hoo?) bear that had velcro bandaids to put on its owies. I was semi-obsessed with bandaids as a young child, lol!
When I was 14 I got my very own telephone for my bedroom. It was pink and grey touchtone.
my favorite gift was chocolates!
My fav Christmas gift was an electric keyboard…I was so cool!
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Favorite gift as a child was Cabbage Patch Kids!
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My favorite gift was my dollhouse!
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All the extended edition LotRs one year.
My favorite gift ever was a giant stuffed Patrick puppy from FAO Schwartz when i was 8. I had it for years and recently passed it on to the 7 year old girl of the family next door =)
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My favorite gift was a Mickey Mouse lamp. I wanted it so bad!
I got a phone one year!
My new bike!
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Since you’ve been raving about these bags for years now, I really hope I get the chance to try them out myself 🙂 My favorite gift ever was probably when we got our first Nintendo!
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… and on pinterest. Thanks for the great giveaway!
My Easy Bake Oven!
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Dolls. I loved dolls!
Easy Bake Oven!
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My favorite gift as a child was a magic wand that I received from Santa…until I realized it didn’t work! I’m loving these Envirosax patterns!
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My favorite gift to receive as a child were Barbie dolls!
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my favorite christmas gift was when I got a Nintendo 🙂
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My aunt would give me a classic book each year.
i loved getting new clothes for kirsten, my american girl doll 🙂
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My first set of golf clubs. It must have been a favorite because it’s certainly the most memorable!
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As a kid my best gift was my bicycle… complete with streamers and a banana seat.
One year I got a play kitchen and you could not pry me away! Favorite toy as a child. Makes sense now that I love to cook!
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My favorite thing to receive as a kid was either a video game (I LOVED Nintendo) or those big giant popcorn tins. I don’t know why I liked those so much, but I was always excited to have a huge tin of popcorn all to myself.!
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One year I received a remote control car. So cool. I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to get one.
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I love the Envirosax! I just bought my first one a few weeks ago and want more!
My favorite gift to receive as a kid was games, as a teenager, clothes.
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Always dolls!
My favorite gift I received as a kid was my bicycle! I loved it, and it was pink!
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I asked for Breyer horses EVERY YEAR! I loved them when I was a kid.
My pink Barbie corvette I got when I was 6
A green suede jacket that I didn’t think I was going to get. Santa forever!
Hmm…probably the saucers my sister and I got for going sledding! Those things were awesome in the snow!
My red Schwinn bicycle with banana seat and basket. Good times.
I love the prints on these bags! Just darling.
And as for a favorite gift, I’d have to say my sewing machine!
Anything and everything related to Barbie!
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My favorite gift I got as a kid was a big dolly that ate and you could change her diaper. Close second is a little blue toy piano. Ah, memories!!!
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My favorite gift I EVER got was my 2-wheeler Rockin Radio bike – in neon. OBVIOUSLY with the AM/FM radio on front!
Yea – totally a 90’s child.
Breyer horses and My Little Ponies
My cricket doll.
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Cap Gun
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My favorite gift as a child was a bike!
My favorite gift when I was a kid was a toy box my grandfather made for me.
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Any gift I received…which was very rare!
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My favorite gift was my Barbie Airplane
My Sega Genesis. I thought I was cool stuff….
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Video games for our Nintendo.
I actually really liked getting clothes.
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I loved getting new stuffed animals when I was little!
A new bike
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When I was in 3rd grade, my parents got me a 96 box of Crayola crayons (this was when they first came out with it) and I thought I was in heaven!
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My grandfather made me a doll house when I was 7. I am 40 and I still have it. Mom says papa made her help him with the shingles on the roof.
Either my dollhouse or Kirsten my american girl doll
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Anything Star Wars related.
PJ Sparkles!