Raise your hand if you, too, are on a first name basis with your UPS guy.
He comes here… kind of a lot. Right after we moved in, I opened the front door and there he was – holding a box of Internet magic. “I think I have a box of fun! [I think it was wine. So he was right.] But, uh, it’s for… um, [makes face], ‘Foodie Briiiide?’ ” And he said it almost exactly like Sloth in Goonies: Rocky Roooaaadd?
That’s when I launch into the explanation that I have a site where I post pictures of my dinner and people come look at it and I either get the vacant look with a super polite nod or I get the “Hey! I know you!”
This time of year, he is showing up daily with a new Christmas present or a toy drive donation. And if I could have him bring me groceries, I would. Not that I’m a recluse or anything, but I’d love the chance to try to be all that I could be. And never have to buy mascara again.
Anyway, we’re beyond grateful for you guys that stop by here to look for dinner inspiration or pick up a margarita recipe. And that brings us to the final item of our Favorite Things giveaway this year: a $100 Amazon Gift Card.
Click-click-click-done! Because the internet is magical, your stuff arrives via your very own awesome UPS guy 2 days later unless you, too, once convinced yourself that you didn’t “need” Prime and then by the time that outfit for your daughter arrived, she had nearly outgrown it.*
*Dramatization. But seriously. That took a crazy &^%$#@!@ long time. I’m conditioned to a 48-hour gap between “done” and “doorbell.” But 9 days?! I couldn’t take it.
Updated: The winner is… Tracy with comment #198! Thank you for reading – and check your email!
To enter to win the gift card, simply complete this sentence in the comments below: Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without ________________.
Aside from me complaining about Last Christmas by Wham. 🙂
Me? Christmas just isn’t Christmas without a tin of Grandma’s homemade candy. She makes “fuzzy fingers,” fudge, a sort of deconstructed/layered peanut butter cup, and that pink patty peanut candy that I always steered clear of as a child because when your grandparents live on a farm, you don’t exactly jump at the chance to eat something called a “patty.”
But, like Linus tells Charlie Brown, the real meaning of Christmas can be found inside that first bite of a Texas Pink Patty. And I’ll prove it to you later this week.
You can earn up to 3 extra entries by:
– Leaving a separate comment below that you follow us on Twitter.
– Leaving a separate comment below that you follow us on Facebook.
– Leaving a separate comment below that you follow the blog’s Instagram feed.
(Bonus entries must be left as separate comments to count as extra entries – your comment number is your “raffle ticket.”)
The fine print:
– Maximum of four (4) entries per person.
– All “My Favorite Things” giveaways end at 12:01am (Texas time!) on December 12th.
– Winner will be selected by one of those cold, soulless, unfeeling random number generator thingies and announced on this post.
– Winners will receive their choice of a $100 Amazon Gift Card or e-Card (maximum retail value of prize = $100).
– Prize must be claimed within 7 days or it will be forfeited.
– Winning “extra entry” comments subject to verification.
– Prize can only be shipped to a US address.
– All prizes are provided by Confections of a Foodie Bride, because we love you guys.
– Official giveaway rules can be found here.
Baking lots and lots of Christmas cookies!!
The holidays aren’t the same without a visit from my son and his wife. They live about 1,000 miles from me so I’m always just thrilled when they come to visit.
Roasted chestnuts!
The Holidays aren’t the same without hot chocolate and can curl up under a pile of warm blankets while it snows outside!
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Going to my grandparents’ house in Lake Charles!
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Homemade eggnog!
Christmas music!
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booze! hahahaha.
Christmas just isn’t the same without… driving around to look at Christmas lights with the fam!
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A REAL Christmas tree (..and family, of course)!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without a Christmas tree! With little kids and my family and in-laws to adjust and create traditions with, the tree is the thing that we keep having. I love seeing those lights every morning and evening!
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Driving around town looking at all the wonderful & tacky Christmas lights!
Lots of Christmas Cookies, Christmas Carols (the GOOD ones!!), and a Christmas Tree!!
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a real tree!
…without obscure fruit in my stocking (a weird family tradition). And also mimosas!
Christmas just isn’t the same without family. 🙂
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Christmas isn’t complete until I have my color goody basket from my bff with her famous Christmas “crack” trail mix.
The Christmas holidays are just not the same without friends and family around.
having my kids at home (harder now that they are in their 20s and getting on with their own lives)
Hot wassail and Christmas music while decorating the Christmas tree!
The holidays just aren’t the same without decorating the tree to the soundtrack from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Just did that today 🙂
24/7 Christmas music!
The movie A Christmas Story!
The movie A Christmas Story!
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People I love.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without little Alsatian biscuits called “Bredele” (or “Bredala” in the Southern area).
…and I’m a FB fan too.
Family & friends 🙂
Christmas just isn’t the same without someone dropping a muffin tin on the Chihuahua’s head. It’s a story that goes back to when I was a kid and my mom had her first little Chihuahua, Josie. The dog was always underfoot and when Mom went to pull out the muffin tin out of the cabinet Christmas morning all the pots and pans came crashing out of the cabinet on top of the Chihuahua. This happened three years in a row. On the four year Mom had a new system for her pots and pans and Josie was spared, until someone realized what had failed to happen. My brother then picked up Josie and a muffin tin and gently *booped* her on the head, stating we couldn’t break a Christmas tradition. Now, 2 decades later my brother (who inherited Mom’s love of little dogs) has to *boop* each of his furbabies with one of Mom’s old muffin tins on Christmas morning for good luck. Please note that NONE of the dogs (except maybe poor Josie in the first three years when the pans really did fall on her) were harmed or traumatized in this odd tradition.
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It’s just not Christmas without the smell of evergreen tree. Or family. Or maybe almond roca…
It’s not Christmas without at least one mug of warm egg nog!
Peppermint Mochas at Starbucks!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without so many decorations and lights that there’s nowhere to set anything else down and you have to play power strip shuffle to turn on an appliance.
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Wouldn’t be the same without candles at midnight at my church during “silent night”!
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Snow! We used to go on a skiing/snowboarding trip when I was younger, so even though I grew up in the LA area, we’d have snow on (or around) Christmas. And now, I live in an area where we get real winters, always look forward to the first real snow.
80’s Christmas specials!
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The holidays aren’t the same without my parents getting drunk and singing Christmas carols.
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My pugs holiday pictures 😉
Not the same without going to my childhood home and spending time with family!
Our family recipe caramel corn…it is addictive and wonderful and only made during the Christmas season or we’d all weigh over 400 pounds. But during the season I make many, many batches for neighbors, family and ourselves! And just to brag when my sister, my mom and I all made it one year mine was the best 🙂 We all used the same recipe, but somehow mine won the taste test.
The holidays aren’t the same without mass amounts of hot chocolate.
Family and baking!!
The holidays just aren’t the same without my moms amazing chocolate peanut butter fudge!
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Decorated sugar cookies . . . I was thinking of skipping it this year, but then . . . it wouldn’t really seem like Christmas if I didn’t have a stack to give away. 🙂
…peppermint ice cream!
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It wouldn’t be Christmas without egg nog! Mmmm, spiked egg nog 🙂
Christmas just isn’t the same without my grandma’s banana pudding.
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The holidays just aren’t the same without family and snow. I’m not getting either this year! It will definitely be different.
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They aren’t the same without new pjs, doughnuts on Christmas morning, and watching A Christmas Story over and over and overrrr!
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The baking! I look forward to making all my friends and family Christmas goodies all year!
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So many things come to mind, setting up my nativity scene, the decorations, christmas music and the special foods.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without quiche, mimosa’s, and family on Christmas morning!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without the 3 hour Christmas Eve drive my husband and I do going from his parents to mine.. it’s our own little time together.
A live Christmas tree!
Baking lots of Christmas cookies!
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Pajamas from Santa on Christmas Eve!
Christmas just isn’t the same without vodka.
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Christmas isn’t Christmas without HAM. and the annual cookie party with my friends.
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Christmas isn’t the same without my mom’s family party.
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Christmas isn’t the same without lighted garlands over the windows. Gotta have my lights!
Without homemade irish cream
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Christmas isn’t the same without a Christmas tree.
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Holiday movies with my family. 🙂
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Christmas just isn’t the same without spiced cider from my favorite coffee shop in College Station. I miss college (even though it was almost 6 years ago)!
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Baking and Christmas music.
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Getting and decorating our Christmas tree!
At this point, Christmas music! We’re in a new state this year, so our traditions have to be reworked.
It isn’t Christmas without baking cookies
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Being with family & friends…..having a decorated tree….listening to Christmas music….and still believing in Santa!
Chinese food!
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betty crocker sugar cookies. they are just the best.
Peanut Butter Balls
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Baking a butt load of cookies, fudge and candy! Yum.
Platters full of candy and cookies!
Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without sweet potato casserole and sugar cookies
Without the grandchildren
drinking hot chocolate looking at lights
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Family, good food and Christmas music!
The holidays just aren’t the same without watching Love Actually a thousand times.
Christmas cookies!
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Family and lights! Thanks for the giveaway!
My dad!
Christmas isn’t the same without the candlelight Christmas Eve service at my church.
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Family, gingerbread and nantucket cranberry pie!
Christmas just isn’t the same without a decorated real tree.
It’s just not the holiday’s if I don’t make my Grandma’s caramels.
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Christmas isn’t the same without cutting a fresh cedar tree from our family’s timber and looking at the Christmas cards received with handwritten letters in them while sitting around the wood stove in the family room.
Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without CRANBERRY SAUCE!!
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My mom’s butter cookies! And, time spent with family and friends, of course 🙂
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Mexican food for Christmas Eve. My UPS man brings tamales from home! (San Antonio)
….spending time with family and remembering the reason for the season. Thank you!
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(Sharon O.)
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Holidays just aren’t the same without my mom’s sausage cheese balls on Christmas morning.
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The holidays just aren’t the same without my mother’s delicious cookies!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without all of our loved ones.
The Holidays just aren’t the same without my mom and dad.
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It’s not the same without my grandma’s homemade tamales!
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Christmas carols!
Cookies and our Special Olympics Christmas Cookie Party!
For me, it is Christmas lights and music. Thanks for the chance to enter.
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Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without Apple cider!!
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christmas cookies 🙂
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Christmas just isn’t the same without chocolate chip cookies. It’s a family tradition.
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Holidays aren’t the same without apple pie! My grandmother always made apple pie for Christmas.
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Christmas isn’t the same without yummy baked goods!
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My loved ones who are no longer with us. Miss them all so much.
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Family and friends to spend it with.
It’s never the same when family is far away.
Looking at all the lights and decorations in different neighborhoods.
my family
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Christmas just isn’t the same without a Christmas tree! Love going to pick it out with my husband and decorating it while listening to Christmas music.
Christmas won’t be the same this year now that daughter is married!
The Holidays just aren’t the same without good food, family, and friends. And health.
Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without food, food & more food!
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The Holidays just aren’t the same without loved ones. Trust me. I had to spend Christmas alone last year and it turns out I am not as tough as I thought I was. 🙂
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It isn’t Christmas without my thin gold strands of tinsel on the tree. I’ve has this tinsel for almost 25 years, and I am so particular about picking up every strand when the tree is coming down.
Christmas would not be the same without family gatherings.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without family and booze!
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Watching A Christmas Story and drinking hot chocolate!!
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Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without my family to celebrate with.
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PJ’s from Santa on Christmas eve!
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Christmas isn’t the same without lights to decorate buildings/houses.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without lots and lots of cookie baking!
Motown Christmas music playing
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Watching Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve.
Christmas just isn’t the same without a baking party with my mom and sisters.
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Family! Family makes Christmas.
holiday baking!
The holidays aren’t the same without Christmas music!!
The holidays definitely aren’t the same without my family….and the intricate planning that goes into making sure we see everyone. 🙂
Grandbabies!!! Everything’s better with grandbabies!
Eggnog. ;D
Christmas just isn’t the same without a family gingerbread house decorating competition!
Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without FAMILY and a warm cozy place to call home.
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Family and table gifts for the Christmas dinner!
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My moms tourtière, it’s so good! Also I love getting the whole family together and I try to do this as much as I can over the holidays.
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The holidays aren’t the same without baking cookies and making yummy indulgent food.
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Visiting with family.
My grandmother’s cutout sugar cookies with lots of sprinkles.
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Sugar-cookie cut-outs and family of course!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without my family.
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Being with family. Cheesy but true.
It wouldn’t be Christmas without all the decorations!!
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Baking a TON of Christmas cookies with my mom!
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Christmas baking!
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My Mom, she passed on a few years ago, and miss her every day, but especially on Christmas
I just got back from our local “Light Up a Life” celebration put on by our volunteer Hospice organization. I can honestly say Christmas isn’t the same without lighting up the tree in memory of those I’ve lost (that sounds really depressing, but it is a sweet, uplifting tradition).
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…Norwegian Butter Cookies!! A family favorite.
Christmas just isn’t the same without Lindt chocolate truffles!
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A ridiculously large variety of treats.
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Christmas/Holidays are not the same with out gingerbread houses, cookies, christmas lights and decorated trees.
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Christmas isn’t the same unless I watch Home Alone.
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My dad…miss him lots.
without my family.
Christmas just isn’t the same without the ones I love! My people and my animals!
Christmas just isn’t the same without baked goods and snow!
The holidays aren’t the same without SNOW!
Or family….
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Those little “cutie” mandarine oranges 🙂
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Aaaaand on Instagram 🙂
Gaining 5 pounds
Christmas just isn’t the same without our son picking the menu for Christmas Eve dinner. He’s done it since he was three years old.
The Holidays just aren’t the same without baking with my mom!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without reading Luke 2
…all of our family together 🙂
Christmas just isn’t the same without decorations! I love all the lights and having a tree to get me in the holiday spirit. Also, holiday alcoholic beverages are the best.
The holidays aren’t the same without my family around the dinner table voicing their loud opinions.
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The holidays aren’t the same without family and spice cookies!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without family.
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Twinkle lights!
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…a REAL Cheistmas tree!
A big family meal
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I follow you on Twitter (@runsteelsprings).
The holidays aren’t the same without the Nutcracker and pretty lights!
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It wouldn’t be the same without decorated sugar cookies and our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of French toast.
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Christmas music and lights!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without… lots of family traditions.
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It just isn’t the holidays without family and friends gathering at my home!
Over committing myself to a ton of dinners, baking, present contributions and potluck. I love the holidays, but it is so easy to get frazzled!
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without my dinner of roast pork and rice with pigeon peas. True Puerto Rican!
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Getting together with friends and family.
Decorating the tree and listening to Christmas songs
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Christmas wouldn’t be the same without baking and cinnamon rolls for breakfast!
Its not the same without watching “It’s a wonderful life”.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without family and friends and loads of fun Christmas/holiday parties!
It wouldn’t be the same without… hmm… let’s go with “sitting on the couch with my husband, admiring the lights on the Christmas tree.” Honestly one of my favorite things.
Facebook fan here!
Christmas just isn’t the same without our traditional dinner – roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans and Yorkshire pudding.
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The holidays just aren’t the same without decorating the tree together.
Hot cococa sipping by the fire!
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It’s just not Christmas without my mom’s homemade sausage balls on Christmas morning.
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It sounds terrible, but they’re just not the same without fighting with my mother about the sheer volume of treats she makes! We go rounds and rounds every single season – but I think I’m wearing her down, guys – this year, it’s just 22 different candies, cookies and snacks.
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It’s not Christmas until you find the pickle ornament hiding in the tree!
Tamales and church on Christmas Eve, then pecan coffee cake Christmas morning in pjs, waiting for everyone to wake up to open presents together.
The animated Grinch has to be watched at least 5 times at our house!!
Getting sick from too much eggnog 🙂
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Family of course. And then eggnog and christmas decor
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Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without my family
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Homemade cookies
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Family and lots of baking.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without homemade tamales!
Driving around to look at lights
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without gingersnaps! I’ve been making them for over 20 years.
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The Holidays just aren’t the same without baking a ton for all my friends and family!
Christmas just isn’t the same without my children.
My mother.
Homemade Carmel nougat candy we only make at Christmas and giveaway to neighbors and friends
Christmas isn’t the same without cookies and Christmas Vacation.
The holidays aren’t the same without my husband. Deployments are the pits.
Christmas just isn’t/aren’t the same without chopping down my own tree!
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christmas is not the same without baking and ponche (is like your eggnog) but we make it traditional, nutella flavored or dulce de leche or pistachio, yummy
Frosted sugar cookies with lots of sprinkles, best if made with my mom
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…my Hidden Kisses!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without eating hash brown casserole, eggs, sausage, bacon and toast in our pj’s right after opening presents!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without eating hash brown casserole, eggs, bacon, sausage and toast in our pj’s right after opening all the gifts!
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The holidays aren’t the same without music!
All the homemade ornaments on the tree made by my daughter when she was little.
The holidays aren’t the same if you don’t believe!
… family!
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The ones you love!
Christmas isn’t the same without my sweet baby boy. The hubs and I dedicate all day Christmas Day to waking up, eating a lovely breakfast, and opening presents together. Nothing else. No traveling, no leaving the house, nadda. (Of course I work at a hospital and am quite over-due to be scheduled for Christmas Day, unfortunately.)
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Quiche on Christmas morning.
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Christmas isn’t the same without my mom’s fudge.
Christmas just isn’t the same without family around!
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The Holidays just aren’t the same without a visit to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.
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Christmas isn’t the same without spending hours baking and cooking together with family!
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The holidays aren’t the same without lots of family chaos, but in the best way possible!
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Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without my sister and her kids. they’re all the way in california. we make do by doing video chats and opening presents during that time.
The holidays just aren’t the same without my grandparents. They passed away several years ago and memories come flooding back each year around this time and I miss them all the more.
decorations and lots of baking
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Christmas just isn’t the same without watching Christmas Story on TBS at least once (or ten times) on Christmas eve!
Cold weather! I grew up in Chicago and spent a few Christmases in AZ and CA and it feels weird when it isn’t freezing and snowy!
Lots and lots of Christmas cookies!
i follow you on instagram. zlie17
My grandma’s spaghetti dinner on Christmas eve!
Taking our annual Tacky Lights tour around town
Peanut Butter Bon Bons! We’ve had them every year since I was itty bitty.
Family and all the love filled drama that comes with it.
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a tree
…without family around you. Christmas gets even better when you have children of your own to share with.
Listening to John Denver and the Muppets
My family and anything peppermint.
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Baking and family time!
christmas wouldn’t be the same without three christmases. hear me out: my side of the family is german and we celebrate on christmas eve. we cook, laugh, bake, drink and after we had our fill, we open gifts. we make a day of it. then the hubby and i go home and have our intimate little christmas, just the two of us. we get a little sleep and then off to my hubby’s family we go. food, laughs, baking, gifts. i count myself lucky to be able to spend xmas this way. to most it would be too hectic, but this is the perfect way (for me) to spend my christmas(es) and it wouldn’t be the same without it 🙂
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Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without family.
Christmas just isn’t the same without my mom’s cereal snack!
The Christmas stockings my grandmother knitted for the entire family!
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giving and recieving candy and sweets!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without a tree! We decorated ours this weekend and now I am finally in the Christmas spirit!
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It isn’t the same without family especially the kids
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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My family.
Christmas trees and hot cocoa!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without…guilt. I kid, I kid! I totally mean family. 😉
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The snow!
Christmas just isn’t the same without Christmas dinner with my family – and my aunt’s Swedish meatballs.
Christmas cookies and music!
Christmas trees and lights!!
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Christmas isn’t the same without snow!
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The holidays wouldn’t be the same without snow and sharing great food with friends and family!
Going to the lighting ceremony in our city to watch them flip the switch!
Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without my family being all together in the same house, worshipping the One who this season is all about.
Christmas just isn’t the same without… a cat to knock down in 4 seconds what took 4 hours to decorate juuuuuuuust right. :/!!
A super sparkly tree in the living room!
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Baking lots of cookies!
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Driving around looking at Christmas lights! One of my favorite things to do!
I can’t wait for your pink peanut patty recipe and compare. We’ve made those for as long as I can remember. I’m amazed at how many people have never had them. It’s not brittle people!
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Christmas isn’t the same without all the beautiful decorations & lights!
Christmas cookies
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Mulled wine and Christmas lights!
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Our Christmas tree! (And a bunch of other things like cookies, and hot chocolate, and Christmas movies, and family, and Christmas morning 😀 )
The holidays aren’t the same without family.
Christmas is not the same without homemade sugar cookies!
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Christmas just isn’t Christmas without my family – getting together with those I love, sharing a meal and a giant plate full of cookies and lots of talking and laughing.
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My Christmas is not the same without my mother’s famous cheesecake. My mother makes a super decadent one for Christmas Eve every year, and if there was no cheesecake, I’m just not sure it would actually be Christmas…….
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Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without my mom’s cheeseball and homemade Chex Mix with mulled cider!
Christmas isn’t the same with out getting several sugar rushes while making Christmas cookies, sitting with family around a roaring fire and my MIL’s prime rib!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without snow! ??????
Christmas just wouldn’t be the same with out family and friends!
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and facebook too! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Christmas isn’t the same without… family time! It is even better now that I have two little nieces that make the family time even more exciting.
My holidays just aren’t the same without Bing Crosby filling my house, singing “White Christmas” (whether its the movie or the radio doesn’t matter)!!
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Christmas isn’t the same without our traditional coffee cake. It’s a spiral-shaped rose kind of looking thing from the 1954 Pillsbury bakeoff cookbook, it tastes like cinnamon rolls, and it’s perfect for Christmas morning because you could break off a “petal,” jam it in your mouth, and go back to playing with your toys! I make it to this day so that we can go back and forth between the kids and the tree and the table. My brother-in-law is always up late at night and he says he has put together plenty of bikes and trikes with the aid of the sugar rush!!
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without homemade Christmas Eve pajamas handmade by my momma 🙂
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Holidays aren’t the same without awkward moments! 😉
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Christmas isn’t Christmas without an insane amount of holiday baking. I convinced myself to pass on it this year (too much work, does anybody really appreciate it?) ………. and then on Saturday I began the marathon of cookie madness. I guess I still need it for myself.
A swim at the beach! (Remembering my childhood in New Zealand)
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Christmas isn’t the same without Christmas Vacation….”Merry? That’s my name”—-“No Shit”
They’re also not the same without my uncles Christmas Eve party and homemade spaghetti on Christmas at my grandmothers 🙂
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The Holidays just aren’t the same without family!
the holidays just aren’t the same without family and pfeffernuise!
My family. I hate spending holidays without my two youngest siblings.
The holidays aren’t the same without a trip to Disneyland. Holiday magic!
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I buy stuff on amazon too much also- just placed an order for a cookie cutter today…LOL! Christmas wouldn’t be the same without watching holiday movies and baking festive treats!
Christmas just isn’t the same without my sister and her family coming home to visit
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Christmas isn’t the same without Christmas bread!
the nativity under a lit up tree!
It wouldn’t be Christmas without watching “It’s a Wonderful Life!”
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Christmas isn’t the same without tons of baking.
Christmas just isn’t the same without a real Christmas tree. 🙂
The food. Gingerbread, peppermint, the works.
Also need to watch The Sound of Music at least once on tv (even though I own the dvd)
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Christmas just isn’t the same without my 3 sisters/best friends!
It is not Christmas without family, presents and stress!
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Candy Canes and my Mom’s Cinnamon Rolls!
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Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without family and carols! 🙂
Christmas cookies
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My family!
Hot chocolate & Christmas lights – so magical
The holidays aren’t complete without going to look at Christmas lights. We did it as a child and now my husband and I have continued the tradition with our baby girl.
To me, the season isn’t complete without watching a few Christmas movies. Especially if they are the super cheesy Lifetime-type movies.
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The holidays just aren’t the same without lasagna and making cookies with friends!
the honey glazed ham!
Christmas isn’t Christmas without reading the Christmas story as a family
on Christmas morning.
It’s A Wonderful Life!!!
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Christmas isn’t the same without awesomely stuffed “sockings” (as my daughter says)
Christmas would not be the same without snow…I just feel odd when it is still green outside!
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Without watching Christmas Vacation!
With out christmas music, family and baking! I love the holidays!!!
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My mom.
Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without family.
an uncomfortable phone call from my distant father….fun times. oh wait, you were looking for happy things?? ok. cookies. and truffles. and hot chocolate. I love Christmas!
decorating christmas cookies!
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Christmas just isn’t Christmas without baking. I absolutely LOVE baking, and Christmas cookies are my favorite. My 3 year old is busy picking out what “we” will be making. Who am I kidding–all she wants to do is use sprinkles!!!
Spending a whole weekend decorating Christmas sugar cookies with my mom, watching Home Alone with some hot coca, and Christmas morning breakfast with my parents
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Decorating a christmas tree!
A drive around town to look at Christmas lights and drink hot cocoa!
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Christmas isn’t the same without the Jackson 5 Christmas album!!
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Holiday “bake day” with my daughter, while listening to Christmas music, watching a fire in the fireplace, and making warm memories.
Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without company.
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It’s just not the same without a real Christmas tree!
…a real Christmas tree. I love the smell of pine that fills the house.
Christmas isn’t the same without having company/family over at the house 🙂
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making great food and being around the people you love
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break from school (I teach) and going home to see my parents!
Flying home to Indiana to see my family and friends.
Friends from Wisconsin that we always spent time with at Christmas
It wouldn’t be the same without my mom’s cheese & sausage balls that we always have at our family gathering and her awesome Christmas sugar cookies!
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My husband’s homemade Chex Mix!
time off and lots of family time!
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Rare prime rib and Yorkshire pudding, an old family tradition.
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Christmas/The Holidays just isn’t/aren’t the same without tons of Christmas cookies!
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The holidays just aren’t the same without one of us saying, “Merry %$#&ing Christmas to you!” And meaning it!
A Christmas tree, lots of family time, and singing “Silent Night” by candlelight.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without some cold weather! (ha! That came to mind because it has been in the mid-80’s everyday this December so far here in Florida… I don’t mind the warmth, but would love it to be at least a bit cool on Christmas day.)
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without our traditional Christmas morning breakfast. My dad cooks every year, and it’s a feast!
Christmas isn’t the same without celebrating the Feast of the Seven Fishes the night before! Love the nod to my Italian heritage!
The Holidays just aren’t the same without adults fighting like kids. 🙂
Family. And copious amounts of cookies.
Christmas just isn’t the same without my mom having a nervous breakdown? Does that count?
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Christmas isn’t the same without someone drinking a little too much wine during dinner
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Making it home to be with my family-and watching It’s A Wonderful Life with my mom 🙂
Christmas just isn’t the same without family, and a fancy breakfast on Christmas day! And by fancy, I really just mean fancier than cereal. 😉
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Spiked hot chocolate! And the smell of evergreen:)
Family. I moved to LA in February, so I’m really excited to be going home to NJ for christmas.
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Christmas is not the same without taking a tour to look at the Christmas light displays on Christmas Eve.
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Swedish meatballs. It’s a family tradition to make them for Christmas Eve dinner 🙂
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spending all of my free time with family!
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Christmas just isn’t the same without Christmas treats! No dieting for Christmas.
It’s just not Christmas without singing Christmas carols!
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Not the same without holiday baking! I can’t wait to get started.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without lights, carols, and cookies!
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Its not Christmas without a candle-lit mass and spending the day with the people you love. Great food always helps too 🙂
Christmas just isn’t the same without peppermint hot cocoa!
Making doughnuts for Christmas morning. I’ve been making them every year for the past 40-plus years.
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Christmas just isn’t the same without the Griswolds. “Grace? She died thirty years ago!”
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twinkly lights on the tree and a fire in the fireplace