I’ve had a terrible time keeping up with questions, comments, and email recently. Work has kept me quite busy. What time work doesn’t occupy, remodeling our to-be home gym does.
I found myself with a bit of a reprieve today since the bottom tier of a cake I’m working on won’t come out of the oven for an hour. So it’s time to catch up on a few things…
Gracias to Helene, Cara, and Annie for rating my blog “E” for excellence.
Merci to Tricia, Tara, Julia, and Michelle for letting me know that I’ve made their day at least once 🙂
Thank y’all to Emma and Jerry for thinking I’m interesting enough to tag me for “5 Things.” I have to think about this one…
And a handful of big, fat Woots for Erica, Jennifer, and the ladies from What’s Cooking. Erica entered Dulce de Choco-leche Cake into the annual bake-off at her office and won! Way to go Erica!
Jennifer graciously awarded me a host award for my Lemon Meringue Tartlettes in DMBLGIT February 2008.
The ladies on The Nest’s What’s Cooking Board voted me top three in the 1st Annual What’s Cooking Awards for Favorite Food Photography and Favorite Baking Blog.
Thanks guys and gals! I’m very, very excited. Stoked. Giddy, even. I hope you all are having as much fun as I am!
No, Thank you for your amazing recipes and blogs. You are such a great blogger and your recipes are to die for! I can’t wait to see what you make this week =)
Congrats! So well-deserved! Keep up the fabulousness!
congrats on all the awards, esp the DMBLGIT award 🙂
Way to go, Shawnda!