Almond Sugar Cookie Tarts

Cookies and Bars, Project Pastry Queen

Almond Sugar Cookie Tarts

Katy chose this week’s Project Pastry Queen recipe, Sugar Saucers – large sugar cookies (as big as saucers) topped with lots and lots of sugar.

I have purposely avoided this recipe. There was something about all that unbaked granulated sugar sitting on top of the cookies that was a bit of a turn off. But that’s one of the goals of Project Pastry Queen – to force encourage you to get outside of your cozy little box.

Almond Sugar Cookie Tarts

I added 1/2 tsp of almond extract to the recipe and baked the dough in 4-inch mini tart pans. I also added chopped almonds on top for a bit of a crunch. The cookies are just crisp on the outside and really soft on the inside. It’s not what I think of when I think sugar cookie but that’s okay – because I don’t care for the typical sugar cookie!

The mini tarts may have been devoured warm, topped with a melty scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of salted caramel sauce. You know, “may have” 🙂

Almond Sugar Cookie Tarts

Thanks Katy! You can check out the other Project Pastry Queen members to see how their sugar saucers turned out. Next week the group is going big (again): Texas Big Hair Lemon-Lime Meringue Tarts… but I’ll be sipping cocktails in Mexico at Food Blogger Camp with some of my all-time favorite food bloggers and photographers!