How To Make a Cupcake Cake

Cakes & Cupcakes

Cupcake Cake

What kind of birthday gift do you get for the boy who has everything?

You pick up the remote control to check the score of the Colts game and he yells, “MINE!” before tearing the remote out of your hands.

You get halfway through typing a reminder into your Blackberry and he shouts, “MINE!” as he disappears down the hall with your phone.

You pick up his long-forgotten, sticky lolly-pop off of the fuzzy carpet and he screams, “MINE!” as he lunges for your face. “Dude, you can haaave it,” you think as you fork over the lint-pop (::shudder::) wondering how old he’ll be before he understands that the 5-second rule does not apply to wet food.
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