Jerry over at Cooking by the Seat of My Pants and Chris at Mele Cotte both tagged me earlier in the week for “5 Things About You.” It has been one of those weeks at the office so I’m way behind reading, writing, and laundry – so finally here it is!
It’s a Good Thing
I got my first Martha Stewart Living magazine before I was old enough to vote.
Luved Ya Blue
I know more about football than most men. And I don’t mean I can name the cutest player from every team (although I can probably do that, too!). I mean I bled Columbia Blue from the time I was born ’til the Oilers ran cowering from the city in the early 90’s (but I’m not bitter). Once, I even smuggled a radio into church and listened to a Sunday night game during the service. Perhaps The Buffalo Game was God’s way of punishing me for that 🙂
This place is friggin’ huge!
Other than two trips to Oklahoma to visit my dad’s aunt when we were little, I had never been outside Texas until I visited Miami on a prospective college trip during my senior year of high school. I’d traveled all over the state but never across any of the major rivers to get out.
On the dot
My biggest pet peeve is running late. We are always on time. Always, barring some freak incident or 2-mile long slow-moving train. If dinner is at 7 that means the food will be ready at 7 – and that means it will be cold when you decide to roll in at 8.
Never underestimate a girl with an Xbox
I’m not above playing dumb for dramatic effect – I’ve pulled the “Okay, now how does this thing work again?” just seconds before I mercilessly trounced my husband’s friends in Halo 2. I’ve also pulled the “What’s it called when all your cards are the same design?” and made a killing in Texas Hold ‘Em. Suckers 🙂
Luv ya blue, indeed. Now I’ve got stuck in my head the Houston Oilers song: “Look out football here we come! Houston Oilers, number one!”
I had that song stuck in my head all afternoon yesterday!