It has 15g of protein, enough carbs to kick start your day, and plants. Don’t forget the plants. Because like me, I’m sure you’ve resolved to eat more plant-things this year. So let’s go ahead and scratch the first serving of the day off of your list.
Also, the sweet potatoes help keep the murderous rage away – you know the rage. The kind that comes with the cold-turkey 180 from crap holiday eating. I know you know what I’m talking about. Jason sure does. (giggle.)
It’s a simple formula that has yet to fail me: 2 eggs cooked your way, over something green* and sweet potatoes**.
*I buy 6+ bags of frozen veggies a week: green beans, broccoli, and peas. When asparagus is in season (read: a pound is cheaper than a gallon of gas), it’s my favorite to use at breakfast but it does require more effort than just cutting open a bag and giving the plants a 4-minute spin in the microwave.
**You can make the diced sweet potatoes in bulk on the weekends to reheat or spend ~10 minutes cooking some that morning. I also bake 6-8 sweet potatoes every weekend to eat as sides throughout the week – slicing off a few rounds, sprinkling with some salt and chili powder, and then reheating in the microwave can save you time.
You can get the recipe for the potatoes here. Happy Clean(er) Eating!
I love The Craft clip. I’m sure my husband has seen that look before even if he would never admit it.
Trader Joe’s has frozen asparagus (at least they do right now). I’ve been eating a bag per week (four servings per bag) with no funny pee smell! Today they had GRILLED frozen asparagus, I’m hoping it’s as awesome as their frozen grilled corn 🙂
Happy no-processed food eating!