Have Wine. Will Drink.

in Wine

Pinot Grigio

While we’re waiting on the pizza delivery guy to show up with dinner, Jason is enjoying a horrifically violent game on his new Xbox 360 (an early anniversary/thanks for the kitchen present) and I’m enjoying a glass of our first Pinot Grigio. What an evening 🙂

The kitchen is coming along nicely – all the electrical and gas work is done, the recessed lights are up, and now it’s on to plumbing and drywall this week. I can’t remember the last time I cooked, much less what I cooked. I just spent the last 30 minutes drooling over all the goodies in my Google Reader. So many bookmarks, so many days ’til my kitchen works again!

3 comments… add one
  • Hope you enjoy that glass of wine!
    You will not see Jason much now he has an xbox 360! I am telling you that through personal experience! Graham says over my shoulder, that Jason should get forza 2, which is racing game, where you can design your own cars! Beware on that one, whole days disappear! Although Graham has great fun with it.
    Oh well, it will leave you more blogging time!
    Hope the kitchen is finished soon!

  • It should be finished for all of the lovely fall vegetables, winter squashes, peppers… just keep drinking the wine and bookmarking….it’ll come!

  • Oh man we just started with an Architect. I think I will be in cooking withdrawl before long.

    Check out my personal page!

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